wow is it 12 months since this happend
JoinedPosts by pepperheart
45 Minute Bethel Video about Changes (downsizing) at Watchtower
by OnTheWayOut ini don't see this posted elsewhere, and i don't have the links besides this facebook one.. but here is a 45-minute long bethel talk about the changes at bethel including addressing the hard feelings of people who were given the axe.
basically, everything must change.
we gave remaining bethelites saturday off to do our bidding in "the field" and we give bethelites over 70 an extra day a week off (if you can find any such bethelites).
Over 300 DFed apparently went to a northern U.K R.C!
by Isambard Crater inthat's what i've been told by a family member (elder) who went to one of the regional conventions in the north of the u.k lately, who told me the 300 or more disfellowshipped who returned to jehovah by attending show that the end is so close, just like the final talk says..
Even if 300 people did go unless they start giving money to the watchtower it wont really be of any use because with all the cuts that have been these past years have shown the watchtoer need money rather than just people filling seats
Its good that they had to sell up and i wonder what will happen when all the money they have got fron selling up runs out ???
Is the End right around the corner or what???
by Lynnie ininteresting observations i've noticed when visiting my uber elder cousin and his wife.
he just inherited a lovely home on the water on puget sound from his non jw dad who passed away earlier this year.
so they have spent many $$$ and months remodeling this house to their standards which are quite expensive tastes.
NO NO NO the watchtower themselves dont think the end is near because of all the cuts they have made these past five years
Juarez MX Assembly Kingdom Hall to be sold.
by ironsnake656 inthere are several confirmed announcements in some congregations around the city regarding the sale of the assembly kingdom hall.
one of the reasons why it will be sold is that expenses are not covered by donations.
the hall was dedicated in 2009. actually, in some congregations the elders have not given the announcement for the publisher's reaction... .
I think in a few years they will have some "new light" and stop shunning people so that all the people who want to leave can and in doing so will mean they can sell off lots more kingdom halls off
More Brooklyn properties sold
by recovering inand the money keeps rolling in.
It makes you wonder where all the money has been going,on the watchtowers own website it tells you that in 2012 they sold over 20 branch headquaters from around the world,
Juarez MX Assembly Kingdom Hall to be sold.
by ironsnake656 inthere are several confirmed announcements in some congregations around the city regarding the sale of the assembly kingdom hall.
one of the reasons why it will be sold is that expenses are not covered by donations.
the hall was dedicated in 2009. actually, in some congregations the elders have not given the announcement for the publisher's reaction... .
I think the watchtower know they are going to be around for a long long time and so are trying to make the billion dollars they got from selling the new york bethel off last a long time
Juarez MX Assembly Kingdom Hall to be sold.
by ironsnake656 inthere are several confirmed announcements in some congregations around the city regarding the sale of the assembly kingdom hall.
one of the reasons why it will be sold is that expenses are not covered by donations.
the hall was dedicated in 2009. actually, in some congregations the elders have not given the announcement for the publisher's reaction... .
With all the cuts the watchtower have made these past years as well.I shall have to keep on trashing as many mags and books that i can
The average Witness will continue to follow Watchtower leadership whether right or wrong.
by UnshackleTheChains ini hate to say this, but given my own experience as a jw for almost 3 decades, i am beginning to believe the average jw will continue to look to and be guided by the gb regardless of whether they are right or wrong.. despite all the scandals and negative media attention the watchtower organisation is receiving, life seems to go on as normal in jw land.
it's truly bizarre!!.
clearly, the gbs tactic of mostly hiding away from the media is clearly working for them.
This is why all the cuts are so good because when the money from selling the family silver has run out (selling the new york and london bethels) they will have to start selling kingdoms halls off and that will make it harder for people to get to a kingdom hall
Why the vitriolic hate?
by stuckinarut2 ini am sure we have all thought of this before, but it struck me again today:.
why does the society promote such vitriolic hate toward, and about those who have left "the truth" ?.
surely it is obvious that such critical attitudes towards ones like us who have left, only serves to proove that they do not have "the truth"?.
The watchtower is scared of losing people