yeah ding that's in short what it comes down to.
did i ever mention you were a great help for me thanks! ;)
so in the beginning there was a man named charles taze russell who was influenced by other religions, but yet concerned the teaching of main stream christian religion... he used egyptian pyramids (now looked at as pagan) as a method of calculation of dates that he felt had an effect of christian and human culture.. in avoiding pagan ideas now, there was so much to begin with, where was the change and whose idea was this?
(compare now to holidays in how their traditions affect them> does it better a person or worsen them, distract them, or offend god> is god more offended that you changed a different view of looking at him, then, it is to judge another believers way with their traditions, in bringing something evil to something loving and fun?
have you looked at how they view their traditions?
yeah ding that's in short what it comes down to.
did i ever mention you were a great help for me thanks! ;)
so in the beginning there was a man named charles taze russell who was influenced by other religions, but yet concerned the teaching of main stream christian religion... he used egyptian pyramids (now looked at as pagan) as a method of calculation of dates that he felt had an effect of christian and human culture.. in avoiding pagan ideas now, there was so much to begin with, where was the change and whose idea was this?
(compare now to holidays in how their traditions affect them> does it better a person or worsen them, distract them, or offend god> is god more offended that you changed a different view of looking at him, then, it is to judge another believers way with their traditions, in bringing something evil to something loving and fun?
have you looked at how they view their traditions?
That would be great moshe! ;)
so in the beginning there was a man named charles taze russell who was influenced by other religions, but yet concerned the teaching of main stream christian religion... he used egyptian pyramids (now looked at as pagan) as a method of calculation of dates that he felt had an effect of christian and human culture.. in avoiding pagan ideas now, there was so much to begin with, where was the change and whose idea was this?
(compare now to holidays in how their traditions affect them> does it better a person or worsen them, distract them, or offend god> is god more offended that you changed a different view of looking at him, then, it is to judge another believers way with their traditions, in bringing something evil to something loving and fun?
have you looked at how they view their traditions?
Taking a second look at this and the lack of comments, maybe it might be a bet to condescending to send (I wasn't really going to send it anyways). I really wish though I could get them to look at their logic... shune the sinner to make them come to their senses and come back to the truth. Well I already knew my sins needed to be paid for that is why the elders found out about my sin in the first place... what I was trying to figure out was what was wrong with me in acting in a sinful way, why wasn't what the elders telling me working and just making me go crazy. Then when I was 'casted out to the world' what was their logic to their actions? What gave christians in the world their peace and understanding, and it had to work, no BS, with my understanding of what I grow up knowing about ther 'truth'. Well it turns out their logic was like another match to reaching God.... so now I had to compare, where JW the only truth, were they imperfect, and then the research began. I find that most christians were open to their imperfection maybe for some a bet to soft about things but their logic made since, 'it's between you and God' not 'you man and God' as the final judge, that's why he gave us free will, 'as you judge others the same will also be upon you' judged by God. So do I though continue with my course in life as a DF, more research had to be done, does God or Jesus forgive or is it a course of punishment and isolation that will humble me and then I will be forgiven. I had no encouragement that's for sure, going to the meetings was suppose to be my encouragement but yet it made me feel more like a sinner and evil, them talking about the faithful ones and all... well what about the sinners, even after research in the Watchtower and Awakes as well as other liture I found no encouragement, just your doomed to distruction and that's it... that family and friends needs to shun you inorder to protect their flock. I had alot of DFed friends who were trying to get back in but we were all on different pages dealing with the same thing yet we all were handing it to our own self distruction and I honestly didn't want to be around that any longer... alone again. I even looked up stricked heart I think it was or something like that that the Watchtower pubished online about those who have sinned and 'can turn from their bad ways'.... It still was not enough to read that over and over. I went to counseling and well the only thing I found is that my past was coming forward and the battle with disfellowshipment we couldn't really decuse because she had other JW patients and she wanted to respect our beleif so.... it never really helped. I wanted to feel ok again (I was even put on antidepressiates to just cope through the days)... I wanted encouragement, wither it was to just live life normal or to face the JW whole heartedly. Who was really there to help me but of one day coming on here and tons of ppl leaving me with comments of encouragement!!! And homework! ;) I did my research and after my findings, I see it wasn't about living up to 'God's Standards' it was about living and learning.... God will guide you no matter what. Using scriptures, using lifes experiences, and sorrounding yourself with people who support you and love you know matter what the changes!... Make life worth living in!!
