JoinedPosts by Truthexplorer
Updated online Insight book still using offensive term 'Mentally diseased'
by defender of truth inthey have made changes/updates, such as to the 'genereation' teaching, as mentioned on another thread.. and yet this mistranslated verse still remains, allowing the offensive and hateful application of it to continue.
take a look at these quotes from the online insight book..(watchtower quotes are included as well, handy if you don't already know how they apply this term).. bible words indexed (4 occurrences).
mentally diseased, 1ti 6:4.. .
Had to resurrect this thread again. A sister answers during the WT today; Her arm straight up , almost touching the ceiling. She said that 'Apostates are mentally repressed!!!!! and that we should avoid them like the plague'. At first, I thought oh my...that was said with zeal. Afterwards, I realised she had likely meant to say mentally diseased in line with WT/GB thought control. Also, I thought how ironic her loving answer was, as she was actually correct in saying apostates ARE mentally that is one major reason why earnest Christians end up having no other choice but to speak out. Yes sister, repression of thought is a frustration most witnesses experience today due to WT teaching/policy. Its unity at all cost regardless. Wheres the liberty in Christ? Where's the Christian freedom of speech? -
hey happy birthday purrpurr. just to let know we are celebrating our daughters birthday shortly. we have some lovely presenrs and are preparing a great day for her. WHY ARE WE DOING THIS WATCHTOWER LURKERS? because we love our daughter and cant forget this day x amount of years ago when she was was one of the most wonderful events of our lives! how can we forget that! TE -
I feel trapped...I might return to the Borg....
by JustHuman14 ini have being thinking quite a while before posting.
actually i haven't post for quite a long in the forum and i guess i'm one of the old ones, since i became member since 2001.. after leaving the borg for almost 16 years and disfellowshiped 10 years ago.
you can see my relevant post:.
Hi just human 14. . It depends on what the PO/CO is like. It is he who influences how things pan out for you and for how long. I moved to another hall whilst in a state of reproof in 2002. I lasted about 3 months and simply faded. over the following several years I made 2 further attempts to go time for 6 months regularly.....yet my restrictions were kept in place. Again I faded. In 2009 I made a determined effort to return. The elders left me stewing in the hall for an entire year and a half without bothering to offer me any spiritual assistance despite a heartfelt letter I gave to the PO of that hall about my genuine effort to return. My old PO who I always got on with in my old hall had moved in and couldn't believe his ears at the fact that not one of those feckin feckers did anything to assist me spiritually let alone lift my restrictions. He managed to put things right and all my restrictions were lifted. The PO of that hall I believe wrote me off as an apostate and I truly believe he just wanted me to stop coming. Note: I had written him a letter in 2004 about some things that I felt were wrong with the society which was keeping me away. As soon as my restrictions were lifted (ie 9 YEARS after I was reproved BTW), I said to my wife that I wanted out of this cold loveless unchristian hypocritical hall. We therefore moved into a much more loving hall. I quickly progressed to an MS. However, my heart still isn't in it knowing all I know about this high control organisation. I asked to step down using health reasons. I prefer to stay under the radar now. I no longer tell work mates etc that I am a JW. I simply tell people I am a Christian. I have told my wife I want to celebrate my child's birthday coming up and she seems OK with it. Anyway.....back to my prepared for the worst. If you want to be reinstated, make sure you know your PO really well. Stick to what they advise otherwise they may drag things on. once you get through their man made are home and dry re association and keep under their radar. Hope my experience doesn't put you off. cheers TE -
To DA or not to DA, that is the question?
by dubstepped inlet me preface this by saying that i don't expect anyone here to make my decision for me.
i do however note that like the bible says, in the multitude of counselors there is wisdom, and this is a huge decision, so i wanted to put it out there for discussion.
i really appreciate your words of wisdom, as this affects not just me but my wife also, as we find ourselves in the same boat.
Hi, if it were me, i wouldnt play by GB rules and DA. I wouldnt give the elders the satisfaction. Just fade and that way you can keep contact with family and friends. -
What woke you up?
by Israel Ricky Gonzales inin march of 2014, i was a very active jw, a ministerial servant, gave a public talk, was an attendant for the memorial, and one of 4 cleaning captains for an international convention of 40,000+ attendees.
so what woke me up?
an innocent comment from a co-worker about the candice conti court case rang a bell that could not be unrung.
Revelation-its grand climax
Active JW Elders Speak Out
by Tenacious inhey guys.. not sure if these have made the rounds (tried search feature).. eric posted these on his youtube channel jw struggle.. enjoy!.
Very true in Steves last statement. Those still stuck in are not alone. There are many of us. I very much related to what was said. -
UK TV--next monday 24th aug---channel 5-----9 pm--escaping the witnesses
by stan livedeath injust see it advertised on tv--with photo of our friend from south wales
Cant believe it. I walked into the living room and my 'borg can do no wrong' wife was watching the programme and said look at this, its about the witnesses!!!!!!
It was about 20 minutes in and I then sat down and watched it with her. Once it ended, we watched the first 20 minutes on channel 5+1. She didnt say much and I didnt want to say too much..... but I think she got the message loud and clear about shunning. In fact the scientology lady helped amplify how cult like shunning was which really drove it home how horrible a practice it is.
