Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
Something about reading that and speaking it out loud with the image of that monster i my head made me laugh.
To me the tell tale sign of how bad the WT's material is, is that they have to "encourage" their own to read it. They have to encourage you to keep up with the magazines, or the latest book. If the material was so good, wouldn't people just gulp this stuff up anyway? I used to be hooked on The New Yorker, The Atlantic Monthly, Harper's, and a couple other news mags. I could read that stuff all day and all night. I couldn't wait until the next issue of any of those magazines to come out. I still get them occasionally, but time restraints make it difficult to fit them in. Nobody had to encourage me to get any of those magazines. The magazines sold themselves. It's the exact opposite with the WT's literature. The worldly folks aren't salivating for the latest WT and Awake magazines. Considering how much the WT has to encourage The Friends to keep up on the magazines, apparently the average JW isn't salivating for them either.