Yes I may not be asking family really to save me because I feel I already been 'saved'. But I am asking them if they truely care... and love me and what it means to me to prove that. Because I know for sure I care about them or I wouldn't be still pondering about this Jehovah's Witness stuff and leaving with it with just a life experience.... it still haunts me that my family are Jehovah's Witnesses and there is nothing in my power to change that. All I can do is not be afraid of offending and not be afraid of rejection. I love them dearly... and all I want is them to see it from my side of the story.
wow after all this years i never seen this stated exactly how i been thinking all these years about my father how unfair it all was!!.
how he acts and thinks: even if he does deny it now as a claim that what he did was to save me from his lifestyle being a crossdresser and i would live happier with my mom's family (what bull crap, he just repeated what i told him that i was fine and had my grandparents but i also felt abandoned by him and his family as well).
Yes indeed when they look at Jehovah's Witness as a whole... and see how they handed the situation I hope the light will shine on the good that the exJWs have done for this people in the organization. Yes only God is a rightful judge. At least let the ones that know their job well handle what they are professioned to do... Jehovah's Witness may do good in studying the bible and sharing scriptures but they do the worst when trying to place things in order, and controling other peoples lives!!
so in the beginning there was a man named charles taze russell who was influenced by other religions, but yet concerned the teaching of main stream christian religion... he used egyptian pyramids (now looked at as pagan) as a method of calculation of dates that he felt had an effect of christian and human culture.. in avoiding pagan ideas now, there was so much to begin with, where was the change and whose idea was this?
(compare now to holidays in how their traditions affect them> does it better a person or worsen them, distract them, or offend god> is god more offended that you changed a different view of looking at him, then, it is to judge another believers way with their traditions, in bringing something evil to something loving and fun?
have you looked at how they view their traditions?
So in the beginning there was a man named Charles Taze Russell who was influenced by other religions, but yet concerned the teaching of main stream Christian religion... He used Egyptian pyramids (now looked at as pagan) as a method of calculation of dates that he felt had an effect of Christian and human culture.
In avoiding pagan ideas now, there was so much to begin with, where was the change and whose idea was this? (Compare now to holidays in how their traditions affect them> does it better a person or worsen them, distract them, or offend God> is God more offended that you changed a different view of looking at him, then, it is to judge another believers way with their traditions, in bringing something evil to something loving and fun? Have you looked at how they view their traditions? As Christian main stream belief as long as they continue morally and whole heartedly in what is good and look at God over things that can be distracting does it really matter?)
Is pagan a sin and truly wrong? In the main stream Christian faith yes it is but how far back does pagan really go and when is it considered pagan? What was considered pagan then and what is it considered now> as a human searching for God out of faith, truth and sincerity, it's a good question (being an open minded thinker).
Does history affect us? Is our belief now just in traditions trying to fit the beliefs over what the bible truly says?
1916-1942 Was it when the second president of Jehovah's Witnesses society came into office, Joseph Franklin Rutherford? To me what I get from Rutherford is that he was a selfish man and very haughty and very strict, changed alot of what Russell taught.
Then when N. H. Knorr came into office after Rutherfords death things started balancing out... the influence of Frederick W. Franz was big in Jehovah's Witness belief because he was the organization's resident seer and long-time student of the bible. Knorr and Franz had great control over the society.
Aside from covering up several of F.W. ("Freddy") Franz's doctrinal blunders, as well as his well-known expectations regarding 1975 as the date for the end of the world, this newly empower-ed Governing Body (ranging from 11 to 18 men) had to come up with some fancy explanations for Rutherford's and Russell's failed prophecies.
Does History Effect us!!
