Well, I know last year I had my Skullcandy headphones and was listening to my iPod shuffle for the whole program. I looked around on occasion, noticed one young fellow giving me a little smirk. I had a feeling he probably could've cared less about the convention, too. Other than that, yeah, folks were snacking and napping during the program. But yeah, those folks were probably not the norm. Most people seemed zoned out and were staring at the platform. Man, that Esther drama sucked. I couldn't wait for it to end and I wasn't even really listening.
Anyway, yeah, the dress and grooming are definitely uh...you know, often the young sisters are doing a JW version of sexy out there. Not that it ever mattered to me, really. I usually stayed in my seat during lunchtime or walked around by myself. The few young ladies I met by chance never seemed particularly interested. But it did a number on my hormones, though. Trying to last the whole weekend without resorting to the unclean habit of mas--was always a challenge. But then, once I got reprogrammed, it was like I had a really cool deflector shield that could stop anyone. At least for awhile, and then it went back to normal.
Well...I guess this year is a temporary break from conventions. Will I return next year? I don't know. But this isn't about me, it's about expressions on faces. Mostly people were pretentiously friendly to each other. "How are you??? I haven't seen you in forever! Blah blah!" And so on. It all seems very different though, once you're being shunned and all.