Hmm, reminds me of the "green handshakes" given to the DO's and CO's. But certainly that would not be considered a bribe by Watchtower standards. Yes, shame on you Watchtower!
Posts by jaded
Two APPAULING articles in one Watchtower - June 15, 2003 - SHAME ON YOU!
by Confucious indear anyone who might be reading this from bethel:.
first of all, i am a "brother" in the congregation.
i'm not going to meetings, nor am i following your unwritten rules - but i am not df or da.. there are two articles in the june 15, 2003 watchtower that you should be ashamed of.. the first article is on pope alexander vi.. here, the article bashes the pope (whom by the way, i don't think deserves anything less).. however, the article talks about everything from him living in luxury, affairs and other bad stuff he's done.. and then the article brings out, (paraphrasing) "well, if this guy is so bad, what does it tell about the religion.".
Today was our Granddaughters first birthday...
by jaded inwe are having her party tomorrow.
we love this baby so very much.
she is our precious little angel.
Thank you blondie and little witch. It is hard not to have regrets. I will try to take your advice. It's time to move on. And it's almost party time!
Today was our Granddaughters first birthday...
by jaded inwe are having her party tomorrow.
we love this baby so very much.
she is our precious little angel.
We are having her party tomorrow. We love this baby so very much. She is our precious little angel. Just makes me wonder how we could have ever fallen for the JW crap that celebrating birthdays is wrong. How could we not have celebrated the birth of our own children? No wonder so many JW kids end up so messed up. I am glad to have a second chance with my granddaugher but also regret having missed so many special moments with my own kids. Feeling happy to be "out" and sad that we were ever "in". So much wasted time...
Cruise Tips Anyone?....
by Sentinel inhubby and i are about to embark on our first cruise this coming weekend.
we fly to ft. lauderdale, and sail to key west and then to cozumel and back to ft lauderdale.
(five days, four nites) we are on the royal caribbean line, and our ship is the enchantment of the seas.. have any of you taken this cruise before?
How exciting! You will have a blast! Hubby and I will be going on our fourth cruise in Sept. We will also be going to Cozumel and Key West. Also Grand Cayman and Disney Cruise Line's private island, Castaway Cay. We have only cruised with Disney. We love the atmosphere. We were treated like royalty. Relax and have fun. I bet you will be booking another one when you get home. That is the only way to get over "cruise withdrawal".
ex-JWs: Do you now say "Bless You!" when someone sneezes?
by Yizuman in.
most jws can't say "god bless you" or "bless you" when someone sneezes for fear of blessing someone with the wrong god.. now that you are out, do you have the nerve to say it?.
Guess old habits die hard. I've never said it. I will have to make it a goal. I will feel one step further away from that cult!
Did You Attend Meetings When You Were Away On Holiday?
by Englishman inmy parents did.
as a youth, i would accompany my parents to wherever they decided to holiday that year.
number 1 priority was to find the local kingdom hall!
Only once when staying with my uncle in Phoenix. And that was because he thought we should. Funny thing was, he wasn't even a JW. Just thought that we should go to "church" even though we were on vacation. Good thing that he didn't know we had other meetings besides Sunday. lol.
Anyway, you all know how you are supposed to be greeted and fussed over because you are a "new face". We were completely ignored. We had to initiate conversation with the "loving brothers". What a waste of sunny weather.
by Mary in.
okay, we had the "who's the most gorgeous woman in the world" post, so what about the male species??
hmmmmmm.......without a doubt, i'd have to vote for elvis when he was he was good looking!!
Steven Tyler of Aerosmith. In my fantasy world I go for the bad boys of rock.
Wacko Talks
by gitasatsangha inshare one of the odder/funnier talks you've heard (where the manuscript went out the window, along with any degree of decorum, preferably).
one time a brother had a 15 minute part and he spoke very calmly and relaxed.
he smiled all the time, but the part seemed aimless.
At a circuit assembly in the early 1980's there was a talk about babies being enemies of Jehovah. Sick! You know what is even sicker? By the end of the talk we were all mindlessly sitting there nodding our heads in agreement. Only a cult could have such control!
What Were You Told That You Had To Work on By The Elders?
by minimus inthe elders feel obliged to have you work on at least, something.
what did they tell you?
Here's a good one. This happened to a friend who was reaching out for elder and wondering why he wasn't being appointed. Drum roll...Because he didn't tuck his shirt in at social gatherings! Friggin' idiots! Just cannot believe that I actually used to listen to all the crap that they spewed!
More American Idol
by Mulan indid anyone else have a hard time deciding who should be bumped this week?
i thought everyone was wonderful.
i was so shocked they booted julia d'amato.
Yes, it is getting very hard to boot someone off this show. They are all so talented and they really sound great when they all sing together. I, too, would have booted Ricky. It is going to get harder each week. It's hard to see someone go.