Suppose the following choice were offered you, and you had to choose one or the other. Which would you pick (and perhaps why):
1) You can continue living your life as it is, die when you might, and that's that.
2) You can instead agree to die in 1 year in exchange for this: You will be granted access to the entire past and future history of intelligent life in the universe. You can peruse it during the next year at your leisure, sort of like a 100% accurate wikipedia of civilized history. The entire future fate of our Earth, of our Solar System, of our species, how things will ultimately end. The entire past present and future of all other intelligent socities that are extinct, extant, or yet to come. This is a macro set of information: you won't know the future of your family or menial details of your random corner of the globe. You cannot share ANY information with anyone else in any way. Your last year will be yours to use as you please: travel, read this treasure trove of knowledge, say goodbyes, etc.
Would you take that deal?
ALSO: For the devout believers, this question is trivial and meaningless so no need to really chime in if this question is irrelevant to you because you believe you will be resurrected anyway and have a sort of full history anyway in the Holy Bible. That is not interesting.