Its a statement of intent from the governing bod to the R/F.,,,, You now have a Special Pioneers who can do 130 hrs a month in your congregation, so R/f get your act together.
yep, i'm the worldly who needs explanations about simple things.
i will appreciate it if someone told me what exactly a special pioneer does, and what a person gets out of being one, in terms of watchtower politics.. thanks..
Its a statement of intent from the governing bod to the R/F.,,,, You now have a Special Pioneers who can do 130 hrs a month in your congregation, so R/f get your act together.
"look at our world through the eyes of suzie, a devoutly religious girl who sees divine love and intervention everywhere.
this cocoon of comfort keeps her ignorant of science and safely away from critical thought, but it sure makes her happy.
if you've interacted with the deeply religious, you've probably met someone in your own life that is just like her".
Not a very balanced video.
Its beyound my comprehension that people can retain faith in God. But for those that have on this board ( and present the reasons in an articulate and balanced way) i envy them a ltttle.
Its shades of grey minimus.
i recently moved to another province/state, after i got a job there.
the sister of one of the elders who were on my jc (about 8 years ago) also got the job around the same area about two weeks ago.
i could'nt believe my ears when i got the call from that elder asking me to accomodate her sister in my spare bedroom, until she finds her own place.
Is it too late to make amends?
Do you really want to?
Follow your heart
or what are the forces of inertia that keep jehovers witnesses from changing?.
skeeter1.. is it not conceivable that the W.T can use the IPad to its advantage, turn a negative to a positive.
Iam being silly but why not write an article on the positive of the Ipad?
" This vial world has created tecnology before Jehovers time, tecnology planned for our enjoyment in the new system is now being used by Satan.....blar blar blar
The W.T has a proven history of convincing its members of stupidity.
or what are the forces of inertia that keep jehovers witnesses from changing?.
semelclad...your reply was off topic, but witnesses who leave there life savings to the organisation IS a sin that deserves its own topic.
It is shameful,but sadly will never be a crisis to the W.T.
or what are the forces of inertia that keep jehovers witnesses from changing?.
This is a personal opinion..... I find it sad that most replys think money rather than "us" can bring a crisis to the W.T.
I think if the WT has 100,00000000 or 600,000000000 win or loose a 1000000000,. money wont matter. (Individuals make change)
or what are the forces of inertia that keep jehovers witnesses from changing?.
Hi Blondie
My background is not very good at articulating myself with the writtern word.
What i meant to say Blondie was the financial contributions of the rank & file count for nothing. (However the R/F believe there contribution is what keeps the ministry work and the K/H )
or what are the forces of inertia that keep jehovers witnesses from changing?.
Wobbles... I think with EXCELLENT accountants and laywers and the way the J.W have mannaged there property portfolio, and other investments, this ORGANISATION is a money making machine.
The Jehovers Witnesses are like supporting a football team.( Bums on seats =the rang and file.) The supporters think they contribute to the club and their contribution is supportive of the clubs success . The Owners live in a world of money and power we cannot comprehend.The supportes are puppets on a string.
or what are the forces of inertia that keep jehovers witnesses from changing?.
Refridtruth...That is why the W.T will never be in crisis. Real Estate.
How can you loose if you own property bought 10 years ago.( Any lose in value is reflective of the market depreciation, the value is relativly the same)
Any selling of property by the W.T is to make a fast "Buck" in a depreciating market. Sell at a good price and reinvest elsewhere at a low price.