oooo crap, here comes the "shit storm"! Your in for it now......can't believe you emailed her that. OMG
JoinedPosts by goonie37
What response would you give to this JW illustration ?
by troubled mind inmy jw in laws send us these types of emails every once in a while .
never is there any real personal correspondence from them and it irritates me.
i have sent emails back before critiquing the logic of some of their emails.. i will be sending a response to this latest one ,and i would appreciate some ideas .. i know many of you on this forum are so excellant with your words i would enjoy your input .. the first thing that came to my mind after i read the illustration was "i am so glad i am no longer on the endless tread mill of witness logic that has you running forever from scary imaginary spirit beings ".
anything exciting ever happened.....
by angel eyes inhave any of you had anything exciting happen,like meeting someone famous you've always wanted to meet?.
some exsperience that you will never forget that gave you much happiness.......
Hmmmm....lets see, I've met Carolina Herera (the designer) back when I used to model. We also met Travis Barker , the drumer from BLINK182. Melissa Gilbert from Little House on the Prarie. Both of those were at Disneyland in Anaheim , CA . My mom just did some business with Shayne Llamas , Lorenzo Llamas' daughter and got to meet her. We attended the Blockbuster Movie Awards about 7 years ago and got to "see" a bunch of stars sitting in front of us. That was fun. I don't have pics' . I'm not a very "star-struck" person. I don't really see the thrill of meeting someone you don't know in the first place.
Oh, and I guess we are kinda related to Johnny Cash. Let's see...this is how: My sister in law's , step dad is part of the "Cash" family. His Dad is Johnny Cash's cousin. What does that make me to Johnny Cash?.....nothing, I'm sure. But , still , it's fun to say we have some sort of connection.
Double Standards
by Bangalore ina book report for jehovah's witnesses.
chapter six.
double standards.
[As a sidenote, about 3 years after Ray was "railroaded" by this "holy council", another Governing Body member named Leo Greenlees was quietly forced to resign, also due to charges of sexual misconduct, allegedly child molestation. This 1975 GB photo shows Chitty sitting at the far left, next to Fred Franz. Ray stands behind Fred. Greenlees stands at far right.]
Can you elaborate anymore on this?? It is a BIG issue with my husband and his #1 reason for leaving the organization. We are only 3 months out now and we are still learning so much. We hadn't heard about this before and we'd LOVE to know what else you possibly know about this situation. Thank you!
California abductor has JW link
by Not Feeling It inanyone hear about the ca abductor having a jw link via his wife?
i heard something from geraldo rivera on tv this morning.
his wife is/was associated.
It's kinda like the "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon". There should a game started called "The Six Degrees of Jehovah's Witnesses". I'm sure you could probably take anybody and connect them with a JW.
Seriously? You have to ask this question???? Well , let me ask YOU a question...."Are you DEAF, DUMB or BLIND?" Because you obviously must be since you still feel the need to ask, dumbass.
Kingdom song 149
by possible-san inkingdom song 149.
"it is impossible for god to lie".
....stupid ....stupid....stupid.....THINK!! It may not be possible for GOD to lie, but it IS POSSIBLE FOR THE WATCHTOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY TO LIE!!! Hellloooooo!!!!!
What response would you give to this JW illustration ?
by troubled mind inmy jw in laws send us these types of emails every once in a while .
never is there any real personal correspondence from them and it irritates me.
i have sent emails back before critiquing the logic of some of their emails.. i will be sending a response to this latest one ,and i would appreciate some ideas .. i know many of you on this forum are so excellant with your words i would enjoy your input .. the first thing that came to my mind after i read the illustration was "i am so glad i am no longer on the endless tread mill of witness logic that has you running forever from scary imaginary spirit beings ".
Just email them back and say "THANK GOD I'M NOT THAT RABBIT!"