I did however mention during the programme that what one of the ladies was saying that the elders are not properly qualified/trained to deal with deep emotional family issues and said that this was especially the case with child abuse. She never said anything, so I let the TV do the talking. Wow incredible!!
Brother who works on JW Broadcasting gave a 20 minute talk, said something big is coming next month.
by wifibandit invia /r/exjw.
Christians are now allowed to use their own conscience when it comes to remember ing their child birth? spread the good news out of love? conscientiously choose to take blood if their life is under threat? view people of other Christian faith groups as Christians? allow people the right to resign from the watchtower if they decide to join another Christian faith group? end the high control affecting the average JW? admit the GB are simply a group of men at the head of a publishing company who simply produce literature to edify Bible students as originally purposed by CTR? practice what Jesus said about giving to the poor? an end to cruel shunning? put things right so that individuals are no longer ashamed to admit they are JWs? have children and youth group activities to invogorate? and encourage? end boring meetings with encouraging meetings that reach the heart? etc etc etc. on yeah. ....the GB admit there was no corporate GB in the first century or worded in the bible? that the holy spirit guided early Christians and that Christians are to look to Jesus as the way, the truth and the life......and that way we come to serve and do Jehovah's will? -
Discussing the RC with a friend and my JW wife was listening.
by Driving Force ini am fuming at the moment and my wife has made me so angry.. i live in germany and an ex jw, a friend of mine is also ex jw but does not understand english so i was giving him a rundown on the friday session of the rc with gj.
my wife was in another part of the house but heard my phone ring and so she came to listen, i did not realize this, because when the phone rang i closed two doors between myself and my wife.
she opened the first door and started listening to the conversation.
Hi driving force, thanks for your reply and sorry to hear how things are with your wife. It is sad that people blindly follow regardless. It's so hard to break through. I have been using a softly softly approach to exposing this high control religion when speaking to my wife. I personally cant see her ever looking into the TTATT, but hope more big events like the ARC hearing will come along and help open peoples eyes. NOTE: I am not sure what happened to the beginning of my last reply, but I had meant to say that my wife initially gave out to me when I mentioned I had been watching the ARC hearing. She said I have j7st been to the convention where mark Sanderson said we should avoid listening to negative views of the organisation. I explained that I happened to see that a hearing was being held on the news!! and that I simply followed the 'public hearing' on you tube out of curiosity. She then gave me a look of disapproval and walked out of the room. ...That was on Monday. This was the reason why (as per my previous reply) that I was very surprised she engaged in a discussion with me this morning about Jackson's hearing. ..I wish you and your wife a measure of peace amongst all the turmoil you are both experiencing right now. TE -
Discussing the RC with a friend and my JW wife was listening.
by Driving Force ini am fuming at the moment and my wife has made me so angry.. i live in germany and an ex jw, a friend of mine is also ex jw but does not understand english so i was giving him a rundown on the friday session of the rc with gj.
my wife was in another part of the house but heard my phone ring and so she came to listen, i did not realize this, because when the phone rang i closed two doors between myself and my wife.
she opened the first door and started listening to the conversation.
Driving Force.
However, just this morning, she was making breakfast and she seemed in a good mood, so I raised it again. I said did you know Geoffrey Jackson of the GB was questioned by the commission for over 2 hours.
Well, I couldn't believe it, we ended up having a great discussion over it. To appease her to begin with....I said to be fair, he did hold his ground quite well bringing out the scriptures; BUT was caught out a number of times. She asked like what? I said well you have to remember, these lawyers a the RC have razor sharp minds and they are really on the ball about things. I mentioned how the 2 witness rule was brought up and Jackson showed what Jesus said in Matthew about this. But then Angus Stewart (who I have to say was brilliant) said that Jesus would have been referring back to the mosaic law In the book of Deuteronomy. and that Jackson agreed. Then....unbelievably Angus Stewart asked Jackson to read a portion of scripture about if a woman was raped in a field and no one heard her screams. That the person who raped her would be put to death. The point being that it was her word and 'circumstantial evidence' because obviously there was no other witness; therefore the man was judged on this alone. My wife totally saw this point and agreed with me.
I then explained, so if a 15 year old girl goes to the elders clearly traumatized having told them her father had abused her and the elders could clearly see the girl was telling the truth...and that they had other circumstantial evidence in the face of the father was lying, that they could then make judgement on the matter. My wife again agreed.
I then said that justice McClellan then asked Jackson....supposing she doesn't want to go to the police. What would you do? Clearly, Jackson didn't give a clear concise answer to that question and tried to dodge it at one point.
This again created further discussion and she said something to the effect that the elders couldn't do anything!
I however mentioned what I would do in line with my experience in social care work, that one of the things they should do, not only to protect the girl, but also the congregation and public at large was to at least get some kind of background check on the guy at the very least. Also, if as per what the elders were saying at the commission, they had no doubt that BCG was telling the truth about her abuse, they should have supported her to go to the police or contact them to say they had deep concerns so that the matter could be investigated further by professionals who know how to deal with such situations.
My wife completely agreed with me. I said to her. The society/organization NEED to make changes. She again agreed. Note: my wife likes to gossip btw. It will be interesting if she brings up the subject amongst her very large group of friends :-)