Thanks for all the replies!!
SM and I are thankful to have a place to go knowing that we are not the only far. :) He obviously had doubts before me about several issues, and Sunday night after the circuit assembly last fall he had voiced some of his concerns to me. We stayed up late talking about everything and he was worried that I would leave him (which I never considered). It was a surprise to me as he used to be an MS and pioneer, and I had to unravel a lifetime of thinking. It made a lot of sense, but for me it really wasn't until closer to the DC this summer, that I no longer felt the ties to the org. as it was then that I actually did my own research on the internet.
We haven't been back to the KH since, and we are now awaiting our DF notice for apostasy...
Once that happens we will be posting our full story
Thanks again,
pmgirl (&SM)