While they have on occasion gone back to previous views, more often than not, as we have seen, the Watchtower leaders have chosen entirely new views, sometimes the exact opposite as before! Even if they were honest in this matter and were to admit their complete failure, one cannot but question why this "holy spirit" would not tell them outright what is doctrinally correct. Nor would it excuse them from fitting the Biblical pattern of a false prophet. (Deut. 18: 20-22) In 1972 they told us to review the record of these self-styled prophets:
Who is this prophet?... Today they are known as Jehovah's Witnesses.... Of course, it is easy to say that this group acts as a "prophet" of God. It is another thing to prove it. The only way that this can be done is to review the record. What does it show? (Watchtower, 4/1/72, p.197)
Time has revealed enough to demonstrate that the Watchtower has a worse prophetic record than most spirit mediums and soothsayers! After dozens of failed dates, expectations and changes in teachings, as well as their life-dishonoring and grossly hypocritical stand on blood transfusions, they can no longer sing this song! Alas! Time for more new explanations!
Influence in thinking has changed why fight it? Going ahead of the Governing Body? Why would it be wrong too? Compare yourself to what the Governing body has already done in the past... they are changing things, your thinking and you don't fight that... If they don't think it's wrong for them to change why would it be wrong for you too. You could save your life! (Failed prophecies, unnecessary no blood policy deaths, disfellowshipment suicides, geepers creepers under elders hats and molesting your kids, money hungry leaders paying off all the lawyers to help keep their errors from biting them in the butt, and mostly an illusion or manipulation that gets you to serve them rather then God)
Jehovah's Witnesses policies: Choosing in participation or in standing firm in beliefs while respecting God... is it truly a conscience matter or is it about obedience? (Holidays, Politics, and Beliefs like abstaining from Blood)
Sins paid with consequences by what role, the leaders judgement\punishment towards that or what naturally happens. Does the sin of one man stem on the whole group or just the individual? (...Sex before marriage, cheating, violence, murder, and stealing, etc.) Is it protecting or harming? Basicly is it doing more harm then good. Who is a rightful judge and who should you put trust in this role> Judge, preacher, therapist, or any professionals.
Do they know their job? What roles do they have in your life and how much control do you give them? What is your role? How do they, your leaders or guides, base their understanding, by facts or faith> what are the consequences in putting faith (your lifes conscience, thinking, or beleif) in certain men? Your life again could be in jeopardy!
How?? Well is it because God may be offended and decide that we aren't worth of his glory or his gift to us... or is it really because the manipulation of man is feeding on this illusion to get us to do their work for them... Think.
Core beliefs and contradictions between wither it's important to God, is it important in figuring out the foundation of beliefs, or is it important as to your personal identity or your life in general, will it save your future> Trinity, Hell, and Jesus's coming, Jesus being God, and Jehovah's name or title.
Purpose on earth> is it to enjoy life? Is it to make a mark in this world? Or is it to make a difference that will affect an eternal life unknown or is that all an illusion that will distract you and hold you down in this life? Reach full potential worth living for... if not now in the future especially in an unknown future life? When do you invest in this things you hold important and how much investment (time) should you focus on giving? What part of life is important to invest time and energy into>> What makes you happy now or what makes you happy forever and ever>
Researching beyond the pages of your core belief... Is it safe? Is it creating unnecessary doubt in your heart? Will God or Good guide you along the way?
Help me figure it out if I'm wrong then... You could save yourself or you could be saving me.
The Love Of Family (literal or spiritual) is GREATER Than The Love of TRIDITION and RELIGION.
sources to your claim will help with proof.... thanks.
these are a few i looked up and is just a rough note taking list so i didn't edit it and it's just done by basic looking through alot of articles and posts i've see:.
malawi-mexico contradiction... when a lot of the jehovah's witnesses were tortured and killed because the governing body forbade them to buy a card whereas the mexicans were allowed too.the real reason for the "donation arrangement"... property the wts owns in brooklyn heights alone would generate almost $10,000,000 (yes, ten million) in tax money each year for the city of new york-- that is if they had to pay taxes on it.
Sources to your claim will help with proof...
