I'm glad someone is out there, or in there doing this kind of thing. I wouldn't have the stomach for it personally, but more power to you...
JoinedPosts by zengalileo
Guess Who's Got The Part On Nov WT&Awake Tonight?
by BroMac ini've known about it since the schedule went up on the notice board, and i started thinking how i could get out of it.
well time rolls on and before you know it, its tonight!
sigh .
Are you sure leaving the JW religion has made your life better?. Lurkers think twice
by mankkeli inon this forum, i have carefully read most of the experiences of those who left the jw religion, i have even read experiences that have dated back to 2001, i have read the different circumstances surrounding their exits and what ensued upon leaving.
for the majority, i observed they are better remainning in the religion than leaving.
what benefit is there to strain family relationship because you want to be free?, please tell me, of what value is that freedom?,.
Oh and by the way, I think that going from "you probably MAY make it into the new system to live on a paradise earth IF you are good enough right up to the very end" to "GUARANTEED SALVATION AND ETERNITY IN THE BOSOM POSITION WITH THE FATHER" IS A PRETTY GOOD UPGRADE.
Are you sure leaving the JW religion has made your life better?. Lurkers think twice
by mankkeli inon this forum, i have carefully read most of the experiences of those who left the jw religion, i have even read experiences that have dated back to 2001, i have read the different circumstances surrounding their exits and what ensued upon leaving.
for the majority, i observed they are better remainning in the religion than leaving.
what benefit is there to strain family relationship because you want to be free?, please tell me, of what value is that freedom?,.
Mankkeli - You idiot!, Imbecile.
Zen weeps. But forgives. There there dear thing. Just let it all pour out. Say all the hurtful things in your heart until you can't say anymore. Cry it out now. It's not your fault, It's not your fault. It's not your fault.
I went scuba diving once and stayed on the boat because on the boat I couldn't drown or get eaten by sharks. It was not a very fun scuba diving trip. I never even got wet. I didn't see any fish or beautiful colorful jelly fish, sea cucumbers or sea urchins. On the boat I listened to the captain. I got a little seas sick and had to take a sedative to go to sleep. I was safe on the boat, but I didn't actually go scuba diving. I guess I'll never really see what is under the water unless I jump off the boat.
Then, on the way back to port, the boat sank, and I didn't have the training or experience to survive in the water. All my friends that jumped off the boat earlier not only got to see the wonderful world under the sea, they also were well prepared to keep themsleves afloat using the complicated scuba equipment. I stayed on the boat but drowned anyway. My life was not upgraded, it was ended. I should have jumped off the boat when I had a chance.
Bethany Hughes case dropped
by zengalileo inlawrence just emailed me today saying he had to sign the dismissal documents due to lack of funds - the watchtower wins again yay!
the case is over for good, never to be resurrected.
a golden opportunity never to be repeated was lost by all of us.
The return of Shirley W the cackling hayenna. Rip and tear. Why don't you post something with substance for once, you shallow b....
Are you sure leaving the JW religion has made your life better?. Lurkers think twice
by mankkeli inon this forum, i have carefully read most of the experiences of those who left the jw religion, i have even read experiences that have dated back to 2001, i have read the different circumstances surrounding their exits and what ensued upon leaving.
for the majority, i observed they are better remainning in the religion than leaving.
what benefit is there to strain family relationship because you want to be free?, please tell me, of what value is that freedom?,.
"Of what value is sharing what is in your heart if it would strain the relationship between you and those arround you?"
Oh you poor dear sad little thing! My hear goes out to you that you cannot share what is in your heart for fear you may hurt ones you love. you poor dear torutred soul.
I am glad my family and friends can share ANY secret with me and not cause me any hurt. I have love for them, so they could never really seriously wound me. And if they did they would be forgiven. I can't imagine a hell worse than to be trapped with your thoughts in your head and heart that you are trembling in fear to share lest you trigger the hate that your closest lovers really feel for you. You poor sad thing. God loves you, you can ipen your heart to him anytime and he won't smite you. There are also lots of just plain ol regular humans that have enough love to handle ANYTHING you could ever come up with to say. Find those people you can truly open up to, before you burst.
