Hi Brock, yes absolutely. I am about quarter of the way through escape from paradise just past the bit about where you had heat stroke after one of those marathon conventions. As I read about your childhood, I think about my young daughter. I think balance is the key in my situation as my wife is full on in. Your last book brought things to life for me. In fact, I brought up a couple of videos on you tube on bethel, to picture what your book mentioned. Lo and behold, a video pops up by someone from China filming this very tall young man ' pressing shirts'. He looked so out of place. He looked the kind of guy you would see walking out of a building in wall street! yet here he was pressing shirts most likely all day every day. It just backed up what you mentioned in your book how much of the work at bethel is simply soul destroying. Anyway I'm off to read the rest of your latest book :-). TE