Also less money spent on concessions = more money placed into contribution boxes.
Really? Fascinating. Money wins, then.
so ever since they discontinues the food service at the assemblies and dcs, jws have been "lovingly encouraged" to pack a light lunch to eat.
the secretary at the hall that i am held hostage in said during the service meeting that even a sub would be too heavy to eat, and that a light salad was the best option.
what do you fine people think is the real reason why, in the absence of food service, jws are told to not leave the building at lunch?
Also less money spent on concessions = more money placed into contribution boxes.
Really? Fascinating. Money wins, then.
so ever since they discontinues the food service at the assemblies and dcs, jws have been "lovingly encouraged" to pack a light lunch to eat.
the secretary at the hall that i am held hostage in said during the service meeting that even a sub would be too heavy to eat, and that a light salad was the best option.
what do you fine people think is the real reason why, in the absence of food service, jws are told to not leave the building at lunch?
There are only a few reasons the Watchtower gives orders: (1) control, (2) money, and (3) to avoid/minimize some form of legal liability.
Since there's no legal issue at stake, it's narrowed down to either control, or money. Arenas and stadiums are usually downtown, where events of some kind give those vendors money anyway. JWs buying lunch from takes money from the grocery stores that are farther out, near the hotels. A lot of money, when you put it all together. That's a stab in the dark. [edited] Also to be considered is that if JWs go to nearby vendors, the argument is, why not just keep the vendors that are INSIDE the arena and have them operate same as if it was a sporting event? If stadium staff sees JWs going to the vendors, that would become an issue--and I presume that could make renting the stadium more costly? It would also mean more non-JWs on site who aren't there for the convention. Knowing that all non-JWs are sadistic, child killing heroin addicts, that could be a concern, too. I don't know.
Control? Could be. Perhaps it makes it easier to monitor JWs (as a whole) when they don't venture away from the convention site. That way, no leaving early, wandering back to the hotel for a nap or immorality, and more room for 'wholesome association' (a way for the group pressures to take root even more firmly).
My money's on control, personally.
i have recently been thinking about this as it was a big life changing decision.
only now do i realize it wasnt about doctrine.. the reason was because i wasnt happy and didnt respect the elders and the congregation was made up of unhappy people.. i was always being lectured for being happy.
when i had a study that came to the meeting i thought thats a good thing, and i was happy.
I, too, found that I was unhappy, but my belief was that I had to stay in the organization, since it was the true religion, whether I was happy or not. The alternative was a fate worse than death. A time came when I finally decided to question my assumption that it was the true religion. Facts had to be the deciding factor, not merely my displeasure with the way things were said or done in my personal experience.
It stuck in my head that the Society was repeatedly warning people not to talk to apostates, so I figured there had to be some reason they were so afraid of us doing that. So I started with the deadliest of apostates, Google. By the time I was done researching on my own, I was pretty convinced something was wrong. Learning about how cults work (via Steve Hassan's excellent book 'Combatting Cult Mind Control') and reading the brilliant books of the late Raymond Franz ('Crisis of Conscience' and 'In Search of Christian Freedom') pretty much convinced me it was time to get out.
Unhappiness is a starting point for leaving, at least for some. I needed facts to be sure about what my decision should be. If I hadn't found anything solid, I would still be a JW right now. Unhappiness may actually be enough for you, though, as it is for many people. Whatever the case, I'd still recommend at least reading Steve Hassan's books, just for reference purposes.
Glad you're out. Thanks for sharing. And enjoy the excesses in booze and women, at least until you become a pig farmer....[rimshot]
so, we're in the final countdown with the convention just over a month away.
i've talked to a few folks that have already attended it on the east coast and west coast and keep hearing that its the most up-building program they've ever been to.
seems the message is clear that we need to stop being so hard on ourselves and take time to appreciate the efforts we have put in and know that we are deeply loved.
Seems the message is clear that we need to stop being so hard on ourselves and take time to appreciate the efforts we have put in and KNOW that we are deeply loved
I'm sorry, are you sure these people were actually at a convention? Of Jehovah's Witnesses? Okay. I guess they didn't hear all of it, because none of the assembly or convention programs ever, EVER tells people to stop being so hard on themselves. If they do, I must've been distracted by the 50 interviews with people who are pioneering in spite of debilitating illness, unemployment, and etc. Which always gave me the message that, if they can do it, you're not doing even half of what you're supposed to do.
