This Watchtower was one big contradiction. Paragraph 17 said.....
'We need courage to be loyal to Jehovah. Many of us have courageously stood firm against pressure from family order to prove ourselves loyal to God. In Japan, for example Taro had from childhood centred his life on being loyal to his parents..............He really wanted to make his parents happy. So when they opposed his association with Jehovah's Witnesses, he found it especially painful to tell them that he had decided to attend Christian meetings. Says Taro: "They were so angry for years, I was forbidden to visit them at home. I prayed for courage to stick to my decision. Now their attitude has softened, and I can visit them regularly'
Having been already annoyed at the audacity of paragraph 7 where we are to shun our own mother if df'd (forbid her from our home if it came to it), yet they make Taros parents look bad for doing the very same thing they set as policy! Who on earth writes this stuff. It looks like Bill wrote the first part of that Watchtower study, and Ben stepped in and finished it off. Unbelievable!