I'm a mom and I to agree with wasblind. Your parents are just trying to do whats right and protect you (it's our job ha joking a bet, even though sometimes we want to be the cool and easy going we feel it will set up are kiddos for a good future). If you are not ready to get baptised then DONT GET BAPTISED that is a personal decision, your parents should respect you on that one!
Point out if you want me to respect you and obey your rules please respect my personal relationship with God.
And to you, personally, I think your awesome to keep your discovery open and learning, understand, what is the right thing to do in life... because of that you can BE and DO great things!
You will not get disfellowshiped because you are not baptised but you can be silently marked (I don't think they use this term anymore) in the hall. You only get into trouble... if you make trouble though.... they will talk to your parents and guilt them into disaplining you.
And ONE HUGH SUGGESTION!!! DONT TRY TO GET YOUR FAMILY OUT OF THE CULT... lay low and hold tight... you know the truth you need a plan and in the future when you don't have quesions yourself THEN ONLY THEN you can use your plan of action.