Also, you are deeply loved so far as you obey. I'm sure that was understood by all in attendance.
Funny thing is, I didn't always feel it was the 'best convention yet'. For me it was more like 'this was the best convention since 2003' or something like that. I mean, without a really, really cool new book, or an epic drama with hilarious stuff in it, it just couldn't be that good. And realizing that our being ordered not to go across the street to buy food from local vendors may have helped ruin those businesses didn't make me feel particularly good, either.
Counting down, though. Just a month away now...
did you get baptized without being dedicated?.
why did you allow men to come between you and jehovah?.
why were you serving jehovah at all?
Did you get baptized without being dedicated?
No. I was totally dedicated. As with any relationship, it became clear to me over time that the premises upon which I was led to make that dedication were false premises. So I reevaluated them, and made a decision that I could not in good conscience continue to dedicate myself to the God that the Watchtower promotes.
Why did you allow men to come between you and Jehovah?
It wasn't up to me. Those men were already there in the first place, insisting that I had no choice but to accept them as coming between me and Jehovah, or else I could have no relationship with him at all. Note what the July 15, 2012 Watchtower, page 20, paragraph 2 says: "It is vital that we recognize the faithful slave. Our spiritual health and our relationship with God depend on this channel.--Matt. 4:4; John 17:3." The God of the Bible would regard this statement as blasphemy. It is faith in Jesus Christ that enables a person to have a relationship with God, according to the Bible, not the recognition of a faithful slave. This is clear, documented proof--easily substantiated by further, similar quotes--that these men provided the above false premises upon which I based my dedication. Jehovah saw everything they and their predecessors have done for more than a century, and not only did he not correct them, he allowed them to fall into even greater errors as time went on. It is obvious that if such a God exists, he would not allow his true teachers to print statements like the above. And on the other hand, true teachers of God would never allow themselves to print statements like the above.
Why were you serving Jehovah at all? Out of love, or for other reasons?
Out of love. Certainly not for a date, as none was given to me. Of course I wanted to please my mother, but I sincerely believed such service was the right thing to do. I believed we were bringing hope and morality to the world, and that if everyone shared our beliefs, we could end the suffering of mankind and finally build a better world. For me personally, I believed it would protect me from the dangers of sin and guide me into a close relationship with God.
"Whenever you vow a vow to God, do not hesitate to pay it...What you vow, pay. Better it is that you vow not than that you vow and do not pay." (Ecc 5:4,5)
How does one make a vow to someone who does not in turn communicate in acceptance of that vow? It was clearly a one-sided relationship. Me doing the talking, the reading, the working, the struggling, and the hoping, and him doing something unknown and unknowable. And being mighty quiet in the process. If he wants to have a relationship, like any good parent, he should communicate through something a little clearer than a 2,000+-year-old book consisting of history and letters written to people who are not me. Someone with that much power and allegedly with that much love, can surely do better than that.
this doctrine change is very interesting.
the july 2013 study watchtower pages 8 para 17 and 18 makes these statements....... .
""""we understood that the arriving mentioned.
"It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is our plan."
comments you will not hear at the 06-09-2013 wt study (april 15, 2013, pages 7-11)(read bible).
4. what does it mean to read the bible in an undertone?.
1:6) how, then, are we to understand jesus words about this generation?
20 Recall that God’s will is that “all
sorts of men should be saved [but only if
Jehovah's Witnesses recruit them].” Jehovah’s
servants [Jehovah's Witnesses] are among “all sorts of men [yes,
but a different sort of men--a better, morally superior sort].” So
are those whom we might help through
our preaching and teaching work [but they're a different sort--morally
inferior, ignorant, generally evil in even the most mundane areas
of their lives. They can't even brush their teeth without doing something
evil. I don't know what, but believe me...they're wicked]. But
all who wish to attain to salvation must
gain “an accurate knowledge of truth [become Jehovah's Witnesses
by learning and believing Watchtower teachings].”
(1 Tim. 2:4) Thus, surviving the last days
goes hand in glove ["Wow! Another metaphor! This is Patrick Stewart.
How are you enjoying the article so far?"] with reading the Bible [and the Watchtower]
and applying its inspired instructions [as explained by the Watchtower].
