JoinedTopics Started by jefpainthorse
Strange cult that could be a clone of the WTS from the 1920's?
by dissed inas strange and odd as this controlling cult is, it almost describes to a 't' the wts lead by judge rutherford from the 1920's.
the wts back then, that the now jw's do not want anyone to know about.. doomsday group?
narcistic leader?
Anyone seen Gran Torino?
by John Doe inthe new clint eastwood movie.
i watched it last night, and thought it was pretty good..
by tiffy0212 inlooked into hubby's bag and found this paper.
they want to know person to contact in case of emergency , name of person in case of a disaster or evacuation-where would you like to go?
those who might be traveling with you (name, relationship.
Are You Still 'Politically Neutral'?
by leavingwt inare any of you still 'politically neutral' for biblical reasons?
just curious.. .
Where Are They Now?
by minimus inwhere are people like ozziepost, unclebruce, jt at??.
do you ever wonder where certain people are?.
What do you do to keep blood flowing to the brain?
by John Doe inif you work in retail, i'm sure you've had this situation.
a drop dead knockout woman walks in who's dressed provocatively and asks you a question.
you can actually feel the blood draining from your skull and your speech reverting to a grunting, stumbling cave man talk.
What can be done about those who go berserk with a gun?
by badboy ini don't really understand the phenonoma.. .
I Have A New Grandson But He's Very Sick :(
by minimus inhe was born yesterday with many complications including breathing problems, possible lung underdevelpment, anemia and body temperature issues.
the poor little guy was hooked up to a breathing tube and tons of monitors.
because the hospitals couldn't handle some of the problems, they sent him and my daughter to the best hospital in boston last night.
How Being a Witness made you Lose out on Higher Education and Careers
by flipper inhi, folks.
been thinking of this, because of having been raised in the witnesses.
i reflect back on opportunities i would have encountered and seized, had it not been for being controlled by the witness organization being told higher education was not needed.