These are a few I looked up and is just a rough note taking list so I didn't edit it and it's just done by basic looking through alot of articles and posts I've see:
The WTS filed as a "friend of the court" in support of Swaggart's claim for religious tax-exemption. As I recall, it was only a matter of a couple weeks after the ruling against Swaggart that the WTS suddenly had this "new light" about the donation arrangement.
And yet joining YMCA was to be looked at as wrong.
Coffee_black - "That symbol [on the 'The Finished Ministry' A Helping Hand for Bible Students] is the Egyptian Sun God RA, who is associated with Horus. No one has ever even tried to explain to me what this symbol was doing on the front cover of jw literature at the time they were supposedly "chosen" by Christ to represent God on earth. "
Lovelylil - "Russell borrowed language and artwork from the Adventists, Freemasons, Egyptians, John Taylor (the pyramids), among others to create his eclectic concoction of religion"
either in your neighborhood, in the ministry, on vacation?
if they don't know i'm df then i treat them like any other human... if not I just smile and go about my business... if they choose to talk to me then i will talk to them if not then that's their problem.
wow after all this years i never seen this stated exactly how i been thinking all these years about my father how unfair it all was!!.
how he acts and thinks: even if he does deny it now as a claim that what he did was to save me from his lifestyle being a crossdresser and i would live happier with my mom's family (what bull crap, he just repeated what i told him that i was fine and had my grandparents but i also felt abandoned by him and his family as well).
Thanks Mr Freeze.
He is still a very strict parent and has told me how he held his son (my brother) against the wall by his throat being that he was only 6. I only remember the violence and yelling... his anger back then and how he scared me. But really I didn't bring this up in these post cause it was to long. He can instill fear into his loved ones that's for sure, but only behind close doors. He was abusive to my mother and to me as a child. But as far as the family now it sounds like just his son gets the lashing. So I wonder how much secreticy is in his closet now... I hope one day to talk to my siblings again and see for myself, see if they are ok. My sister (not the sister and brother that stay with my dad but my sister that was born 1990 and never got to see my dad until 2000) is a JW, she's not good about contacting family but she did have our sister at her house (2011) to spend the night and I guess she acts paranoid about getting into trouble, and repeats sorry over and over again for minner things, like taking to long getting ready for field service. But that's all I've heard.
wow after all this years i never seen this stated exactly how i been thinking all these years about my father how unfair it all was!!.
how he acts and thinks: even if he does deny it now as a claim that what he did was to save me from his lifestyle being a crossdresser and i would live happier with my mom's family (what bull crap, he just repeated what i told him that i was fine and had my grandparents but i also felt abandoned by him and his family as well).
Wow after all this years I never seen this stated exactly how I been thinking all these years about my father how unfair it all was!!
How he acts and thinks: Even if he does deny it now as a claim that what he did was to save me from his lifestyle being a crossdresser and I would live happier with my mom's family (what bull crap, he just repeated what I told him that I was fine and had my grandparents but I also felt abandoned by him and his family as well). I gave him the benefit of the doubt because how could anyone live with the thought they touched their own child with their privates... discusting!! I was only 5 years old so honestly it has no effect as far as remembering the inccident at all, that's why I can talk about it freely, to a degree, because honestly I'm a normal person and the only thing that bothers me is being looked at as the broken person who had bad childhood. I had a wonderful childhood honestly, after my mom left my dad, we stayed away from all that and I had the best father figure ever, my grandpa. :)
My problem I deal with: Any who... I did battle with relationships after I was old enough to date and marry. I was flighty then cause I lost alot of weight and well gained a bet of confidance when guys paid attention to me. I guess after getting in trouble with an xJW I then started up my feelings of guilt and shame and then I connected love with sex which wasn't good but it happened. What I'm saying is even though you don't think your past will have an affect it does. I went to counciling and found that out. I came on JWN too and found that out with a retired councilar.
Relating to the topic: But going back to the topic, here is were it's different with other cases I been reading on here. The elders were not against my mom going to the police about this all they requested is that the courts were to be private to public as to not bring a bad name on the Jehovah's Witnesses. My mom I beleive though was too meak about the whole thing, her deep love for my father and my fathers meek act... He is the one that confessed to her about the whole thing and then the court reviled more about the inccident then anyone would have liked Yuck!, regardless she still only wanted him to be charged for the molestation not the full charges that went on and on.
