JoinedTopics Started by xelder
84 Lumber Commercial
by azor injust saw this commercial and was very impressed.
hoping more companies start doing the same.
most of us are immigrants.
Crisis of Conscience: December 12, 2015 - 50 weeks later
by Jehalapeno inon december 12, 2015 this statement was made by the copyright holder:.
i am presently considering three different routes to publishing crisis of conscience.
i hope to make a decision within days and plan to publish within weeks.. it has now been 50 weeks since that statement.. has the book been published yet?
So I woke up and Trump was president
by notalone inso i live in the u.s. i had family that lived in germany when hitler came to power.
i had family that was in london during the blitz.
being raised as a witness i was obsessed with everything having to do with the rise of the nazis.
Are Gods true worshippers on Earth today? If they are not JWs then who are they?
by Formerbrother inis there gods true worshipers on earth today as jesus said there would be?
if they are not jws then who are they?.
who else comes close to being gods true followers today?.
Share Your Favorite Shakespeare
by compound complex ingive me my romeo; and, when he shall die,take him and cut him out in little stars,and he will make the face of heaven so finethat all the world will be in love with nightand pay no worship to the garish sun.. -- romeo and juliet 3 ii.
Download Raymond Franz PDF Books Crisis of Conscience and In Search of Christian Freedom
by Tenacious infor those who've never read these incredible books by our friend ray franz.. here are links for both.
happy reading!.
What Songs Best Fit you when you learned TATT and Afterwards?
by Wasanelder Once inthe work of john lennon best fit my situation.
first, i found out.
i found out.
Help Please - Finding It Hard Adjusting To The Real World
by pale.emperor inim asking for you guys help in a phase im going through right now.
im sure it’ll pass but id appreciate your advice..
born in, my family consists of mum, dad, two brothers and two sisters.
There is science that prove God exists
by HopeEverLasting injehovahs witnesses think that just the bible is proof that god exists but they are wrong.
there is another mode for how he exists.
now we all know many scientists who are creationists now weren’t creationists until they examined the evidence for themselves.