Nothing wrong with not dating. But if you do, I think it takes a good while to get to really know a person, and I think you have to live with someone for well over a year much longer, really, before you truly know them. Everyone wants to put their best foot forward in the dating process, they don't let their guard down until much later.
Good read: "Are you the one for me?" Barbara D'Angelo (I'm pretty sure thats how to spell it. She talks about how much more we research a car buy or a piece of furniture, than someone we plan on spending the rest of our life with. There are red flags you should watch out for. She recommends making a list of things that are "have to haves" and things that are good but less important, the things you can compromise on. If you and your potential love disagree on things in your "have to have" list those would be a red flag that no matter how much you are attracted them, you really are not going to suit. Its important to not leave the whole matter up to your hormones.