Hello former Brother. I have not read all the posts here, but asked a similar question some time ago. I find that there is so much that the Watchtower have right, but the there are many things that don't sit right as highlighted on this forum. As a result of this, I have no other choice but to lead a double life. On the one hand, I wish to maintain my faith in God and Jesus Christ; as well as my relationships with family and friends by remaining as one of jehovah's witnesses; yet on the other, I can't agree with some of watchtowers teachings and policies. For example, I celebrate my child's birthday with my born in JW wife (on the quiet of course) as believe this to be a matter of conscience. I buy a mothers day card for my wife as believe this to be harmless. If faced with a life threatening situation on blood, I will allow the medical professionals to do what they need to do to save my life, though blood be used as a very last resort. I prefer to simply call myself a Christian when at work as don't like sectarianising my faith. Christians are the name given to the brothers in the first century by divine providence, as written in the book of Acts.
As a current member, I often write anonymously to the GB in the hope they change some of their policies on matters such as their current shunning policy, child abuse policy, conscientious matters such as the blood issue, celebration of birthdays and so forth.
I believe the pen is mightier than the sword and hope that the GB budge their iron fisted finger on many of their man made rules and policies. I am by no means perfect, and am a sinner like everyone else, but can maintain my spirituality despite everything. I would rather stick with things for now than simply throw the baby out with the bathwater and leave. I wont allow men's rules to destroy my faith, or my relationships with family and friends. I hope you find the answers you are looking for.