I used to listen to music. If anyone asked I was listening to the FM broadcast of the talks.
JoinedPosts by dudeson
Did you really pay attention at conventions or assemblies?
by donny ina co-worker of mine whose family (2 daughters, wife) are jw's related a funny story yesterday.
his wife and daughters missed the friday portion of the convention last week in order to attend a wedding of a worldly relative.
at dinner she mentioned to him that she would go to the convention this friday to make up for the one she missed.. he then asked why and she said so she could get the information she missed.
Most Badass bassist of all time.
by sooner7nc inyeah, another music thread.
i propose that les claypool from primus is the best of all time.. check out this nib with primus and ozzy.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4by8nalyhrk&feature=related.
I vote Victor Wooten:
Short Film: The Witness........about the door-to-door work
by Bethelite Elder inhttp://worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhvnbxffjkm48yw1ck.
DC 2010 Release - The Origin of Life and its many misquotes
by Designer Stubble inlooking up all the references is a lot of work - one of the reasons nobody normally verifies these, but trust the writers.
as you will see, the writers are banking on this, but it is not a good thing to trust the wtbts writers.
please find the bibliography worked out for quotes 38-51, covering the heading "what about human evolution".. interesting is that many quotes are from the [u]preface[/u] of books, where the authors honestly explain the difficulties and assumptions related to evolutionary science.. [b]what about human evolution?[/b].
Thanks for posting this, Designer.
The Generation Watchtower (TOMORROW!) and The Cough of Incredulity
by slimboyfat inthe watchtower will be studied tomorrow that contains the new overlapping generations teaching.
paragraph 10 reads:.
"he evidently meant that the lives of the anointed who were on hand when the sign began to become evident in 1914 would overlap with the lives of other anointed ones who would see the start of the great tribulation.".
I want to go to this one but I'd like to stay "off the radar".
Book: Who Wrote The Bible - Have you read it?
by mentallyfree31 ini started reading the book "who wrote the bible" by richard elliot friedman this week.
i'm a little over halfway through it today, and have found it to be quite informative and enlightening.
with every page i read, i realize again what a tiny jw bubble i have spent my life inside.. have you read this book?
mentallyfree...You also may enjoy "Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why." by Bart Ehrman.
Amazon can say it better than I can:
The popular perception of the Bible as a divinely perfect book receives scant support from Ehrman, who sees in Holy Writ ample evidence of human fallibility and ecclesiastical politics. Though himself schooled in evangelical literalism, Ehrman has come to regard his earlier faith in the inerrant inspiration of the Bible as misguided, given that the original texts have disappeared and that the extant texts available do not agree with one another. Most of the textual discrepancies, Ehrman acknowledges, matter little, but some do profoundly affect religious doctrine. To assess how ignorant or theologically manipulative scribes may have changed the biblical text, modern scholars have developed procedures for comparing diverging texts. And in language accessible to nonspecialists, Ehrman explains these procedures and their results. He further explains why textual criticism has frequently sparked intense controversy, especially among scripture-alone Protestants. In discounting not only the authenticity of existing manuscripts but also the inspiration of the original writers, Ehrman will deeply divide his readers. Although he addresses a popular audience, he undercuts the very religious attitudes that have made the Bible a popular book. Still, this is a useful overview for biblical history collections. Bryce Christensen
This Video clip was funny about the WTS flip flops on the people of Sodom.
by Think About It inany new "new light" on the people of sodom not coming back?
what other wacky religion would spend so much time comtemplating, thinking upon and flip flopping on this shit?
If there was a "like" button, I'd click it.
DVD "JW's Faith In Action, part 1 Out of Darkness" Omits! Omits! Omits!
by Wasanelder Once ini've been watching the new dvd and it is a bull fest about russell.
i haven't even gotten half way and they already excluded one very important bit of information.
you'll recall that russell "lost" his faith and "turning away from church creeds and searching for truth, russell examined some leading oriental religions, only to find these unsatisfying".
I'd like the link as well. Thanks!
Are you an active Jw or an ex-jw?
by XPeterX inactive unbaptised publisher here.you?
(though i already know the answer for some people).
I'm 24 and haven't been to a meeting in about 4 years.
Day 2 of the Convention is over ... what's missing?
by wannabefree inday number 2 is done.. there was an audio drama, sure, it adds some excitement, hey, its different.. final talk "stay close to jehovah, as jeremiah did" ended with the release of the book ... god's word for us through jeremiah ... not a verse by verse consideration of prophecy, rather, what we can learn from jeremiah's life as a prophet, considers information from jeremiah and lamentations.
(of course informed readers of this site knew of this release already.).
noticibly missing ... jesus christ ... to me it was painfully obvious.. one talk i think was numbing our mind to accept the generation bomb tomorrow.. i couldn't help but realize that throughout the convention so far, the vast majority of scriptural references are from old testament (yes, it was hard not to say hebrew scriptures, so i just did).. i didn't realize it so much in the past, but it seems like jehovah's witnesses are trying to accomplish what the nation of israel couldn't, follow laws.
It may be none of my business, but why did you go the convention?