Just curious to see if its any good, the graphics look incredible! I'm thinking of trying a new MMO, I play wow often but it gets boring pretty quick. Any thoughts?
JoinedPosts by Flarke
Any tryed Aion yet?
by Flarke injust curious to see if its any good, the graphics look incredible!
i'm thinking of trying a new mmo, i play wow often but it gets boring pretty quick.
any thoughts?.
Was I Really A Part of These Kooks? OMG!
by AK - Jeff ini suppose they believe this is good publicity - but these nut cases look like fruits!
this is the first i have seen these, so pardon the repeat if they have been posted and hashed - i just about laughed my ass off, while also feeling tremendous sorrow for these poor deluded souls...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njn-o9j2y98&nr=1.
Wow... that first one made them look like quacks....But seriously, they act like now is sooo terrible (and yeah bad freaking things happen and will always happen but..) Don't they understand bad things have been happening since humans have been on this planet and thanks to globalization now we KNOW about all the bad natural disasters and wars that happen??!!? And all the crimes and terrible other crap that people do to each other?---But has seriously been going on since time began..... Cripes, bad things... WORSE things have happened on this planet before these supposed "end of days"!! Jeeeeeez spanish inquisition, HELLO! the "discovery" of the americas and the obliteration of countless aboriginal denizens?!?! The sectioning off of Africa for European nations coffers and the countless people who got butchered then? What about all those nasty wars that took place in bible times that jehobah supposedly was behind?!?! Oh wait wait... all these bad things happened because its a setup for Arrrrrrmagedon and the end of days..........right..........And I'm seriously still miffed about selling the daughters into slavery business.....GRRRRR...... IF THEY BELIEVED IN EDUCATION MAYBE THEY WOULD KNOW THIS?!?! Sorry sorry, tangent........
Those elders talking reminded me of my dad and set me off!
The view one seriously cracked me up tho, I didn't know that the one lady was a former jw.
Anyway thanks for those videos! They were amusing/thoughtprovoking/engraging/hilarious! I couldn't make it through the last one, it set me through a giggle fit/ "OMG I USED TO BE ONE"--fit
Cheers- Flarke
Anyone enjoy playing World of Warcraft (WoW) ?
by darthfader inmy son got me hooked into playing.
i play about 2~4 hours a week (instead of watching tv - nothing good on anyway).
my son bails me out occasionally its nice having a personal cheat code.
Serious Question - Does anybody know anything about the disease MS?
by JWoods ini just got a call from an old girlfriend who thinks she has been diagnosed with this.
first doctor sent her to a neurolgist to confirm..
I know two people with MS and they have it treated in different ways. One of my friends changed her diet and lifestyle-ie-no drinking, smoking, all raw foods diet, no meat, no processed foods, exercise, etc--in other words VERY STRICT! Another friend that has it just ignores it and goes on with her life. Both seem to be doing fine. I heard a big trigger for the numbness (caused by the lesions) is stress. Another interesting fact is that MS seems to be a northern climate disease; most people diagnosed live in northern climates... Interesting huh? There are lots of books out there with "pseudo science remedies" which I don't totally buy, but whatever helps someone get by who has MS is all good with me I guess. Anyway, sorry to hear about your friend J, just be there for them, thats the most important thing!
Roll call - How many here fake being a "good Jehovah's Witness"....like me!
by Witness 007 inthere is no truth...i know that.
to please my mum while she's alive and wife i go to meetings and the 3 day convention coming up.
i would rather go to the dentist.
I faked it for two years after I turned eighteen (and had moved out of my parents house) while living a secret double life as a beer swilling, motorcycle riding, cigarette smoking, wicca dabbling lesbian.... HAHA!! It was really akward when I got a shepherding call about not going to enough meetings (in my defense I did work the second shift)... I febreezed the hell out of my apartment and lit incense to get rid of the cig smoke and hide any kind of lesbian paraphernalia that I had, made sure all of my JW literature was sitting out like I actually was reading the s***.... Thank god it was one of the few nice elders we had that visited with his nice ministerial servant son... It wasn't so bad. But yeah the faking it killed me. Especially since the whole congregation suspected me of being of the homosexual persuasion since I was a teenager.... I did have my sister (who attended meetings pretty regularly) who totally knew of my double life and would actually come with me to dance at the gay clubs, I'm very lucky I had her support at that time of my life!
Do you have GOSSIPERS and those with STRONG PERSONALITIES that "control" the congregation?
by BonaFide ini bet a lot of others have, and its strange how so many are powerless to do anything.. one sister i know was married to another jw.
he was unfaithful, she was crushed, he wasn't disfellowshipped, she forgave him, he was cruel, finally she committed adultery to get out of it.
they divorced.
I went out on service with a family that would bad mouth my own family! They would say that they "weren't spiritual enough," "our clothes were old and ugly" "I needed to wear more business type womens clothing" "your sister doesn't seem interested in going out on service" blah blah blah... stuff like that. And this one bitch (scuze my french) called my little brother "ugly" all the time. I wish I would have punched that fat ugly biotch!! out. I was ashamed I was too afraid to stand up for my own family against these chronic gossipers, I still regret not speaking up fifteen years later! (or kicking some gossiper ass...
What did you dream about doing in the "New System"?
by lurk3r inlife in the new system, did you give it much thought?
sure, we would be brought to perfection, and there would be a resurrection, but how about other things?.
in my years growing up and living as a jw, i never really thought about it that much.