Hey OTWO -
Go buy it for JF Rutherfords spirit-
It could be the Brooklyn Beth-Sarim for ancient "worthies"
Hey OTWO -
Go buy it for JF Rutherfords spirit-
It could be the Brooklyn Beth-Sarim for ancient "worthies"
in 2000, my boss, a police lieutenant, was nearing retirement and had very little work to do.. every afternoon, he used to come out of his office and station himself near my workstation for a chat.
there was something about me that seemed to fascinate him.
i think it was my being a jw; he used to ask probing questions about my belief.. one day our conversation centered on sin and judgment.
Snowbird - great post
I am fairly new to this sight and just realized last week what Pauls words meant (Rom 6:7). I have read Romans for 49 years, being raised a JW. I have taught the WT explainations for 25 years as an MS/Elder. Thanks to this sight I am rethinking many things and learning a great deal. Thanks to all who take time to contribute
i read an article on a website a few months back.
i'm 99% sure it was by ed dunlap.
it was about the tree of life being christ.
I read an article on a website a few months back. I'm 99% sure it was by Ed Dunlap. It was about the tree of life being Christ. The author discussed the pre-flood demons and their offspring as an attempt to disrupt the "seed" lineage.
Does anyone else recall it? Can you tell me where? thx
well if there is a congregation contest for shunning i am sure my family will win.. only my mother has been friends with a worldy for as long as i remember.
- the lady in question has terminal cancer and so its a good reason for my mum to be a good christian friend.. mums friend is also mine though i am dfd she never took sides, until now its been a year and she didnt think my mother would be capable of carrying out the shuning to this extent.
- she has lost a lot of respect for her.. today mums friend (and mine) phoned me, i asked what she had been up to how she was.
Grant Suiter was GB member - sorry for not clarifying that if someone didn't know
well if there is a congregation contest for shunning i am sure my family will win.. only my mother has been friends with a worldy for as long as i remember.
- the lady in question has terminal cancer and so its a good reason for my mum to be a good christian friend.. mums friend is also mine though i am dfd she never took sides, until now its been a year and she didnt think my mother would be capable of carrying out the shuning to this extent.
- she has lost a lot of respect for her.. today mums friend (and mine) phoned me, i asked what she had been up to how she was.
One time a few years back, I was serving as a temporary worker at Brooklyn Bethel. At lunch, I personally observed Sister Suiter (Grant Suiter's widow) exchange a "joke" birthday card with another sister. I kidded with them about it and I could tell it made them uncomfortable that I had seen them and they didn't know who I was or who I might tell. LOL
As an elder, I received a couple "joke" birthday cards from other elders. My witness grandma used to call everyone in the family on their respective birthdays just to remind us of the day whe first met us.
An elder in a congregation had an adopted child and they used to celebrate the day they adopted him. I used to joke with my wife that maybe JW's could celebrate "day we brought you home from the hospital" day with our kids. It wouldn't be a birthday, but it would mock the restriction.
There is a very casual view of the restriction on Birthday celebration among JW's
a couple years ago the cos and dos were pushing a letter at elders meetings about being more critical of so-called repentant wrongdoers and being tougher on such claims.
do their recent works prove it.
don't just believe tears.
What "works befitting repentance" were shown at the city of Nineveh in Jonahs time- did all 100,000 plus inhabitants all feel regret. What about king David, the Prodigal son parable?
They were sorry - no proof - God forgave them
a couple years ago the cos and dos were pushing a letter at elders meetings about being more critical of so-called repentant wrongdoers and being tougher on such claims.
do their recent works prove it.
don't just believe tears.
A couple years ago the COs and DOs were pushing a letter at elders meetings about being more critical of so-called repentant wrongdoers and being tougher on such claims. Are they really sorry? Do their recent works prove it. Don't just believe tears. Did they fully disclose all of their wrongdoing?
I got so tired of trying to do Jesus job since our committees always did a poor job anyway. One or two hour JC meeting of personal questions isn't much help to a person. A CO actually wanted us to re-open a case because we didn't disfellowship a fatherless young person. (The stories of the two wrongdoers weren't exactly the same.)
I wish the GB had to face a Judicial Committee for every doctrine change. Would they be honest and forthcoming? Would they manifest 'works beffitting repentance"? Of course they would. They would be cut to the heart. Probably even tears
i have always been taught and believed that, at the end of the day, god is a perfect balance of love, justice, wisdom, and power.
when the ransom provision and christ's kingdom correct man's fall into sin, we will see this as true, no matter what trials we and all of mankind have had to face until then.
honestly, it has never mattered which of the two groups i was in.
I have always been taught and believed that, at the end of the day, God is a perfect balance of Love, Justice, Wisdom, and Power. When the ransom provision and Christ's kingdom correct man's fall into sin, we will see this as true, no matter what trials we and all of mankind have had to face until then. Honestly, it has never mattered which of the two groups I was in. I just wanted to see a hope for everyone. The appeal of the JW teaching of a paradise earth is that many who died in ignorance get another chance.
So my question is this. What happens to the person who lived and died in China 3000 years before Christ and never even heard of a Jew? What happens to a mentally disabled person? What happens to a nice Muslim lady who is confined to her house all of her life and never taught to read or think? Is the Earth involved at all in the kingdom?
'let your will be done on earth as in heaven' - 'the meek shall inherit the earth'
'resurrection of righteous and unrighteous' - 'do not marvel - all in the memorial tombs will here his voice and come out' - 'the leaves on the trees are for the healing of the nations' - 'flesh and blood cannot inherit God's Kingdom'
Thanks in advance for your patient and kind responses.
the recent "generation" explanation redo says that the generation means the anointed living now, and we can still have more anointed, therefore there is no limit on how long the generation can run.
this is an attempt to keep 1914 alive and healthy.. however, the wts still teaches that the great crowd began to be gathered in the 1930's (ex: rutherford had people stand and said "behold, the great multitude) since revelation defines the great crowd as coming out of the great tribulation, doesn't that create a life span problem?
what is going through the minds of even the youngest baptized 10 year old members of the great crowd in 1935 who are now in there 80's.. the other sheep of john 10 seems to fit a discription of gentiles.
Maybe Rutherford should have said " Behold - the Other sheep" and made no reference to GC never having to die
the recent "generation" explanation redo says that the generation means the anointed living now, and we can still have more anointed, therefore there is no limit on how long the generation can run.
this is an attempt to keep 1914 alive and healthy.. however, the wts still teaches that the great crowd began to be gathered in the 1930's (ex: rutherford had people stand and said "behold, the great multitude) since revelation defines the great crowd as coming out of the great tribulation, doesn't that create a life span problem?
what is going through the minds of even the youngest baptized 10 year old members of the great crowd in 1935 who are now in there 80's.. the other sheep of john 10 seems to fit a discription of gentiles.
I don't think the "class" argument would work. As soon as a person dies he is no longer of the GC class - he is now OS