Disturbing Letters from/about/and TO the "FDS"...

by AGuest 32 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • AGuest

    To the Household of God, Israel, and all those who go with... may you have peace!

    Over the past week or so I have had reason to research various websites exposing the hypocrisy and heinous acts against children by the "wolves" of the WTBTS. Various dear ones have taken up these issues and brought that "beast" (Revelation 13:11-18) to task to a great degree. While reading one of the these sites (SilentLambs.org), I was directed by our Lord to two letters that, while certainly issued with extremely good intentions, brought me great sorrow and disturbance. And then I heard my Lord speak... and direct me to speak... to the authors and supporters of such letters. I am not directed to take issue with the content of such letters - again, the intent was from a "good" place; however, I am to address that while such letters attempt to apologize for the abuse of children done and/or hidden by or under the consent of the WTBTS organization... which apology are more than appropriate and deserved... the authors in NO way DENOUCE that "beast"... and those who have it's name... and the number of its name... as belonging to Christ. Rather, they call for "reforms" within that beast! It is such calls that I am to address and do so here.

    The word of my Lord to the "Faithful and Discreet Slave From the four corners of Jehovah’s Earth," and " active members of the Jehovah’s Witnesses International Organization"... is HOW CAN THAT BE?

    HOW can the Holy Spirit, Christ, call for such a thing? If he didn't call for it with regard to the "beast" of HIS day in the flesh (Revelation 13:3; Isaiah 30:26; Lamentations 2:13; Jeremiah 14:17; 30:12, 13)... the Judaic system with its temple... which system was established BY the Most Holy One of Israel, Himself... but instead set up a "form of worship" that REPLACED that system altogether... worship that must be done IN SPIRIT... AND TRUTH... why in the WORLD would he even consider reform of the WTBTS? Can "new wine" be put in "old" wineskins? As he is recorded to have said, doesn't "a LITTLE leaven... ferment the WHOLE lump?" And isn't such "leaven" hypocrisy? If, then, the "head" of the beast is FULL of leaven... FULL of hypocrisy... wouldn't the BODY , by direct connection/association... be also?

    Again, I am not directed to take issue with the INTENT of the letters... which attempts to show that the authors in no way support the practices and customs of the WTBTS as to matters of child abuse. But the spirit of our Lord compels me to ask such ones: HOW, in the name of our Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, our God, the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... and ALL that is HOLY... can you KEEP touching that "unclean" thing... in ANY way??? Isn't THAT was Paul was writing about as to those who are "condoning" such things?? Why is it that you have NO problem applying that verse to homosexuality and those who don't judge such ones... but can't see that clinging to the Governing Body of the WTBTS as your "leaders" under these circumstances it is the EXACT same thing, indeed, even worse? How is it that you can't see... IF INDEED YOU ARE A MEMBER OF THE BODY OF CHRIST... ANOINTED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD... the UNCLEANESS of that organization, by means of the UNCLEANESS of its "leaders"? Did not such "anointing" give YOU eyes to see?

    I am directed, therefore, by the spirit of my Lord that is in me, HOLY SPIRIT, to say to you that if you are indeed even TOUCHING the "unclean" thing... YOU, TOO, ARE UNCLEAN. And that if you do NOT... GET OUT OF HER... you WILL share in her sins... which have amassed clear up to the heavens... and, therefore, her plagues. Indeed, I must say to you that the "anointing" you CLAIM to be from God, through Christ... is FALSE... because you are not taken IN "as sons and daughters"... UNTIL you "quit touching the unclean thing." You CANNOT be!

    In the meantime, I am to say to you that have no problem staying... and touching... because by doing so you are actually demonstrating that you are in fact part of the Harlot that rides on the scarlet colored wild beast... which beast receive ITS authority from adversary of the Holy Ones, that [Poisonous] Viper, Satan the Devil! Revelation 13:1-17

    Babylon the Great, the filthy HARLOT... is made up of those who CLAIM to be "anointed" and thus "sit a queen"... who are in the WTBTS... and any OTHER "religion", "institution", group, body, association... by CLAIMING to be in union with Christ, the King... but are in fact spiritual ADULTRESSES. In HER... is found the blood of the PROPHETS, our brothers. She is the MOTHER of the harlots... AND THE ABOMINATIONS of the earth! Truly, is not child molestation an ABOMINATION? Is it not, perhaps, THE abominiation? (Revelation 17:4; Matthew 19:14; Matthew 23:13)