Are you sure leaving the JW religion has made your life better?. Lurkers think twice
by mankkeli inon this forum, i have carefully read most of the experiences of those who left the jw religion, i have even read experiences that have dated back to 2001, i have read the different circumstances surrounding their exits and what ensued upon leaving.
for the majority, i observed they are better remainning in the religion than leaving.
what benefit is there to strain family relationship because you want to be free?, please tell me, of what value is that freedom?,.
A lot of you are acting like you have no idea what she is talking about. C'mon, like you've never told yourself that you wished you had just stayed in? I've been there lots of times. I even tried to go back once for almost a year.
This post I think has a lot of merit. What she is talking about is values. If you value a happy together family, or at least one that looks happy in pictures even if some members are dead inside, then staying a JW is the best way to go.
If you have no interest in knowledge and truth and no desire to actually serve the true God, then stay a JW.
If you can sit through the meetings without sticking a double barrel shot gun in your mouth, then stay a JW. (I couldn't.)
If you want to get up every week end and stand on street corners saying, "Get your Watchtower! Watchtower here! Come one come all! (Sung in the voice of Peter Griffin selling back scratchers on Family Guy.)
If you want to go through life not celebrating holidays and birthdays etc. Then stay in. If the Memorial is the slamminest rock party you need, then stay in.
If stuffing those feeling down inside you and suppressing your rage at all the lies and hypocrisy from your leaders, a bunch of yahoos in Patterson, then stay in.
Unfortunately the poster of this thread is forgetting that some people want truth, actual truth, whether they find it in atheism or whatever. It is a depp seated human need to seek the truth and knowledge..
Also the poster forgets that we did not create the situation where family members must choose between their religion and each other. Mother must choose a publishing company over her own son. And daughter must choose a magazine over her father. Children must choose the word of s bunch of dudes in NY they never met over their own life on the issue of blood transfusions. People die siding with the Governing Body, who I remind you is just a bunch of dudes with dicks like everyone else. Not even particularly large didcks either. Just ordinary dicks. henschel and Jarasc had particularly small dicks in fact. It was like, embarrasing to be in the stall next to them. You just couldn't look away.
anyway. So yes I agree, there were moments when my heart was so broken and I deeply regretted all the sadness I caused by leaving. I lost EVERYBODY I ever loved. It still hurts. But I was in prison, and I just couldn't breathe in that cult. sometimes there are higher things to live for that a picture perfect family of fresh faces and short hair. Sometimes the family pictures don't reveal what is going on behind the eyes of the indi9viduals.
To me it is like Sophie's choice. The german guard said, "I am going to kill one of your children. Which one will it be? yuou son or your daughter?" She chose (spoiler alert!) OK, I won't say which one she chose. see the movie. But was it her fault that one of her children died? Or did the german officer create the situation where she had to choose one or the other.
Normal religions, non harmful one don't destroy families and individuals. Normal religions aloow FREEDOM OF RELIGION. That is really the right that JWs ware taking away from one another. The right to have a personal religious experience apart from the Watchtower publishing company.
If you stay you let Bib Brother win. remember in 1984, what Big Brother was willing to do in terms of torture to the main character? They were going to have his face eaten off by rats, his worse fear. He cghose to go back to be a faithful follower of Big Brothger. But he was ultimately a coward on e might say. He gave in and let them win for utilitarian reasons. So the poster of this thread is RECOMMENDING A UTILITARIAN APPROACH TO THE PROBLEM OF BEING A JW WHEN YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN IT. And there is nothing techniacally wrong with that. We all use utilitarian reasoning to a certain extent. We all passively obey laws, not because we actually believe in them but because we don't want to get arrested or get a ticket. we all submit to the government because they can kill us if they want to. We are all under a certain level of coercion. some people are willing to scarifice their pretend happy family and family portraits for individual freedom. And that is a painsful choice. Maybe a lot of ex JWs are so mad because they are not the ones that invented the "Sopie's Choice" they are faced with. The Watchtower created that problem. But those who leave are tortured by the WT long after they leave.
