moshe: practical advice, thanks. I will certainly consider it if I feel like she is becoming too emotionally withdrawn. I will also watch if a pattern develops. Like, if the more she is involve, the more she withdraws from me.
Gerard: Yeah, I figured as much. As much as she likes to be opinionated and bossy, I cannot imagine her having a successful marraige with a real JW man.
Bourne: Thanks, I do try to see if the problems are from the religion or from something else. When she and I do have good talks, I realize where some of the problems come from. It isn't the religion in every case.
wozza: I believe you are soooo right. She is scared of the truth and feels that if she abandons it, she will let down the elder and his wife, her mom, and most of her family. I've tried telling her that she is not letting down God if she abandons it, especially since I find it hard to believe that God can only endorse this religion as they claim.
satanus: Thanks for the parallels in WTS and drug addiction.
GL Tirebiter: You're right and that is one reason why I act the way I do. Luckily I met many good friends within christendom so when the WT propaganda began telling me that only they show love, I was like, "Wait a minute."
undercover: I agree precisely. Her actions do not seem right considering I am not a witness nor have I ever been. The whole idea of "spiritual pornography" is indeed ridiculous. As others have said, truth stands up to scrutiny.
lovelylil: Thank you, I still love her and believe it can get better.
Thanks again everyone.