Yes, our daily Bible [and Watchtower] reading shows how
highly we esteem Jehovah’s precious
Word of truth [, the Watchtower. It's actually no stretch to say that when
Jesus said "Your word is truth", he was talking about the Watchtower. Without
the Watchtower, the Bible would have no meaning at all, it would be utterly mysterious
and incomprehensible. So, read the Bible, by all means. But believe the Watchtower.
Or else].—John 17:17.
comments you will not hear at the 06-09-2013 wt study (april 15, 2013, pages 7-11)(read bible).
4. what does it mean to read the bible in an undertone?.
1:6) how, then, are we to understand jesus words about this generation?
19 The deeper we get into the time of
the end, the greater our need to rely on [obey without question]
Jehovah’s Word [the Watchtower]. The counsel we draw
from it helps us to correct bad habits [as defined by the Watchtower] and
to control our sinful tendencies [suppress normal feelings and emotions]. With
its encouragement [browbeating] and comfort [or lack thereof], we will
pass the tests that Satan and his world [everyone but Jehovah's Witnesses; us-versus-them]
bring on us. With the guidance Jehovah
provides in his Word [and the Watchtower], we will [not die in Armageddon] stay on the
road to life.
comments you will not hear at the 06-09-2013 wt study (april 15, 2013, pages 7-11)(read bible).
4. what does it mean to read the bible in an undertone?.
1:6) how, then, are we to understand jesus words about this generation?
18 Paul also mentioned a helmet, “the
hope of salvation.” Without protecting
his head, a soldier in Bible times could
easily lose his life in battle [unlike today,
where people have guns. Today, it's totally
different]. But with a
good helmet, he could survive blows to
the head without suffering serious injury [Oh yeah?
You try getting hit in the head with a slab of metal
that weighs several pounds].
We build hope in Jehovah’s saving
acts by studying his Word [we gain this hope somehow,
despite the Watchtower's apparent confusion over whether God
will protect us as individuals or not. See Yearbook examples
of people being saved, and other
Yearbook examples of people being brutally murdered. Pick
whichever one makes you feel better today, and go with it.]. Strong hope
enables us to resist apostates [those who disagree with the Watchtower] and their
[documented evidence, pointing out what the Watchtower has said in print in their own words
(lies to the public, false prophecies, unscriptural rules about medical practices,
poor handling of child/spousal abuse, disturbing views on rape),
pointing out Bible verses that are taken out of context, and academic dishonesty in
their scholarly research]
gangrenous [facts tends to grow on you] “empty speeches [but wait,
I thought you weren't supposed to listen to apostates at all. How can you
hear their empty speeches if you're not listening? You don't need to resist
what you've never heard in the first place, right? ??? Oh, so Jehovah's
Witnesses ARE listening, then, or else you wouldn't have mentioned this?]." (2 Tim. 2:
16-19) Our hope will also strengthen us
to say no to those who would lead us into
conduct condemned by Jehovah [the Watchtower]. [Young People Ask drama video,
Worldly Boy: "You're different from the other girls."]
comments you will not hear at the 06-09-2013 wt study (april 15, 2013, pages 7-11)(read bible).
4. what does it mean to read the bible in an undertone?.
1:6) how, then, are we to understand jesus words about this generation?
17 For good reason, Paul wrote: “As for
us who belong to the day [especially Batman, who
finally stepped out into the light to stop Bane and save
the city], let us keep
our senses [lose all rational, objective thinking ability] and have on the breastplate
of faith [blind belief] and love [sacrifice of all that you are
for the sake of people who could care less about you] and as a helmet the
hope of salvation [and hope to be rewarded after you're dead,
but then if you're dead, you can't confirm that anything you did while
you were alive was at all worth it, since you're kinda hoping the guys
printing this magazine aren't just you].” (1 Thess. 5:8) A soldier’s
heart needs protection from the
enemy [Cheerios can help with that, I hear]. Similarly, a Christian’s figurative
heart requires shielding from the power
of sin ["Are our shields even up?" "We can't take another hit like that! Their weapons
are powerful!"].
What happens when a servant
of Jehovah [one of Jehovah's Witnesses] couples strong faith in God’s
promises [blind belief in what the Watchtower says] with love for Him
[the Watchtower] and for fellow
humans [fellow Witnesses and potential recruits until they reject our message]? Such a servant puts on a
spiritual breastplate of the highest quality.
It is unlikely that he will do anything [stupid or whatever the Watchtower says is wrong today]
to lose God’s [the Watchtower's/the elders'] favor.