I spent a lot of time when I first got out thinking that the WTBS had ruined my family. While I still think that the incredibly rigid and dogmatic thinking made things worse, the more I find out about my family (both those in and out of the WT system), I think that the dysfunctional behaviors were already there. For instance, an uncle who was never a JW has a nasty habit of getting ticked off at relatives and not speaking to them for years. Yes, he "disfellowships" us for all sorts of reasons. The WT just gave some family members an excuse to use beyond mere grudge-holding.
Which leads me to wonder if there isn't something about self-selecting for the JW mind-set. I don't think that's true for those of us who were, unfortunately, born and raised in the so-called "Truth," but I do think there were probably all sorts of dys- and mal-functions in my family members that predisposed them to be attracted to the WT's judgemental teachings and world-view.
And, like many here, I have to take responsibility for what I do as an adult. I agree with Amazing about how things come up years after leaving that show how being part of the Borg altered and twisted my thinking. But it's my responsibility to seek recovery, and to develop as best I can.
Of course, when I left the Borg, I was, as Englishman notes, emotionally adolescent. Since I was nineteen at the time, I suppose that's to be expected!
Great topic and discussion.