1. Were you a born-in (including those who's parents converted while they were still children) or did you convert as an adult?
Born in (sort of)
2. When you left, did you still (a) fully believe in the truth TM , (b) partially believe or (c) realise it was all a load of crap?
I believed the basics
3. Now, do you still (a) fully believe in the truth TM , (b) partially believe or (c) realise it is all a load of crap?
Crap. The internet opened my eyes
4. When you left, how afraid where you of armageddon TM ?
I figured if god din't want me in his "new system" for who I was, screw him.
5. Do you class yourself now as (a) christian (b) agnostic (c) atheist or (d) other (please state).
Atheist but only after studying the bible for myself