But seriously, this certainly highlights once more the absurdity of the grandiose claims the Governing Body makes about itself. So, not only did the faithful slave not known its own identity for nearly the past century (more, really), but they didn't know the proper/full/2.0 meaning of the divine name, either. If these basic things require updating, there is absolutely no basis to believe any of the other complex things were accurate, either. These are things that the channel of communication should logically be expected to know perfectly from the start.
So God's all like, I can't tell you who you are accurately; heck, I can't even tell you who I am correctly!
So this is like a 'hurry up and get this information out to update everyone' thing. This may perhaps be one of the most literal '1984' moments since they did something similar with the Revelation book. Or indeed with the New NWT itself. The past has been brought up to date. "B..B! B..B! B..B!"