I think you just gave her stuff to think about... but like overload info it will eventually fade and not matter.... (that's why meetings are drilled in their heads)
Anyways what I found truly affective is just being sensere from the heart... explain your worries but I suggest making it about us, we, and family! How important it is to you! Keep it real... I think you gave her enough to think about as far as JW stuff... make it about you and her.
If you focus on that and give her the space and time she needs... she may come around.
This info was for you... and with you finding the info you did, let her do the same. It just comes down to their personal conscience.
Keep all this info though, it so good you did all this, because when she makes a comment to you, you can use this to tactifully prove your point.
Right now what truely proves your "right" will be your actions, are you happy? are you living a healthy and good life? are you doing what you dreamed and what you always wanted to achieve? Here's where you can be seen as proof that there is life beyond the organization.
I share my feelings all the time with my mom and try and incourage her... showing her and sharing with her how I feel God has helped me find true happiness. That's what our mothers truly want is to see thier childern happy.