Great thing is, the WT has made interesting references to events recorded in more detail in the Proclaimers book (like 4 out of 7 of the board of directors wanting Rutherford to return decision-making authority to the board as a whole, as discussed in the July 15, 2013 WT). I've read some of the critical analysis before, and it's excellent stuff. The Proclaimers book is very revealing once you understand that the history is spread out amongst its pages so as to dilute the proof of flip-flops in doctrine and so on... --sd-7
Posts by sd-7
Crtical Analysis of the Proclaimers book
by cantleave injust found this on google.
i'm sure this has probably been posted on jwn before, but its new to me and will be to others..
Post 6: My brother turns on me now - Possible Legal advice
by sosoconfused inthis is a letter i received today with my brother turning on me based on something that was told to him by my crazy mother.
he works for me, yet has not spoken a word to me in months because he is a self-righteous little dick.. .
what i would like to know from someone who knows the law, is it possible i can sue him if he pressures people to not work with me because of my religious beliefs????
Please know, that at this point, this is my private decision. I will not discuss it with any of the brothers and sisters in the area who work with you. If in time, circumstance are such that its necessary to do that, I will.
In this statement, he has stated an intent to discuss your personal beliefs with your co-workers (employees?) at some unstated point in the future. This in itself is not proof that he has done so, however, and even if he did, he is now (from what I gather) no longer in your employ. Since he no longer represents your business, there's no legal basis for anything here, as he has not done anything from a legal standpoint other than resign and give you a personal letter stating the reasons for doing so. So I don't believe you can sue or anything. Without documented proof that he did make good on this threat/intent, this would be no more than a he said/she said situation. And even then, since he no longer works there, and deals with these men and women on a personal level, I just don't see a legal leg for you to stand on. If he still worked there and did that, it would be grounds for immediate termination on the basis of discriminatory behavior being actively promoted in the workplace.
But this is getting complicated. Seems to me he's lying about a number of things here. Lie #1:
Please note that this has nothing to do with your feelings about the organization at this point.
Lie #2:
You are my brother. I love you unconditionally.
Lie #3:
Please be assured of my continued love and support, both brotherly, familial, and principled.
There may even be more in there. These are unconscious lies, I would guess. He doesn't realize he's lying. But if he is concerned enough to stop working with you, that is a very loud and very clear statement that Lies 1-3 above are clearly false statements. If it had nothing to do with your feelings about the organization, what else is going on you've not mentioned? If he loves you unconditionally, what reason is there for him to essentially threaten to speak to other employees about your personal beliefs? This is a violation of basic ethical behavior. It's not unreasonable that you refrain from discussing personal beliefs at work especially if they're divisive ones. sounds like you're getting hit from all ends, man. How are you even functioning? I'd be furious. I hope you'll be okay. I really do.
Friend gets "scriptural divorce" over wifes transgressions before they got married...
by sosoconfused inso i have a friend in a congregation in new jersey who recently called me to tell me that he got a divorce.
nothing surprising there at first but it is the fact of when it happened.
his wife began pioneering april 1, and after about three weeks she came to him and told him that about 4 years she had engaged in loose conduct (fondling the penis and the guy kissing her breasts) during a time that she was inactive.
Dude! If I had known this...maybe my wife would've had scriptural grounds for divorce if I just hadn't told her about that first woman and then brought it up at the judicial committee! Me and my big mouth! Son of a beast!
Change of 144000 doctrine?
by Julia Orwell ina friend of mine just got given a recording of the last ca which was held here a couple of weeks ago and she said there's been a change to the 144k teaching.
she didn't understand what the hell they were rabbiting on about.
she's really waking up as a result of all these changes, and so are some others she knows.. anyone know of any change to the 144k doctrine?
I did not get an answer. Perhaps she didnt hear me?
Should've used your Patrick Stewart voice.
Why does god kill children?
by Comatose ini was thinking about all the accounts in the bible that indicate god kills children as a punishment or teaching experience.
1. kills all of egypts firstborn sons, who were innocent kids who did nothing to him or his people, who had no control over the decisions pharoah made.
how many times have you read that account or thought about it without realizing the devastating pain dealt to all those parents, and remembered those were innocent kids?.
Kill all your family even infant siblings then be made your killers young concubine plaything.
I would imagine this didn't always turn out too well...don't drink any warm milk they give you, I'll tell you that much...
Why does god kill children?
by Comatose ini was thinking about all the accounts in the bible that indicate god kills children as a punishment or teaching experience.
1. kills all of egypts firstborn sons, who were innocent kids who did nothing to him or his people, who had no control over the decisions pharoah made.
how many times have you read that account or thought about it without realizing the devastating pain dealt to all those parents, and remembered those were innocent kids?.
David sins with Bathsheeba, god kills the baby as punishment. In fact, the bible he struck it a blow and that it suffered for a week prior to dying. WT says this was a loving thing to do since David was worthy of death, lovingly god spared him. Screw the child though.
WT even went so far as to say that David and Bathsheba no special right to the child, and because of sin, the child had no special right to life, either, and thus God could justly kill the about sick...since that reasoning could be used to kill practically anyone.