The poster of this thread probably feels a lot of pain and regret. Maybe she will remember why she left one day. But for now she is choosing to let Big Brother win.
Bethany Hughes case dropped
by zengalileo inlawrence just emailed me today saying he had to sign the dismissal documents due to lack of funds - the watchtower wins again yay!
the case is over for good, never to be resurrected.
a golden opportunity never to be repeated was lost by all of us.
Lawrence just emailed me today saying he had to sign the dismissal documents due to lack of funds - the WATCHTOWER wins again yay! The case is over for good, never to be resurrected. A golden opportunity never to be repeated was lost by all of us. A decade long case with all of the elements that make a person want to vomit. Watchtower coersion and indoctrination and brainwashing a child to prefer death to A simple blood transfusion. Doctors throwing their hands up at the first mention of the word R E L I G I O N. The public similarly lulled to sleep by the sweet mention of that holy word that in our society trumps all. Right to religion before right to breathe. How did we get here? When did philosophy become more important than breathing.
How important is it to you that Lawence Hughes wins his case against the WT and doctors
by zengalileo injust curious.
in my opinion it is the most importantr thing ex jws should be supporting right now.
the case is at a crucial point.
By the way, simply stating he needs 500 dollars is not really in itself a solicitation. It is a statement of fact. He actuially does need the money. I am not soliciting I am trying to support a CAUSE. Something that exJWs don't get involved with apparently. I am not working for L Hughes. I didn't even tell him I was going to post here. God forbid should someone here actually give damn about ANYTHING. Let the shedding and sarcasm begin... Just rip me straight to hell for caring Go on.
How important is it to you that Lawence Hughes wins his case against the WT and doctors
by zengalileo injust curious.
in my opinion it is the most importantr thing ex jws should be supporting right now.
the case is at a crucial point.
Sorry sorry sorry for breaking the rules. I didn't think it would be such a big deal. It's not like I was trying to scam someopne. This is Zen (Shawn) Dean posting, not L. Hughes. He didn't ask me to post, I did it because I actually thought ex JWs would care enough to band together to make this case a success. There are new developments on the case. I have been talking with lawrence about his many mistakes in handling the case. Right now the whole story is posted on ajwrb.org. The case is set for trial now as he has cleared through every viable objection. I have told Lawrence that I would not support the case unless he got a lawyer. That is my own personal prerequisite for aiding him.
Please forgive me oh dear God please forgive me.. forgiiiiive meeeeee!!!!! for not realising it was against the rules. I didn't think it was the same as say advertising a new stock option. It's a cause, not a pyramid scheme. Personally I think heads are going to roll on this case, especially those of the doctors involved. But [possibly WT heads as well. There may be criminal charges resulting from the case. Of course I could just be a sucker and Lawrence Hughes is just playing me. Or maybe I'mm just a dumb shit that doesn't know the law and thinks the right thing sometimes is done in this world. But I am backing this case with everything I have win or lose. Lawrence could be a great big dumbass. I still don't care. I see merit in the case. I want him to win for ME, Bethany, and all JWs.
So all you ravenous hyennas out there DONT GIVE ANY MONEY!!! Just sit there at your computers and rip and shred people to pieces. Don't be an activist. Don't care. Don't do anything. But make sure you have a smarmy comment when it all fails. And make sure you say, "I told you so." I am starting to remember why I left this forum. Some of you are like rabid dogs that just tear down all the time. It's really disgusting.
How important is it to you that Lawence Hughes wins his case against the WT and doctors
by zengalileo injust curious.
in my opinion it is the most importantr thing ex jws should be supporting right now.
the case is at a crucial point.
Just curious. In my opinion it is the most importantr thing ex JWs should be supporting right now. The case is at a crucial point. It is about to go to trial finally. Please think hard about what you want to see happen in this case. Then make it come true. I give it a 10 in terms of importance.