well said
besides having to sit through endless boring meetings during the evenings when they should be in bed getting their necessary rest for school the next day, they are falling asleep in the chairs with their little heads falling over.
then all their fun is taken away by such a strict religion and a desert god which makes them grow up with no self esteem whatsoever.
they tell them they're all sinners from the womb up and only a rod will remove it.
well said
this is the real estate page:
I only went to 1 assembly at Papakura shortly after it was finished, hated the hall & that was one of my very last assemblies
this is the real estate page:
Black Sheep
Yeah it was, crap place to park
not enough space for meals
dear brothers:.
you will be pleased to know that the governing body has approved displaying the official.
logo for on assembly halls and kingdom halls.
did anybody else get an announcement at their meeting about the branch approved business cards?.
apparantly, they're real slick and fit into your wallet (making it easier to informal witness).
the logic was, some people don't want to be handed a big tract and would prefer something smaller.. so strange considering how little there is to those tracts!
make ya own copies, & link them back to jwfacts
was that important for you?
most people, i believe, forced themselves to give an answer.
i knew many elders and servants over the years being counseled because they rarely answered.. funny mom who is 88 cries if she doesn't give a comment.
probably count on one hand the number of times i anwsered up at the kh, book study a bit more often. i hated i, no personel additions, all straight from the articule. i refused to annwer even when the conducter threatened to put me on the spot while i was on mic duties
i am inactive for about 10 years now..
Baptised 1981 and went inactive november 1981
contnued to attend off & on until memorial 2002 and never been in a kh since.
Refound this site in 2009 and has totally cleared my mind of any notion that there is any truth in 'The Truth'
"the rnwt replaces "kyrios" (lord) with "jehovah" in translating romans 14:8 as follows:.
"for if we live, we live to jehovah,*+ and if we die, we die to jehovah.
* so both if we live and if we die, we belong to jehovah.".
ok so... how to condense all the flip-flops and doctrinal changes, and show graphically how the different doctrines changed, and when?.
ttatt in a can!!.
enjoy ;).
great effort
many on this board are still in and have all the literature.
do you read all your books regularly?
do you have old magazines that you have underlined and still keep?
I have long dumped all the mags and books, not even a bible left in the house, i do have some items in digital format, but very rarely read