Why does he do it? He's got some anger issues, I would guess. If you look at it, he does an awful lot of murder, genocide, more murder, more genocide, mass near-extinction-level event, more murder, then a soon-to-come unequaled mass murder that will make Hitler look like Mother Theresa.
Maybe he's just looking forward to a number of Awkward Resurrection Moments. Hey David! Here's Uriah! Better make sure he doesn't read 2 Samuel...this time without arranging his death, will ya? I'm assuming Lot sobered up enough to figure out what his daughters did to him, but that's still going to be awkward...[Lot reading Genesis] "Oh, man, you mean, like, EVERYBODY knows about this?"
Are Jehovahs Witnesses raised to be Anti-American?
by Joliette inwas thinking about this yesterday on the 4th?
due to the practices, no voting, shunning activities, not getting involved with the community, school, etc, etc.
what do you guys think?
When I told my parents I vote on a regular basis, they laughed at me, (seriously). Jehovahs Witnesses are the last people that need to be laughing at anymore. In a nutshell, do you guys think that being so anti american is harmful.
I think the perspective on that can be very subjective. When I was in, I didn't think of it as being anti-American so much as being anti-politics-and-war. I still had my political viewpoints, though I of course couldn't and wouldn't vote. I'm sure a lot of JWs, while they subscribe to the party line of looking forward to the Kingdom to solve everything, do at least lean one way or another despite being neutral in terms of their actions. On the other hand, those who subscribe 100% to the JW worldview, would indeed be rather rigid in their viewpoint and anti-whatever-government-there-is. I've learned how difficult it is to have this sort of conversation with such a JW, in my years of being married...I say that in the nicest way possible, of course...
But even so, I didn't particularly look forward to a world ruled by the Governing Body, seemed like kind of a dictatorship that appeared to be benevolent but was clearly too mysterious for me to be entirely comfortable with. Not to mention a number of logistical issues that would come up there...
What piece of WT literature is worth holding onto, or have you kept? Why?
by losingit ini have basically thrown away all of my bound volumes and loose wt and awake magazines.
i kept some bpoks, the insight to the scriptures, god's love, the reasoning book, and daniel's prophecies (this was my favorite) .
i held onto insight to the scriptures after reading some of ray franz's book, crisis of conscience.
I've kept everything I took with me when I moved out of my parents' place nearly 4 years ago. I'm not really sure why. I don't read them anymore, except occasionally for reference purposes. Some of my old books are even on my wife's 'theocratic bookshelf' if you will.
The fact is, as long as I'm still married (probably until death, I suppose), I'm still tethered to the JWs. There will likely be more situations in which I may actually bring their literature with me (like when I attend a random meeting because the Mrs. needs someone to watch the kids while she gives a talk). But that's not really a valid statement, either, as I would probably just bring my NIV Bible with me and no literature, since it's so much easier to see how nonsensical it is using the Bible alone. Seriously, try it--with a Bible alone at a meeting, it's amazing how much you realize is just in the literature and not at all in the Bible. (No, don't try it, why would you do that? That's crazy.)
I think I haven't moved on fully. It was a part of most of my life. I can leave, but throw away souvenirs from 20+ years of my life? Even as horrible as it still feels inside, to have been fooled, it's a part of my history. Maybe if I'm ever truly free of it all, maybe then, a glorious bonfire, like a Darth Vader funeral pyre or something...but until then...
Yet Another secretly recorded Judicial Meeting for you...
by RayPublisher inyet another secretly recorded judicial committee hearing...the hero of this story is rachel... this brave and funny kiwi lady stands up to the local elders and goes through this scary situation with grace and logic and so much class!.
bravo to her husband who comes along to support her and her goal is to awaken and perhaps reach the hearts of these men that are poised to spiritually execute her.
this goes right against the false label applied to so-called apostates by the wt society that they are insincere, slanderous people out to hurt the faith of others.. listen to the story unfold as rachel boldly shares her research and her conscience with these men.
I shouldn't torture myself by listening to this sort of thing, it triggers what must be PTSD in me. And yet I can't seem to resist. If only I had two hours to blow on this sort of thing, I would. Maybe I'll check it out in more detail another time...thanks for posting it. People do need to hear exactly what goes on in these judicial hearings, because it is unreal. They can get away with saying all kinds of stuff behind closed doors.
Friend gets "scriptural divorce" over wifes transgressions before they got married...
by sosoconfused inso i have a friend in a congregation in new jersey who recently called me to tell me that he got a divorce.
nothing surprising there at first but it is the fact of when it happened.
his wife began pioneering april 1, and after about three weeks she came to him and told him that about 4 years she had engaged in loose conduct (fondling the penis and the guy kissing her breasts) during a time that she was inactive.
That's not a valid ground for "scriptural divorce" by any stretch of the most insane imagination. There is no way this is valid by JW standards, absolutely NO WAY. Those elders have gone native, and way, WAY off the reservation. I can only think they must've really hated her for some other reason.