will the movie on the wtbts sinking be available in 3d
JoinedPosts by finallysomepride
What similar features do the "Titanic", and the "Watchtower Bible and Tract Society" have?
by koolaid-man inhttp://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20120131141401aaf9wu1.
undecided questionshow me anotherwhat similar features do the "titanic", and the "watchtower bible and tract society" have?the h.m.s.
titanic, was not paying attention to the ice lanes, and..... .
WTF? Steven Untank's money accounts suddenly closed!!
by mind blown inthis is weird?!
i just came accross this on mr unthank's personal site: http://stevenunthank.wordpress.com/monies/i recently read something where the wts is, let's just say connected, to various institutions/companies to wield/get their way.....is this one or just coincidence?
moniespersonal message from steven unthank.
what cedars said
WTF? Steven Untank's money accounts suddenly closed!!
by mind blown inthis is weird?!
i just came accross this on mr unthank's personal site: http://stevenunthank.wordpress.com/monies/i recently read something where the wts is, let's just say connected, to various institutions/companies to wield/get their way.....is this one or just coincidence?
moniespersonal message from steven unthank.
size just noticed it
WTF? Steven Untank's money accounts suddenly closed!!
by mind blown inthis is weird?!
i just came accross this on mr unthank's personal site: http://stevenunthank.wordpress.com/monies/i recently read something where the wts is, let's just say connected, to various institutions/companies to wield/get their way.....is this one or just coincidence?
moniespersonal message from steven unthank.
I have not trusted Westpac Bank for many years, I will not bank with them ever infact I will never walk into one of their branches ever, again I conseider them as a bunch of (stucn) arsholes (sorry if any one here works for them it's not personal against you).
I was warned about paypal a few years back & I still use them if I have to, but where I can I use Paymate.
Most likely WT has shares in ebay/paypal & putting pressure on them, just my guess.
What's your opinion?
by noontide in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:worddocument> <w:view>normal</w:view> <w:zoom>0</w:zoom> <w:donotoptimizeforbrowser /> </w:worddocument> </xml><![endif].
whats your opinion of your human resources department?
nowadays most companies, large or small, have an hr department.
in my experience/opinion the only reason HR dept exist is so the company does not get sued, not for the betterment of the employee/potential employee
What's your opinion?
by noontide in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:worddocument> <w:view>normal</w:view> <w:zoom>0</w:zoom> <w:donotoptimizeforbrowser /> </w:worddocument> </xml><![endif].
whats your opinion of your human resources department?
nowadays most companies, large or small, have an hr department.
my last company i worked for, an american owned company here in australia, we nick named the HR team "the toe clippers"
What's your opinion?
by noontide in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:worddocument> <w:view>normal</w:view> <w:zoom>0</w:zoom> <w:donotoptimizeforbrowser /> </w:worddocument> </xml><![endif].
whats your opinion of your human resources department?
nowadays most companies, large or small, have an hr department.
HR dept a mainly anal retentive species, present company excluded
Do You Ever Feel Invisible?
by Broken Promises ini'm walking around the street or shopping mall.
people almost walk into me.
umm, can't you see that a person is only inches away from your body?.
Hello BP
Take a BIG Bite and then spit it out, what's in Big Macs
by designs inmcdonald's annouced they are stopping the use of pink goo, ammonium hydroxide, in their burgers...but:.
propylene glycol, carmine food coloring, shellac, l-cycsteine(made from hair and hooves), lanolin gum, silicon-dioxide are common ingredients in our processed foods..
but they are open when i need food 11:45pm - 2am only once a week tho
Draconian Rules for Attending "Special Convention"
by BluesBrother inbritish dubs are invited to attend a special convention next summer in dublin , irish republic.
o k, this kind of trip has been done many times before.
however i have never seen such a crude and rigid set of rules that would apply to their own people going on a trip, at their own expense of course.
Another MLM conference for those who have reached GOLD STATUS