    What little child, I am to ask you, would want to serve God after such an ordeal? Virtually none. And so, because of such acts... and the covering up of such acts... the name of God is blasphemed. But isn't it WE... the supposed "holy ones"... who are supposed to STAND UP... indeed, stand in the GAP? How can we do that if we can't even bring ourselves to denounce such "wicked" leaders... and STOP FOLLOWING THEM? Indeed, we were NEVER supposed to follow them, but to only follow our Lord - if, however, we can't even leave off following them under THESE circumstances... WHEN can we? WHAT WILL IT TAKE??

    I am not yelling, dear ones, but the Spirit is quite active right now and I am directed to EXHORT you... to WAKE UP. I can say, all day long, "stay awake" but remember: there are TEN virgins and while ALL of them fall asleep, only FIVE have "oil" in their lamps (vessels)... when the Bridegroom arrives! The other five RAN OUT OF OIL... because they DIDN'T HAVE ENOUGH when they started... and didn't have TIME to get any when they learned the Master was on his way!

    Now, I am to post the letters so that you will see what I am referring to... in order for your memories... and hearts... to be jarred. Some of you will take issue with me: who is SHE to be saying such things to anyone, let alone us, who profess to be "anointed" and the "faithful and discreet slave." To that, my Lord directs me to direct YOU... to the account at John 9:34-41, and tell you to pay PARTICULAR attention to his words at verse 41.

    To others who would take exception, I am to say to that this exhortation was direction to a specific group of people. It is NOT "general" in nature, at all. It is NOT for "everyone," and so if you wish to take exception, although that is your prerogative, I will not be permitted to respond. For, per my Lord, the matter does not concern you and so no reply will be given you.

    To those to whom it IS directed, my only wish is that you have... or receive, if you indeed wish it... ears to hear. This exhortation, the plea to get OUT of her, and the Spirit and the TRUE Bride as THEY say to YOU:

    "COME!... for you truly have NOT done so, yet... take 'life's water'... the TRUE holy spirit of God, the true "oil [of exultation]" which can only be given you once you begin to cleanse the INSIDE of the cup... which cleansing starts with at least acknowledging YOUR part in this "error"... and which oil is poured out from the innermost parts of my Lord and Master, the Holy One of Israel, the Holy Spirit - JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH - the Son and Christ of the TRUE God, the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... and NOT from the two "horns" of the wild beast that comes out of the EARTH (Revelation 13:11) which horns LOOK like a "lamb"... but SPEAK... as a [poisonous] VIPER... FREE!"

    Servant to the Household of God, Israel (which Household you CLAIM to belong to)... and all those who go with... and a slave of Christ,


  • AGuest

    Here are the letters (may you all have peace!). Unfortunately, BOTH indicate that your "power", those of you who profess to be holy ones... is impotent. And that is true... because you have GIVEN OVER YOUR POWER... and continue to GIVE OVER YOUR POWER... to ANOTHER "leader"... the WTBTS... rather than remaining loyal to your ONE TRUE LEADER, the Fine Shepherd, Christ:


    July 28, 2001

    The Faithful and Discreet Slave
    From the four corners of Jehovah's Earth

    Brother William Bowen
    Paducah KY, USA

    Greetings to our Dear Brother Bowen,

    As a large group of the Faithful and Discreet Slave, a part of the anointed remnant of Christ's Brothers from around the world, we wanted to commend you for your fine work that you have done. This is a letter of support. We know that it is not easy to go against the policies of the Governing Body. You are courageous and bold. We appreciate the work that you are doing on behalf of the lost sheep that have been neglected and abused by elders and indirectly by the Governing Body for not putting proper policies in place to assure the safety and security of all members old and young alike.

    Your hard work of community service with the silentlambs website and the 800-WT-ABUSE, phone number has helped many that have been wounded and scarred by representatives of the WATCHTOWER Society.


    So many have lost their love and trust in Jehovah God. This is a crime in itself! Parents and other family members have lost faith because of the hypocrisy and the deception carried on by brothers in the back room with secret meetings. Unfortunately, the outcome of these meetings has hurt so many innocent lives yet protects the criminals in this circus of a pedophile paradise.

