What crisis will set the W.T on a new path?

by acolytes 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • acolytes

    or what are the forces of inertia that keep Jehovers Witnesses from changing?


  • wannaexit

    Economics has guided the watchtower. Only when they are forced to make a change because of money woes....then changes amongst the rank and file will ensue

  • acolytes

    Ecconomics that effects the life style of the rank and file,could also cause change.


  • alanv

    As some have said before on this site, if future increase comes mainly from third world countries, the society will probably find less money coming in.

    I believe it has started already

  • blondie

    Lack of funds, the WTS cannot spend the value of property...only by selling them.

    There was a time that congregations had no KHs and rented facilities to meet. Could be a return to those days.

    There was a time that the WTS had outside printing facilities print their publications. Could there be a return.

    The WTS has their money invested in this world's economic system...I'm sure they took a hit with recent downturns.

    Russell said that if God did not provide the funds to the WTS, it was a sign that they no longer had God's blessing.

  • leavingwt

    They survived 1975. They'll be going strong, long after we're dead. They're recruitment focuses on vulnerable people. Do you think there will ever be shortage of vulnerable people?

  • acolytes

    so alany money is the motivating factor.

    Money paid out on child molesting cases set the society on a new path....could this become a crisis issue?

    The internet has set the society on a new path.... could become a crisis issue?

    Could ex-members become a crisis issueI? Iam sure many on the board have created crisis issues in their former congregations.


  • acolytes

    leavingwt Correct there will never be a shortage of vulnerable people. But informed vulnerable people could lead to a crisis in recruitment.

    Actually I think the recruitment focuses on in house recruiting, and keeping the rank and file recruited. And as i said ex-members are a threat to this.( I like to think we are a crisis issue to the G.B)


  • acolytes

    Blondie...If Russell was a true profit he would have said " When we lost Blondie it was a sign we no longer have Jehovers Blessing" I think your efforts have created a mini crisis with the G.B


  • im stuck in
    im stuck in

    Just as leavingwt picture shows there is one born every minute. But ther are some changes that can be forced upon them. Shunning policies are one of the things.

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