Bethel means "The house of God" or as we used to say when I worked there, "God's Big house" as in a prison's 'Big house'.
We were not actually workers because that would imply we were respected, but were more like slaves or prisoners to our Lord and Master, the Governing Body.
Now if you ask the GB, Bethel would be the closest the JW's would have to what life would be like in the Paradise, this side of Armaggedon. I guess its all in the eye of the beholden.
Ah those GB Members! Selling ice or Watchtowers to the Eskimos would not only be easy, but desirable, if they could turn a dime.
New Yorkers loved us. We were their entertainment before video games were invented. They had the uncanny ability of spotting Bethelites in the City as they tried to run us over with their cars. I thinked they called it 'Bowling for Bethelites' I never could figure out how they knew it was us? Could it have been our cheap suits, shoddy book bags, and the concentration camp-like-look on our faces?
Little known fact: I onced touched Ted Jaracz in a crowd. He stopped and said he felt the spirit leave his body. I was instantly cured of the habit of Masturbation. It was a miracle!