Did you know David and Sylvia Gibson. It has been years since I visited Bethel and wondered wher they are now. Also Carl Snaith - does he ring a bell?
'Indeed, whether Christ calls his own to serve at his side or to enjoy eternal (but not immortal) life on Earth in flesh and blood: Should not ALL partake of his flesh and blood as part of a GLOBAL Kingdom Arrangement. Actually, the way JW's explain things supports that very idea: One hope, just different destinies. Only those who are not worthy, Paul says, should not partake. What exactly does that mean, then?'
If you read 1 Cor chapter 11 from verse 17 onwards, you will find your answer (look at the KJV or NIV). The thing that is so strikingly obvious is that there appeared to be individuals who were partaking of the Lords evening meal disrepectfully; ie they were thinking more about their own stomachs and even perhaps getting intoxicated vs 21. Effectively, some were making a mockery of the Lords evening meal and were bringing judgement on themselves. I have read this portion of scripture many times and looking at it in its context would explain what Paul was simply trying to remind Christians that it should be a respecful holy occasion and that they should be partaking in an honorable and respectful way. Hope this has been helpful.