    How can this be? What is going on? What does our dear master, Jesus Christ have to say about this? How would secret meetings in the back room be conducted if He were there in person? What about the thoughts and feelings of our dear heavenly Father Jehovah? Have any of these men thought about our spiritual family in the heavens?

    Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the angels all see and hear everything. God will bring judgment against these perverted hateful wicked evildoers! What bloodguilt has been heaped upon their heads!

    Are their decisions based on the Bible or on demonic influence?

    How disgusting for Jehovah to look down and see homosexuality running rampant at Bethel while out in the congregations a pedophile paradise exists. So many parents are grieved over their children being victims of these activities "sponsored" by the direction of the Governing Body. While it may not happen in every congregation, even one is one too many! Do we have 100 cases? Could we have more?

    Churches of Christendom earth wide are dealing with pedophiles in their midst! Are we any different? NO! With the exception that Watchtower Corporation, wants to keep their dirty little scheme a secret! So we ask: "What are they hiding?" Why don't they admit guilt, make amends, pay restitution, forgive, go to the authorities and then implement new policies pertaining to these perverted people that are in our ranks.

    The Anglican Church of Canada read a letter to all of their congregations on Sunday, May 28, 2000, stating that they could be in financial ruin because of litigation from over 100 cases of proven child and sexual abuse. Their sex offenders are in jail. What about our children and those who prey on them? Are our perverted sinners still speaking from the platform, still going door to door, still in good standing? Are our frightened children told to be quiet and do as they are told? We should learn a serious lesson from the Anglican Church. Their ministers are taking the right steps to get the authorities involved, to quit hiding, to admit guilt, say they are sorry and make restitution. Instead of pointing a finger at them, the Governing Body needs to take a hard look at the repentant behavior of the Anglican Church and learn from their example!

    If we do not take action can we say we are any better than these churches? News reports and TV coverage of pedophiles, homosexuality, adultery, bribes and payoffs as well as lawsuits dominate the front page and national news in countries around the world. Will we be next? If so what would that do to our clean image? Have we become like the Pharisees? We are shocked and appalled at the breath and depth of this horrendous problem. We are unable to make suggestions to the Governing Body and the Legal Department. They have turned a deaf ear to us. Do they think they are above the LAW of Christ and of the local authorities? (Romans13)

    What would Jesus Christ do? How would Jesus Christ handle these sensitive matters? When will these atrocities stop? Where do we go from here?

    We as Jehovah's Witnesses who are part of Faithful and Discreet Slave, Christ's Brothers, Joint Heirs, the Anointed Remnant stand on the side of justice, wisdom and love with Jehovah and Jesus. We do not condone or wish to share in the sins of the Governing Body. We do not agree with the policy of two witnesses and hiding the pedophile. The leadership of the Governing Body has disappointed us and let us all down. They seem to be more concerned about the Organization's image, protecting assets and distracting from the real issues. The Governing Body deserves censure. JUSTICE must be served. Jehovah will punish them severely for this and other crimes. This letter serves to remind the Governing Body of the Faithful and Discreet Slave members that have tried to intervene and been ignored! Jehovah will see that the truth comes out! Whether or not the Watchtower cooperates with the authorities we have to wait and see. The record shows that they are guilty of destroying evidence and creating appalling spin stories of blame and denial. They have been known "to evict brothers and sisters from Bethel for trying to speak out". It is a mockery a terrible reproach on Jehovah's name. If other honest-hearted brothers and sisters really understood these matters, they would be appalled. Is this what Jesus had in mind when he said, "By this all will know you are my disciples, by the love you have among yourselves?" Are we really adhering to this standard set by our Master?

    "You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood a holy nation, a people for a special possession...called out of darkness into the wonderful light.... Have love for the whole association of Brothers." (1Peter2: 9,17)

    "You should all speak in agreement, there should not be divisions among you. But that you be fitly united in the same mind and in the same line of thought." (1Cor. 1:10)

    Do we all maintain a high level of moral cleanness among our members according to the direction offered at 1Peter 1:15,16 and 1Cor. 5: 9-13? Are we truly doing all things for God's Glory? (1Cor.10: 31)

    In Titus 2:11,12 it mentions being instructed by God, "to repudiate ungodliness and worldly desires and to live with soundness of mind and righteousness and godly devotion." You and your family are certainly obeying the scriptures and applying the fruitage of the spirit in your lives. Jehovah will bless your efforts for taking a stand for righteousness sake and helping your fellow brothers and sisters in their time of great sorrow and need of true understanding.

