Spot on Seeker, very sad but kinda inevitable. I believe it sunk under the weight of its own bad kama (with the stated goal of nazi ... um ...watchtower reform, what else could it do?) Any group promoting or trying to reorganise watchtower tyrany is going to meet stiff opposition and resentment from those who have left and cherish their new-found freedom. To me it's significant that the most oppressive moderators (who have deleted well over 100 of my posts in the last few months without a word of explaination) are not and have never been JW's. I don't mean to offend any reading this who have never been JWs, it's just that for people like mods 55 and 105 (who have never been JWs) to ban subjects for discussion like polygammy on the grounds its an illegal activity irrellivent to a JW discussion board boggles my little brain.
It was sad to see the good ship go down Seeker, there was much deep posting there. The Mods seem to be unaware that entertainment and fun is a big part of a successful board. It was wonderful to see Simons board florish and reach the critical mass that has made it the best JW discussion board ever. This place has everything, serious articles, news, humour, I raise my glass to the great worldwide network of friends and comrads who have made it so. Long may it prosper!
Simon - You're a champion and I won't presume to give you any advice except please ensure any moderators have a few years JW experience under their belt. There are some great people here who are well respected and trustworthy. best wishes. (I'm not gonna hug ya either ;)
PS: Don't blame me for lumbering this place with Francoise - blame that illusive pimper-nailing bastard FOCUS!
PSS: Hey NewLight2 - How about you send some of your 'never been a jw fundy crappers' over here to see what happens? As for Norwegians - Kents banning was an absolute disgrace and triggered the avalanche (as you well know) STILL don't get it do ya? unc who edited this post just to insult ya