Simpley Great...thank you Simply Amazing.
Jackson, of the amazed class
prophets of gloom & doom!!!
i trust that this is worth your reading.
in 1985 a book was published called, the great depression of 1990 with the sub-banner, has it already started coming true?.
Simpley Great...thank you Simply Amazing.
Jackson, of the amazed class
so we can see that the early jehovah witnesses believed that jesus parousia began in 1874. the truth book states this above and it is in all the old books.
so we can see that the early jehovah witnesses believed that jesus parousia began in 1874. the truth book states this above and it is in all the old books.
this statement is coming from the organization that offered the scholarship and keeps written records of such.
Great stuff!!! The assholes are lying and know they're lying and don't give a f--- about the lies. God must be laughing his ass off because people actually believe he is leading those liers.
hello, i've been lurking the board for quite sometime now and i have also read crisis of conscience.
my hubby and i stopped attending the meetings since december and had our first christmas in 6 years.
it was fun although the feelings of guilt are still within us.. we've been visited by the elders twice but we managed to keep them at bay.
Hi Calico. I have two cats and love them both. Maybe I'll get a Calico someday, who knows. And yes, the hurt and anguish will pass. But the anger probably won't. That is why so many of us are here. We know that smart and questioning JW's visit this sites. Personal experiences and sound research on JW doctrine can help them decide what the GB is really doing and why. So many have seen the pure power play of the Boys in Brooklyn as just another misguided attempt to control peoples lives for their own ends and have left. Nothing new under the sun, eh! Good Luck.
Jackson - of the left as quick as I could class.
ihardly ever look at h2o now that all the interesting posters are here, but i took a look today for old time's sake: how utterly changed the place has become!
a handful of messages on the front page, many from the evangelical (or worse, the joshua92's) crowd.
where is the volume from the old days?
I miss the original H2O. That was the best. Threads clearly visible so you could ignore You Know or Fred. Now it's slow and the old the people who made the old board interesting are here. Sad! But time marches on. We go where the info is better.
does anyone have an answer to this question?
other than 'partaking', what exactly is it that 8,000 old boogers do the rest of the year?.
doesn't anyone else find it odd that out of these 8,000+ old boogers, only like 9 of them are on the gb?
Their role is to shutup and be quiet. They are nothing more than talking dummies to the Borg in Brooklyn.
dont you know that there is no more important magazine on the earth today then the watchtower magazine?.
as we know it is in that very magazine jehovah makes his official notifications to mankind.
since jehovah apparently isnt at all interested in reaching all of mankind he isnt using tv or radio.
The Borg want you to die for dissing them, for cause. Great Stuff.
'look after orphans and widows in their tribulation' june 15 2001 wt.
this article is so poor its unbelievable.
pity the r+f will likely miss the insidious undercurrent that basically the wts isnt going to do anything for widows and orphans.. after describing how in bible times widows and orphans were looked after the article then went on to relate how they are looked after by the wts.
I really hate the WTS bullsheet about widows and orphans. Some sisters and my wife visit an ederly widow from time to time. They buy her groceries and other stuff to help out. This they take on themselves. No elders can find the time or money to help out. Of course window washer U grads aren't making a whole lot of money so I guess many have to keep what they have. But I really hate the crappy emotional rantings of the WTS. What asses!
hi everyone, i'd just lke to see if anyone has experienced any of the problems i have as a result of leaving j-dubs.. i know that it is quite common for people to have anxiety or 'panic' attacks.
these are when a person feels uncomfortable in a certain situation that can result in them feeling as if they are about to die.. i have noticed that since leaving, i have had quite a few of these attacks.
i don't know if it is coinsidence or attributed to.... i tend to get them in social situations, whether it be on a bus, just generally talking to people, walking down the street, eating at tables with people.. i have had to go to the doctor because i have had heart palpitations(fast heart beating).
I agree with Joelbear that the problem is mostly inherited. My family has a history with this kind of stuff and I have suffered for 35 years. What a DRAG! My attacks were so severe I was afraid to eat in a restaurant or go to a show. Medicine has helped a great deal and relaxation techniques are showing promise for me. One thing you must understand, is to not let the attacks scare you anymore. I especially want the attacks to come when I'm at home. Then I can practice deep breathing techniques to get over them. The more you see the attacks will pass, with no harm, the easier it will be for you. Good Luck. Jackson.
Abstain from blood, means no blood in all cases. Products made from red blood cells of cows would be prohibited if the Brooklyn Borg actually followed the scriptures. I'm sure they will tap dance and say Hemopure isn't blood in the sence of the Bible and allow it. That way they can say, "See here, we are are allowing our followers real choices in this kind of therapy." Not allowing for the many who have died because of their mindless, petty, and un-scripural practices that have condemned so many to surfer so needlessly.
so i get this envelope in the mail.
i know it's, like, apostate stuff.
because it doesn't fall to the floor after coming through the letter box.. inside is an invitation:.
Wonderful Stuff. Keep it coming.