    Brother Bowen, you have the compassion in your heart to help our heavenly Father's children. You have created a place of refuge for the distraught and depressed. You are truly a Brother in every sense of the word. You have given hope when there was only despair. You have given a light when they saw only darkness. You were finally a listening ear at the end of a telephone line when no one else cared. You were the light that gave direction, understanding and reassurance. Confidence, freedom, and trust have been taken away from all of the victims. You have lovingly found a way through your perseverance and kindness to restore these to those that have lost them.

    Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the work you have done.

    May more righteous hearted brothers join you in this endeavor to allow the healing and reconciliation of these poor souls to begin. May the truth come out, no matter how much it hurts so we can all become complete in our hearts toward Jehovah. May your family find peace and strength in staying close to Jehovah, in this time of difficulty. We realize that you may have lost friends and loved ones over these issues. But know that true friends will stick closer than a brother. Please do not neglect to forgive those persecuting you by praying for them. We know that your heart is pure and it will move you to do what is right in the face of adversity. We respect and honor you for being one of our dear brothers.

    At this time, we would like to take this opportunity to make a public APOLOGY to all of those that have been hurt and stumbled by the pedophiles that have been allowed to continue in our midst with the holy blessing of the Governing Body. We are shocked and stunned by these increasing horrendous true to life accounts. We wish we could tell you how deeply sorry we are in person. This should never have happened to any of you. This is a heavy Burden to bear.

    Clearly, we are greatly saddened by these atrocities. We love you and want the best for each and every one of you. Some of us also have been molested and or raped as children, teens or as adults. We feel your pain: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Please remember that Jehovah loves each and every one of you. He will not turn his back on you the way humans have done! Please pray to him and establish a close relationship with him. He truly cares for you.

    We see that the time for reform is long overdue. We have wanted it for a long time. Unfortunately, we have no power. We do not make the rules. The suggestions we have offered have fallen on deaf ears by those in Brooklyn.

    As a collective body of the Faithful and Discreet Slave Class throughout the world, we want to wholeheartedly suggest the following directives be implemented by the Organization:

    1. Pedophiles that engage in heterosexual and/or homosexual acts be disfellowshipped and leadership privileges be taken away for life if reinstated.

    2. The authorities should be called first if molestation occurs.

    3. The elders as well as congregation must be more supportive of the victim and family.

    4. We need a zero tolerance policy regarding child molestation and sexual abuse.

    5. Both professional and spiritual training should be conducted to enforce these proactive policy changes. There must be a program especially designed around this issue in the next Kingdom Ministry School for elders and ministerial servants.

    6. Access to Rape Crisis Centers and Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Centers for professional counseling in local congregations.

    7. Brothers and sisters from every congregation should be trained to assist the young ones in this situation.

    The message needs to be clear: There will be no sympathy, no hiding place in our midst for those hurting our children. The loving course of action should be followed. Is not this how Jesus would show love and support?

    May we thank Jehovah, for giving us a glimmer of hope with the silentlambs website.

    Yes, we believe that Jehovah answers prayers and we pray that as time goes on the punishment will fit the crime to those who deserve it. In the mean time, may you brother Bowen find comfort in knowing for those in need, you are accomplishing Jehovah's work. Thank you once again for helping these fragile victims to become strong victors in fighting this cruel battle.

    May we all have the peace of God and may Jehovah bless each one of us as we continue to serve Him faithfully now and forever!

    You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

    Agape Love,

    Your True Brothers in Christ,
    The Faithful And Discreet Slave

    Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia make the following declaration,


    To the people of Russia and of the world

    D E C L A R A T I O N

    of active members of the Jehovah's Witnesses International Organization

    We are compelled to write this Declaration because of recent events in the United States that have to do with established incidents of sexual abuse of minors involving some appointed servants (including elders) of the Jehovah's Witnesses religious organization. We want to express our opinion about the situation and about the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society position in this regards.

