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humanist views: how to talk to a jehovah's witness.
humanist views - august 2012.
thanks for posting, will have to come back to finish viewing
alex, our youngest, married monika fischer on july 1. i thought i'd toss out a few pictures as everyone involved was making an effort to look presentable.
the groom.
the bride.
jeff, thanks for posting, looks like everyone had a great time, congrats to your son & daughter inlaw
there are a lot of interesting people that frequent this site.. sometimes, we get an idea of what the posters are really like in "real life".
and i'm sure i could be easily surprised by some that you think might be strong personalities because of their board presence, and in reality, they might be shy in a face to face setting.. i would enjoy meeting simon.
simon used to be terribly annoyed by my posting and now i think he's accepted with tolerance my being here.. farkel seems like a grouchy cantankerous fellow but i think he'd be very interesting company!.
no picture
i find the olympics a big bore but then again! so many hot lookin babes
hi guys & gals,.
i keep getting asked if jw's are the only ones that will survive armagenocide.. here's my response those emails -
jaymes .
yes, so they (jdubs) say, but then again they have also said others will survive too........................what a load of BS
didn't see it
do members of a congregation usually snitch on each other for "sinful behaviour" a fellow member is caught doing ?.
like smoking for example.
how common is this snitching in the name of jehovah and is it encouraged by elders or in propaganda works ?.
WTF....Wonder how many plp she has ever stumbled, what a bitch, & the lame pricks who followed it up
you could have turned it around on her & claim that you were stumbled by her not declaring to you that she was also a jw
i've has conversations with certain elder friends but i never gave them a total pummeling, at least i haven't yet.. what about you?.
don't forget all that new light BS that you missed out on, i think you need a study (not)
i've has conversations with certain elder friends but i never gave them a total pummeling, at least i haven't yet.. what about you?.
yes, but only at the door, when they had no idea who i was, i was long out, & i'm 1000 miles from my last congo