JoinedPosts by pepperheart
its the begining
by pepperheart inits the begining of the end for the jws in place of the 200 and 300 page books that they have on the trolleys they had some of the old editions of the watchtower and awake so they have gone from 300 page books to 16 page tracts.why havent they replaced the books with new ones it couldnt be that they are short of money lol
Acording to sam hurd of the GB they have and are going to make cuts of many 1000s of people who used to work at bethels around the world.So a lot of people they could do with out cleaners cooks laundry people will be going but any company needs people to look after the money and the legal side of things and the writing department etc -
its the begining
by pepperheart inits the begining of the end for the jws in place of the 200 and 300 page books that they have on the trolleys they had some of the old editions of the watchtower and awake so they have gone from 300 page books to 16 page tracts.why havent they replaced the books with new ones it couldnt be that they are short of money lol
its the begining of the end for the JWs in place of the 200 and 300 page books that they have on the trolleys they had some of the old editions of the watchtower and awake so they have gone from 300 page books to 16 page tracts.why havent they replaced the books with new ones it couldnt be that they are short of money LOL -
Jehovah's Witnesses: A Clear Decline
by Hadriel init is rather clear that the internet is to put it mildly, wrecking the world of the watchtower bible & tract society.
if not for foreign language i doubt there would be much growth at all.. digital trends and analytics are very real.
i live this analytics world i assure you to some degree you can take it to the bank.
The JWs not only need new people but new people with money -
how to destroy the borg
by pepperheart inhow to destroy the borg .
take as many teaching books that you can and trash them.
then they will have to go with out the books or print them and that costs money.
brandnew im a big picture person and so i can see the small actions of many people making a big change eg if 1000 people on this site each take a teaching book a week and trash it and if a book costs with transportion costs $2 that would be $2,000 per week and $104,000 a year. and in ten years that would be one million dollars. steven letts said they had got more money going out than coming in and apart from a monthly web broadcast all the borg have done is to make more and more i cant see them rushing to print much any more. -
The Watchtower Org will die.
by Freeandclear ini was just reading through some posts and had a startling realization.. the comment that sparked this went something like this: why oh why when i started into this in 1989 did i not research the history of the wtbts?
etc....... i too was studying and moving towards baptism around that same time.
i got dunked in dec of 1990.. my thought.
Money even if they do get lots of people in africa and asia if they dont have money then they can not give much to the local kingdom hall or the www
Age when people get old they die and just to keep the numbers the same you need new people to come in or else the group gets smaller so rather than having 6 kngdom halls in a city you might get 5 and then 4 etc and of course when people die they cant give any more money (apart from wills)
The Watchtower Org will die.
by Freeandclear ini was just reading through some posts and had a startling realization.. the comment that sparked this went something like this: why oh why when i started into this in 1989 did i not research the history of the wtbts?
etc....... i too was studying and moving towards baptism around that same time.
i got dunked in dec of 1990.. my thought.
It will be very intresting to watch what happens these next years because they have trimmed a lot of the easy fat off and they have started selling the family silver off ie new york and london but once that money is used up then we will be seeing real cuts around the world ie local kingdom halls -
Where's Awake! No.3?
by Ultimate Axiom init's nearly march and awake!
no.3 has still not appeared on
has it come out in paper form, or has something gone wrong?
Its just money they are trying to save if the end is near you dont kick people out of bethel to get jobs you keep them in bethel and they go on the trolleys and door to door for 50 or 60 hours a week -
The Watchtower Org will die.
by Freeandclear ini was just reading through some posts and had a startling realization.. the comment that sparked this went something like this: why oh why when i started into this in 1989 did i not research the history of the wtbts?
etc....... i too was studying and moving towards baptism around that same time.
i got dunked in dec of 1990.. my thought.
By what i have read the watchtower org is shrinking i say that because all these branch headquaters have closed
ireland estonia guatemala el salvador costa rica honduras and panama.
Since 2005 the watchtower and awake magazines were reduced by 39% in size and since jan 2016 the watchtower and awake magazines have gone bimonthly and they are undated so that a magazine could be given out six or 12 months after it was published.
Both new york and london bethels are moving from prime city centre sights.and the london bethel will not be printing any magazines in the future as they will be coming from germany.
Sam hurd has said that 1000s of people that used to work at bethel will be kicked out
Making wise use of magazines letter
by Saltheart Foamfollower inhi all, just got this letter (sorry about formatting - anyone clean it up?).
christian congregationof jehovahs witnessesthe ridgeway, london, nw7 1rn telephone: 020 8906 2211august 13, 2015to all congregationsre: making wise use of our magazinesdear brothers:millions of people worldwide appreciate the bible study aids that are provided by thefaithful and discreet slave.
oh dear more cut backs -
UK Congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses
by JWB inuk congregations of jehovah's witnesses[a].
It makes you wonder were all this money is going to £250,000 is quite a large amount