    Our organization's leadership - the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses - remains silent and pretends that nothing extraordinary is going on. Nevertheless we cannot remain silent any longer, because we see it all, we face these problems in our everyday lives and we feel confused and ashamed when others point us to such incidents. Thus we in Russia feel very uneasy about these facts.

    We do recognize clearly that the present internal policies of our organization are favorable and conductive to concealment of such transgressions against law and morals. All who attempt to press for just punishment of the offenders will themselves come under condemnation unless they have enough evidence against an accused person - oftentimes presence of two or more eye-witnesses of a given incident is requested, whereas one-man witnesses of crimes committed against close kin are dismissed. Therefore a criminal often goes unpunished and privately continues to commit felonious acts against his victim. We do not know of any single instance when elders of a congregation would turn to the law enforcement agencies with a request to investigate claims of sexual abuse, although crimes of such kind should be investigated by experts.

    This probably happens because the elders themselves, as we know, are often involved in similar transgressions (including, to be sure, not only sexual sins, but also deceit, licentiousness, rudeness etc,). Thank Jehovah, we do not know of any instances of pedophilia in Russia, but in other situations actions of elders are being portrayed in such a way as if nothing has happened - elders being often "shielded" by fellow elders and/or regional overseers. All this gives rise to feelings of indignation and aversion. We have enough examples to prove our case, but it is not our goal to publish these. Unfortunately it turns out that it has become more important for Jehovah's Witnesses to maintain authority of the elders and of the organization in general than to maintain biblical ethics and morals. We'd be glad to find ourselves mistaken, but thus far all facts speak in favor of such conclusion.

    On behalf of all Jehovah's Witnesses indignant with the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society policies we would like to make apologies to those who have suffered from such actions on part of Jehovah's Witnesses. We are truly ashamed of their actions.

    We do this because we recognize that the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, with its usual practice of improper "pungency", will never do it. Public should know that among Jehovah's Witnesses both in Russia and in the world there are hundreds and thousands of honest people - they see all the lawless deeds of their organization and sincerely mourn it.

    We also do recognize that many policies of our organization are not biblical, but rather based upon dogmas put forth by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. One result of such unchristian position is their "policy of concealment" as applied to various crimes committed by members of the organization. Rank-and-file Jehovah's Witnesses are mostly unsatisfied with this policy, but they remain silent for fear of being repressed by the leadership which has only one interest: to maintain a positive public "image" of the organization.

    We do not want to be condemned by Jehovah along with those who stubbornly persist in their delusions (2 Thess. 2:11-12). Having put our hope in His mercy and submitted everything under His mighty hand (1 Peter 5:6), we pray for our brothers that God may open their eyes (Rom. 10:1).

    Members of the Jehovah's Witnesses International Organization

    May those who NEED them... be granted ears to HEAR... if they TRULY wish it.

    A slave of Christ,



    Good Afternoon Shelby!!..

    Girl you need some paragraphs..That is real hard to read..

    If its 2 letters they run right into each other..Making it one huge blob..

    If its only one letter it`s still a blob..LOL!!..

    I know this is important to you,so you have to make it readable..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW


    It`s good now..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • AGuest

    and the greatest of love and peace to you!

    I don't always get the formatting right... or it doesn't always work right for some reason (I had written perhaps the length, but since this one came out "weird", too, I guess it's not that, after all!)... the first (couple/few) times around. But I saw what you did and "fixed" it, I think. Thank you for catching that.

    I was really, really saddened by this particular task (and so now I'm kind of exhausted), because I know what those folks were TRYING to do. But they obviously don't really "get" what hypocrisy is... is all about... and can/will result in.

    Per the Spirit, however, apprently many of them will now, praise JAH! Indeed, we should not be surprised if, after the "new light" regarding the "generation" is revealed, the result is another 1975-like exodus.

    My only hope is that IF there is such an event, ones don't go off and start yet another religion... simply because they don't understand "where" to go. As I've shared many, many times... there is NO where to "go away to"... but only a WHOM.

    Again, peace to you!

    Your servant, friend, and a slave of Christ,




    Who are these people?

    July 28, 2001.....The Faithful and Discreet Slave.....From the four corners of Jehovah's Earth..

