Basic Instinct. I went with 3 JW teens and they were appauled at the opening scence and stormed out shortly AFTER it was over. Funny how none of them closed their eyes or turned their heads until the sex was over. I'm sure it was because they didn't know Sharon Stone wasn't married to the guy until she killed him. Or, maybe they didn't realize the movie was Rated R until they saw it. I guess the attendant asking for our ID's, the movie advertisments or the big R beside the title on the marque didn't get noticed. I have to give them credit though, they did wait on me while I watched so they could council me afterwards. That may have been because I drove though.
JoinedPosts by jwdecendant
Ever had some Witness storm out or turn off a Movie you were watching! Which one?
by Witness 007 ini was watching steve martin "leap of faith" pg rated mind you with some witnesses.
he plays a fake faith healer.
their were a couple swear words, and the brothers asked me to switch it off.. same thing happened with christine applegate movie {pg 13} "don't tell mom the babysiters dead.
Governing Body's excuse - "the apostles made mistakes too"
by xelder inwe have all heard how the gb can make mistakes and it's ok because jesus apostles had wrong expectations too.
for instance.
peter had faults, james and john too - also, "lord, are you restoring the kingdom to isreal at this time" - etc.
Your response to my question was by far the most logical, unbiased explanation of the "Deuteronomy standard" I've read/heard since I actually started looking for answers. It's a little over my head because the only formal education in theology I have is what I was taught growing up. I'm 36 years old now and haven't really studied any theological doctrines or beleifs since I was 15 or 16. Not to mention the fact that I dropped out of school in the 9th grade because I was "encouraged" to get away from "worldly" influences. After leaving school I was then "encouraged" to become a "pioneer". Go figure.
I got off on a little tangent there, must be my adult ADD kicking in there for a minute. I'm still wondering where and why the predictions in question came from. Assuming they were not neccassarily "false prophecies", it was still a pretty bold thing to say the end is coming is a specific year. I was always told growing up how careful I should be in regards to how I acted and what I said so as not to "stumble" anyone. I'm sure when 1975 came and went without anything happening as predicted that many people were "stumbled".
Can you tell me what promted them to make this prediction? I can assure you that I was at every "meeting" starting in the early part of 1973 but obviously don't recall what I heard prior to or shortly afterward 1975. One thing I do remember is a trip we made in 1980 to Bethel. I read your profile and thought it was a little ironic that you might very well have been there.
Governing Body's excuse - "the apostles made mistakes too"
by xelder inwe have all heard how the gb can make mistakes and it's ok because jesus apostles had wrong expectations too.
for instance.
peter had faults, james and john too - also, "lord, are you restoring the kingdom to isreal at this time" - etc.
I was going to post a new thread to ask this question but my question fits the theme of this thread. No doubt the apostles were imperfect and therefore make mistakes. Likewise, the GB are imperfect and will make mistakes.
Mistakes are one thing. False doctrines and prophecies go beyond a simple transgression. My question was this:
How do JW's explain Dueteronomy 18 verse 20-22? They have made several predictions, which to me is the same thing as a prophecy, about when armaggedon will take place. The first of which was 1914 being "the end" and then the prediction that 1975 was "the end". "Stay alive 'til '75" they said. None of these came to pass and to me it seems those were a little more than mistakes.
Please nominate your favourite film and say why you rate it so highly.
by lifelong humanist ini've just watched all 3 parts of francis ford coppola's epic godfather once again.
it is a superb achievement on many levels.
each viewing reveals something new and fresh.. i recall, as a good jw at the time, not seeing it when released as it was not certified as 'suitable' given the content for jws.
I also think Shawshank is one of the best I've ever seen. Forest Gump is my favorite though. The reason being that if every human being had his outlook and philosophy on life, we really would have peace on earth.