His thinking when confessing what went through his thoughts: He says he learned his lesson and after examining other imates, and dealing with immates he learned that people who were true predators always ended up back in jail and made the same mistake. To prove he was innocent he would have to never go back and prove his good behavior... raise a family and start a new life. (That's what he pictured in his head anyways.)
My battle in understanding: The catch for me is why lie about molesting or child abuse to me why not choose another crime; he said because he wanted my mom to hate him and leave him... ok well what about the evidance from my doctors, etc.; he said I did it to myself and that crime investgaters will do any crime work to find even the smallest evidence to fit the case(in the moment I bought it and it was only because I truly wanted to believe him but the next day I pondered on this over and over and still to this day I have a small sad feeling he was lieing). See how evil manipuation is... ahh why can't he just be honest. If he just say yes I did it, I had a problem and I'm dealing with it. I would love and respect him that much more. Gee I wouldn't treat him harshly because I know he loves me and had pain about the whole thing (I would treat him as I would anyone that had a problem and just not incorage the bad behavoir, avoid him from being alone with my childern for example) but now that I feel he has lied all I can feel is anger and distance again.
Then two weeks later after the side of his story was told in 2008 (I was reinstated less then 4 months earlier that year) I went down a bad spiral again and well got disfellowshipped.
2010 A letter from my father after inviting him to my wedding that just makes me so angry to think he judges me in this way and yet with all he's done!!! (but I forget his in lala land and in his world his innocent)
....Although ideally we'd want to be with you on this occasion (and who wouldn't want to go to Florida?), Your "circumstances" have put us in a conflicting situation and I'm just in no position to commit to being able to make the trip financially (((WE told him we'd pay for his hotal and with 6 months to plan))) and there's still the matter of your Facebook postings in strong support of apostate opinions and teachings which have directly hampered and deeply hurt the JW side of your family (both on my side and your mother's) and have even left your younger sister and brother, who have looked up to you for a long time, feeling a bit hurt.
Truth be told, it would be unthinkable for anyone on my side of the family (Your Grandparents, Uncles, Aunts, nieces and nephews) to give consideration to either celebrate or attend your wedding or reception and their hearts mourn over the fact that this is so, as my heart mourns. We have very limited, almost non-existent, contact with non-JW relatives because they live lifestyles that are Scripturally disapproved by Jehovah and thus have made themselves "bad association".
You know I love you and I've been crossing the line by my continued communications with you because, as your father, I can't help it. (((Wow what BS he never contacted me just once to tell me a relative was in town and that was it!! After 2 years.))) I so desparately want you to never forget I love you... no matter the future.
I hope time will heal your broken heart and that you will come to terms with the things have driven you away from all of us and that Jehovah will make a way for you, if you really want it. (((How spiritual he is to say all these things.. rolling my eyes)))
Thanks again, for inviting us to this special occasion. I hope to meet your husband oneday.
I love you.
- Dad
Presently, my poor mom is looked at as spiritually weak as my father looks like a man that just disappeared and reappeared with a warm welcome. My father is honestly a people person and talks well. He is funny, good looking, and now has the perfect picture family.... well with a dark secret (that I told all you guys about ) And I am well aware of this being a post I can't erase but hey at least I didn't put names on here.
Anywho my point of all this is lifes not fair and I may have not had it that bad but I sure did go through unnessary crap because of the Jehovah's Witness roll in our lives!!
And who knows what happens if he has done it to my sister or brother... not saying he has but what if, and just got better about hiding it. What if his crossdressing one minute then changing those clothes to a suite and walking up to your door and preaching to you... hahaha well sorry I thought it was funny. (no offence) I love my dad don't get me wrong but I also think something needs to be done about the policies, balancing it... or really just not handling it at all... geez let the professionals take this all in.
i am watching this now and thought others would like it.
it has some tiny tiny misunderstandings of jw's, but this man really has a good grasp on the problem.. .
Thanks so much for posting this!!