The Unforgivable Sin an be summed up in one word: Unbelief.
When the scribes and the Phariseahs committed it, they did not believe that Jesus was working by the Spirit of God but instead stated over and over that Jesus had a demon in Him.
the trangression (sin) causing desolation has a lot to do with the new covenant and .......... holy spirit.. .
after all jesus christ said he would forgive our sins and so what is the transgression guaranteed to cause desolation.. .
made a video series regarding this topic.. .
The Unforgivable Sin an be summed up in one word: Unbelief.
When the scribes and the Phariseahs committed it, they did not believe that Jesus was working by the Spirit of God but instead stated over and over that Jesus had a demon in Him.
while waiting for the bus yesterday, i overheard (wasn't trying - but due to his volume, impossible to avoid) a guy on his cell phone talking to someone about his likely imminent dismissal from his employment.. but he then went on to say that he had full confidence that god would take care of him, and he wasn't worried at all about finding new employment.. then i got home, watched the news, and found out that 4 million kenyans are in danger of starving to death because of a year-long drought there.. so i got to thinking - how exactly does god set priorities?.
the guy at the bus stop is not the first christian i've heard express his confidence that god chooses to intervene and help in the lives of individual believers.
he saves them from car wrecks, he helps them find jobs, he lends some sort of invisible emotional support to help them cope with the death of a child, and so on.. on the other hand, millions of people suffer excruciating pain for months or years before finally dying covered in mud with flies crawling on them - no relief from god in sight.. why does god help one middle-aged guy who's never been hungry in his life find a new job in time so that he doesn't miss his $3000 mortgage payment, but not send a little rain to help a land where millions of people are already living in misery and filth?.
I can't claim to 'speak for God' or answer for Him nor am I going to try. I will say that I do not know for certain why things happen in the way that they do. But I do know this:
The Model Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13) 9"This, then, is how you should pray: |
Note where I emphasized verse 10, especially the part concerning 'your will be done.' This is important to note for I will follow up with this:
Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. -- Matthew 7:21 |
Now for all of the religious people who ask Jesus why did all of the great works in Jesus's name (Matthew 7:22-23) and yet Jesus never knew them, this should be especially important to note. So who did Jesus send away into everlasting punishment (not cutting off as the WT has it written)?
Matthew 25:34-40 34"Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.' 37 "Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?' 40 "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.' |
Apparently the people who are exploiting the least of our brethren. This would seem to describe a lot of what goes on in the third world countries. So is it as simple as this? I think so, especially when you consider the two greatest commandments.
Matthew 22:36-40 36"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" 37 Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." |
If everyone was looking out for one another and not allowing greed, laziness, gluttony, etc. to interfere too much, God's will will be done. But of course, perfection will not come until Christ returns but it should not stop us from looking for ways to do His will.
i find it hard to be content...even though i have a nice apartment, good job, good health, family and friends.
i'm of course grateful for these things but i feel that somehow i always long for something else.
when i'm single i want to be with someone...when i'm with someone i want to be free.
I love listening to Earl Nightingale, his speaches are so timeless in their wisdom. He also published a series called "Lead The Field" in the 1980's during an era of many"get rich quick" schemes. While I initially dismissed his series as another "touchy feely" feel good about yourself series, upon listening to him, he really made sense.
"You will become what you think about." I learned in 2004 how true that statement really is. All those years from 1995 to 2001 studying to become an engineer and living and breathing the information and I find myself doing exactly that. I also find myself married with children just as I kept thinking about in my 20s.
Having a worthy goal or ideal certainly brought me contentment for it is not the destination but the journey. This is especially true now that I find myself without goals and trying to figure out what my journey should be towards next. I'm happy but sometimes feel like something is missing. I like also what my pastor said in that it is not that we are saved but we are still in the process of being saved. I think he meant that we are not to worry about our salvation but at the same time we should continue to grow in our Christian walk.
i'm sure others have done similar topics and there might be many points that are repeated - i apologise!.
i allowed myself to be dragged by mum to the district convention which was a very bad idea... i have not been to a meeting in four years... so it's like staying clean for four years and then overdosing it for 3 days in a row (5 days if you count the total time spent staying with an elder's family!
) - bad reaction!
Uh oh, be careful. You're JW family may start referring to these scribblings as Mel-isms. That's what my wife said about some of my scribblings at the recent assembly we attended in Richmond, VA. She calls them Gary-isms.
The bethelite brother was giving a talk at the assembly I attended with my wife and they spoke of the sins of the world and spoke of only pornography. I made a note of it with question marks and scribbled the question below it, "Why single out pornography?"
My wife, upon seeing this, scribbled above it, "Gary-ism."
So Bethel looks like a glorified prison camp? My wife got an invitation to visit Bethel from her protoge's mom and I indicated that we should all go together. She asked her protoge and her protoge's mom if we could come at the assembly. They said yes but for some reason now, we're not going and are instead going to Atlanta.
well today for the first time ive felt i can finally let my hair down and laugh and joke with you shall see the funny mad side of me too, that way you'll know im human (not a vampire) lol...... thanks was a huge turning point for me :) and im happy, real happy...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
If you answer it here, you would be hi-jacking AE's thread and that would be wrong............... |
I thought the intent was to hijack her thread.
I'll be back, got to go to the loo. Wishing it was a Ferguson. I wonder if that janitor by day, Jehovah's Witness by night can hook me up?
well today for the first time ive felt i can finally let my hair down and laugh and joke with you shall see the funny mad side of me too, that way you'll know im human (not a vampire) lol...... thanks was a huge turning point for me :) and im happy, real happy...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Of course, I asked my wife about that JW who works for Ferguson Enterprises and what did he do there. Turns out, he's the janitor (go figure).
Guess I should not knock the position of sanitation engineer but hey seeing what wonderful careers Jehovah's Witnesses have (window washers, etc.) it did not surprise me.
well today for the first time ive felt i can finally let my hair down and laugh and joke with you shall see the funny mad side of me too, that way you'll know im human (not a vampire) lol...... thanks was a huge turning point for me :) and im happy, real happy...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Someone else has to have some deep dark secret. |
My deep dark secret? I want a Ferguson too! Imagine my surprise when I encounter a Jehovah's Witness who actually works for Ferguson Enterprises around here.
WOW, the ads are calling my name.
well today for the first time ive felt i can finally let my hair down and laugh and joke with you shall see the funny mad side of me too, that way you'll know im human (not a vampire) lol...... thanks was a huge turning point for me :) and im happy, real happy...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I am really a 400 lb man with acne, sitting in his tidy-whities eating cheesies and drinking rootbeer. |
well today for the first time ive felt i can finally let my hair down and laugh and joke with you shall see the funny mad side of me too, that way you'll know im human (not a vampire) lol...... thanks was a huge turning point for me :) and im happy, real happy...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thanks for the reminder about girls, Gary. |
Is this a metaphor for enduring this post? Enduring AE's actually letting her hair down? Or enduring the WTBTS?
well today for the first time ive felt i can finally let my hair down and laugh and joke with you shall see the funny mad side of me too, that way you'll know im human (not a vampire) lol...... thanks was a huge turning point for me :) and im happy, real happy...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Have you tried a press on nail?