    Are they Annointed JW`s that have formed thier own goup within the WBT$?..

    Does the WBT$ know about them?

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • AGuest

    Funny you should ask that, dear Outlaw (again, peace to you!). According to my Lord, it is those he recently revealed to me as set forth in Sections 39-46 of Chapter 1 of the WTBTS Branch Manual, which is set forth below. I KNEW there was a reason he led me there, but I didn't know what it was. Until now. Be forewarned, it's a little scary, IMHO. But it appears that "the Society" has a bit of [an Opus Dei-like] SECRET society within, well, the Society. At least, it was pretty secret to ME, because I had never heard of it until the other day... and it isn't like they go around bragging about it:

    "39. LEGAL ENTITIES AND THE WORLDWIDE ORDER: Branch Committee members should have a clear understanding of the relationship among the Governing Body, Branch Committee, the legal entities used by branches, and the Worldwide Order of Special Full-Time Servants of Jehovah's Witnesses ("Worldwide Order").

    40. Our Master, Jesus Christ, has appointed "the faithful and discreet slave" over all his 'belongings,' or Kingdom interests, here on earth. (Matt. 24:45-47; Phil. 2:21) The Governing Body, representing "the faithful and discreet slave," has delegated a measure of this oversight of the spiritual and material welfare of the "flock of God" to Branch Committees throughout the world. These committees also oversee administrative and legal activities of the organization in their designated territories. Of course, all Branch Committees serve under the spiritual direction of the Governing Body.-See The Watchtower, January 15, 2001, pages 28-31.

    41. Branch Committees are encouraged to register and use a recognized legal entity to carry on the legal affairs of the branch. (See 9:10-12) Depending on local laws and circumstances, a branch may use more than one legal entity to further the work in its territory. Some countries do not allow the registration of religions or the formation of a legal entity of a religious character. In such countries, it may be necessary to use a legal entity that is of a general nonprofit or, in a rare case, a for-profit nature. In any case, the Branch Committee must not lose sight of the fact that our main purpose is to spread the good news of God's Kingdom under Christ Jesus and our main activity is religious, even though some aspects of our endeavors are educational or charitable in nature.

    42.Members of the Worldwide Order serve at all branches and provide the personnel needed to operate the various functions carried on by the legal entities the branches use. (See 2003 Yearbook, page 30.) For this reason, it is important for Branch Committees to understand what the Worldwide Order is and the relationship between it and the legal entities branches may use.

    43. The Worldwide Order is an unincorporated association made up of all those in special full-time service throughout the world. Members of the Worldwide Order are baptized ministers in special full-time service who perform whatever assignment they receive from the Worldwide Order. Each member of the Worldwide Order signs a Vow of Obedience and Poverty ("Vow"), which is a voluntary commitment made by each member. The Worldwide Order sees to it that each member of the Order receives basic necessities, regardless of the member's assignment or the legal entity through which the member serves.

    44. The Worldwide Order provides ministers for the legal entity or entities used by the branches to carry out the spiritual activities of Jehovah's Witnesses. (Rom. 12:1; Matt. 24:14; 28:19, 20; Acts 1:8) Members of the Worldwide Order are not compensated and do not receive in-kind benefits for any services they perform for a legal entity. The support a member receivesis based on the member's commitment to the Orderstated in the Vow and is not related to any service performed or the nature of any assignment. Members of the Worldwide Order receive food, shelter, and other basic necessities. Regardless of the nature of their privilege of service, all receive modest, yet appropriate support. In view of the foregoing, the activities of any legal entity used by the Branch Committee are not to be viewed or regulated as a "commercial" enterprise or as involving an employer/employee relationship between any legal entity and members of the Worldwide Order.

    45. At times authorities attempt to categorize the endeavors of those in special full-time service as secular "work." As Christians, we do have a "work" commissioned to us. (John 4:34; 5:17; Acts 13:2; 1 Cor. 15:58; 16:10; 2 Tim. 4:5) However, members of the Worldwide Order are motivated, not by pecuniary gain, but rather to accomplish the will of Jehovah and Jesus Christ in helping all to "attain to repentance." (2 Pet. 3:9) Even so, in keeping with Jesus' admonition, Branch Committee members and those who serve under their oversight need to exercise caution when asked to describe the nature of our activities. (Matt. 10:16) While we do engage in "work," even as Jesus and his first century disciples did, we are certainly not secularly employed or motivated.