Just started looking for answers
by jwdecendant ini was raised as a jw and have several family members who are witnesses, including my mother.
while i love and respect her very much i was very resentful of being raised in "the truth".
there are several reasons but the main one is the way i was "counseled" and ultimately publically pointed out as a bad associate.
I did not intend to offend anyone who is agnostic or atheist. Unlike some organizations, especially JW's, I respect other people's beliefs. If you do not beleive in God, or a supreme being of any kind, that is your right and I don't think I (or anyone else) has any right to think they are somehow better or smarter than you.
I've just seen so many of my friends that were raised in "the truth" as I was who decided there is no god, or at least questioned his existence, because of their upbringing. I just think it is sad that any organization can instill so much anomosity that it can cause someone to adopt this belief without really considering why.
The reason I said that I turned my back on God is because I never questioned his existence even though I knew there was something not right with what I was taught. I simply chose to ignore what I believed out of spite.
There's a line in the movie "Rudy" that pretty much sums up my beliefs. "....there are only two undeniable truths. There is a god and I ain't him."
TOMBSTONE - Movie Quotes
by AllTimeJeff ini didn't want to detract from the "favorite movie" thread, so here is a place for any cool tombstone quotes.
hell, there's a ton of em... i'll start with one.. ike clanton: what is that now?
twelve hands in a row?
....and behold the dark horse, and the one who sat upon him was death, and hell followed with him. (something like that)
I'll be your huckleberry.
If you don't get that cigar outa my face I'll blow you right up'at wildcat's ass
....and then again, you may be the anti-christ.
I can keep going but I'll quit now.
Just started looking for answers
by jwdecendant ini was raised as a jw and have several family members who are witnesses, including my mother.
while i love and respect her very much i was very resentful of being raised in "the truth".
there are several reasons but the main one is the way i was "counseled" and ultimately publically pointed out as a bad associate.
Wow!!! I can't beleive how many people are on here and how many stories I've read that are eeriely like mine. What really shocks me is the changes that have been made in the organization. Some of the posts I've read by younger people and others with much more recent contact than me are really suprising.
It seems this has been happening for several decades. From the prediction of the end in 1914, the "shoving under the rug" of the original interlinear translation, to the "stay alive 'til '75 campaign just to name a few.
I'm glad I finally decided to actually study instead of just assuming the JW organization is wrong becaused I felt mistreated. Turning your back on God isn't a very healthy way to deal with your confusion.
Just started looking for answers
by jwdecendant ini was raised as a jw and have several family members who are witnesses, including my mother.
while i love and respect her very much i was very resentful of being raised in "the truth".
there are several reasons but the main one is the way i was "counseled" and ultimately publically pointed out as a bad associate.
Thanks for the warm welcome and info. The "Crises of Conscience" book came up on several searches I did. I think I'll start there.
Just started looking for answers
by jwdecendant ini was raised as a jw and have several family members who are witnesses, including my mother.
while i love and respect her very much i was very resentful of being raised in "the truth".
there are several reasons but the main one is the way i was "counseled" and ultimately publically pointed out as a bad associate.
I was raised as a JW and have several family members who are witnesses, including my mother. While I love and respect her very much I was very resentful of being raised in "the truth". There are several reasons but the main one is the way I was "counseled" and ultimately publically pointed out as a bad associate. I am know in my mid-thirties and haven't been involved in the religion since I was a teenager. I got over the resentment I felt years ago because I realized that regardless of what I went through my mother's intentions were good and she did teach me a lot of things that have made me a better person. Not because of her faith but her character.
I have recently became curious as to why her and other members of my family are so firm in their beliefs and started researching the history. I started searching for unbiased info and found this forum. Hopefully someone here can help me out a little. I've read several things about Charles T Russell and "Judge" Rutherford, some of which are conflicting. Can anyone point me to a good resource for accurate information these men?
I'm also curious if the JW's still publically disassociate (I can't remember the exact term thay used for me) members who are not baptized. I was told they no longer do this. If not, when did the policy change and why?