The other thing I'm thinking of, as I read this transcript, is, the elders barely even take time to greet people before they do their five-man huddle at meetings, in many cases. It's highly unlikely, based on the general conduct of elders, that they would have been able to really keep an eye on him or stop him from isolating a child somehow. He didn't grope his stepdaughter at the meeting, so obviously he wouldn't have done that to any other kid in plain view of everyone else.
And they keep using the analogy of adultery as a basis for the need for confidentiality. Most people don't need a lot of protection from someone who commits adultery, because that person usually isn't preying on any and everyone. I just don't get it...(sigh)
For whatever reason, they think that because Awake! says the obvious, that parents need to protect their kids, that this excuses the Society from any responsibility when, heck, the elders won't even give them the full story about what happened, apparently. It's crazy.
The other thing is, how is it confidential when (1) the entire body of elders is informed, (2) whoever you spoke to at Watchtower is informed, and (3) whoever reads the letter you sent to Watchtower is informed as well? That's like nearly 10 people you just told right there. Usually the rumor mill catches stuff people do, where I come from--but apparently not in this place.
The guy was put on probation, and that doesn't prompt the elders to go and pay a visit, ask about how they're doing? Also, they don't speak to the 15-year-old stepdaughter alone, they ask her about molestation in front of both parents??? Yeah, that's going to work out well. Worse still, if they knew he was lying about it being an accident, what reason did they have to believe that what he told them was exactly what happened?
Well, detectives these guys ain't.