    46. Although many countries provide tax exemptions for religious entities, some countries do not. Tax exemptions are generally created by law and are usually not a legal right. Where required to do so by Caesar, legal entities used by branches should pay the taxes legally required of them, even if other religious entities do not follow the law. Conversely, legal entities used by branches should not pay taxes where there is an accepted legal basis for not doing so. Every Branch Committee should take full advantage of any legal exemption from taxation. (See 9:19) Branch Committees should keep in mind that how they handle tax and legal matters (including the tax or legal status of those in the Worldwide Order) could have implications for other branches, the worldwide organization, and the Worldwide Order. If a Branch Committee feels that it should describe itself, its legal entities, or the Worldwide Order differently than set forth above, it must first provide details of the proposed adjustment to the Governing Body for direction.-See 2:81; 6:52-54."

    See? Scary. Not just the deceit (cautious as serpents, innocent as doves, my eye)... or the hypocritical tax evasion (how many articles/talks on THAT one?)... but that there is something entitled, "Worldwide Order," that folks actually take a vow of adherence to!! Most JW's just answer some baptism questions that they are fooled into thinking "brings them to God." These, however, are taking a vow... TO AN ORDER. Scar... y.

    Now, who BELONGS to this "Order" is beyond me. I am sure, though, that there are some here who either know... or were part of it at one point. Let's see if anyone speaks up. In the meantime...

    Peace, dear one!

    Your servant, friend, and a slave of Christ,



    43. The Worldwide Order is an unincorporated association made up of all those in special full-time service throughout the world. Members of the Worldwide Order are baptized ministers in special full-time service who perform whatever assignment they receive from the Worldwide Order. Each member of the Worldwide Order signs a Vow of Obedience and Poverty ("Vow"), which is a voluntary commitment made by each member. The Worldwide Order sees to it that each member of the Order receives basic necessities, regardless of the member's assignment or the legal entity through which the member serves.


    If I remember correctly people who serve at bethel take a vow of poverty..

    Maybe one of our JWN Bethelites can confim or correct me..

    I`ve never heard of the "WorldWide Order" with in the WBT$..

    That is Wierd..

    Branch Committee members and those who serve under their oversight

    need to exercise caution when asked to describe the nature of our activities.

    Branch committiee members are discouraged to ask what they do?..

    These people are deliberatly secretive..


    WBT$ has it`s own Opus Dei?..

    007 WBT$ Secret Agents?..

    My curiosity is Peaked..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • journey-on

    I'm not 100% sure, Shelby, but I seem to remember the Worldwide Order was simply one of those legal entitites the Society set up around 2000 as an umbrella for the Special Pioneers. Maybe those on the board that have more recent dealings with the WTS can elaborate.

    In order to get out of having to pay Workmen's Comp and carry employer-based insurance, the Society makes them sign the Vow of Poverty with the understanding that they are in no way "employees", but rather, they are part of a religious order (like the Jesuits). This releases the WTS from having any fiduciary responsibility for them because it's all voluntary.

    See your #45 above. The Society makes clear in no uncertain terms that these individuals are not to be considered or referred to in any way as employees.

    But, you're right about one thing....now that I think about it, it does sound rather secretive and creepy, doesn't it?


    In 1990 it was reported that in one year the society printed 696 million copies of its magazines, The Watchtower and Awake! as well as another 35,811,000 pieces of literature worldwide, which are offered door-to-door by Jehovah's Witnesses. A total of 19,820 Jehovah's Witnesses are employed at branch facilities, with about 5800 employed in the United States alone. The society describes its headquarters and branch office staff as volunteers, not employees, and identifies them as members of the Worldwide Order of Special Full-Time Servants of Jehovah's Witnesses. Workers receive a small monthly payment with meals and accommodation provided by the society. The "Bethel family" in the Brooklyn headquarters includes hairdressers, dentists, doctors, housekeepers and carpenters, as well as shops for repairing personal appliances, watches, shoes and clothing without charge for labor.

    It`s definitly a Tax Dodge..


    Why the secrecy as to the Nature,of the World Wide Order activities?..

    Even to WBT$ Branch committiee members?..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

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