Then they have no need to attend.
I chuckled after reading this. Its the truth, why bother attending if it has nothing to do with me? It's like everything else in WT land when it comes to doublespeak. The commission to preach was given to the 144,000 according to WT doctrine. That being the case, the average JW isn't obligated to do field service, especially this nonsensible 30 hour auxilliary pioneer initiative. The Memorial observance according to WT doctrine only applies to the 144,000, so the average JW isn't obligated to attend. There's a handful of other doctrines that this double speak applies to as well.
Funny I couldn't remember which Bible verse it is on class distinctions, so I Googled it. The very first result was from the Watchtower.Org. Ironic isn't it? James 2:1-4 for those like me who couldn't remember.