How ridiculous that a group of people should frankly read a portion of scripture, take it out of context, and apply it in a way that has cost hundreds, if not more, lives.
Once again, the Society show that sound Biblical scholarship, textual integrity, and cultural awareness are absolutely unimportant to them - rather, what is important is that the Society "show themselves" to be "different to Christendom", by coming up with interpretations of Scripture that make them stand out from their co-religionists. It doesn't seem to matter how many lives are ruined, or how unsound and fundamentally idiotic such positions are - all that matters is that the Societys' claim as the sole arbiter of truth, and the ethnocentrism and exclusivity of the Society is reinforced. And if people do die? Well, they'll get resurrected, so...........that's the kind of heartless attitude they engender.
I have to say that the whole idea of blood fractions reminds me of the petty legalism of those who used to believe that actions under the law could earn God's favor. The whole notion of legalism means that in reality, you end up making more and more laws, more and more "principles", for more and more hypothetical situations. Beware the leaven of the Pharisees, indeed.