JP Cook said:
No Neil, we're not going back to 1927! What Br. Splane explained about the Generation goes hand in hand with what is explained in the book "God's Kingdom Rules" on page 12. The graph is pretty clear. It is really a very simple concept. I think the reason folks have trouble with it is because they are reading too much in to it! If one is anointed before 1914 and saw the events at that time, as Br Franz did, they are part of the generation, then, those anointed after 1914 seeing these events occur, are still part of the generation. Using the example Br Splane used, any that were anointed and saw the events after 1914 while Br Franz was still alive are part of his (Br Franz) generation... those anointed before Br Franz died continue that generation even after Br Franz died. Any that were anointed after Br Franz death were not part of that generation.
This poor guy is defending the indefensible. His last statement will later stumble him when the generation teaching gets changed again which is inevitable. I almost feel sorry for people who try so hard to rationalize bull shit.