Posts by Söza
Had fun today
by iknowall558 intoday i went into a charity shop near where i live.
it was the cancer research shop.
when i was there i noticed a nwt , (the new softback version), sitting on the shelf amongst the bric-a-brac.
Had fun today
by iknowall558 intoday i went into a charity shop near where i live.
it was the cancer research shop.
when i was there i noticed a nwt , (the new softback version), sitting on the shelf amongst the bric-a-brac.
QUOTE iknowall558 -- 'Today I went into a charity shop near where I live ...... NWT ...... paper and a pen and went and picked up the first thing I saw off the rails to try on in the changing room. When I was there, I wrote on a piece of paper ................... "Before you start reading this translation of the Bible, please research the publishing corporation responsible for printing it. It is the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, also known as Jehovahs Witnesses. You will find much information concerning them on Freeminds.org and Silentlambs. org." I stepped out the changing room, put the garment back, and went over to NWT, picked it up and slipped the piece of paper inside it and put it back down on the shelf.'
/Laughs/ Slick. It gives 'Doctor Barnardos' a whole new meaning.
This type of witnessing/ evangelising (or even inveiglement) is termed 'viral', Jehovists have left their magazines in dentist's waiting rooms & similar. && who can look a gift horse in the mouth in that situation - a brief forward. You done well.
When the invasion of the Islamic Republic of Iraq took place on Thursday, 20th March 2003, the JWs put a leaflet or magazine through my door on the 16th Sunday - 4 days prior. The journal was entitled 'Would you like to know more about the bible.?' :-| Pityful & limp really. I was DFed albeit on a made up charge - 22 elders at the meeting headed by a Malcolm Flack (known in Jehovism as 'John Flack'), and the JWs have a rule that they have to contact the expelled person yearly to "see if they have had a change of heart". They do not do this. Their pre-blitz Sunday gesture also infers that i CAN learn more about the bible, or that just before a strafing of Babylon, one needs too.
I spoke to an old guy in Springburn, he must be in his 70s (On the yearly DF visit sketch), && It was 'not happening' to him for about 40-years. Selective bloody nonsense.
On a similar vein to your move, i saw an older tweedy woman sitting in the cafe of Sighthill Tesco pre refurbishment at the start of the year approx. She was about 50+ years and was talking to 3 or 4 oriental woman,- they looked Chinese, all had books and Jehovism bibles. Clearly they were 'studying'. I approached and instead of asking if she had permission from Tesco management to conduct a group study in the restaurant, I asked her if she was explaining to them about the paedophilia in Jehovism? the deeply entrenched status of group denial?, if she is explaining that the Watchtower head¼ offices have relegated child abuse to a 'sin' status & not cardinally that of a 'crime'?, And that their (the oriental women) safety was not assured in connection with rape or a sexual assault.? (I gave named example of who had attacked woman in rape, and that R/glen 'elders' knew about it.)
As if choreographed, The Chinese woman upped & out in sync right on the spot. The woman started to blabber on about the BBC Panorama documentary and Jeremy Vine. I explained that Jeremy Vine was a BBC radio DJ/ VJ, he was new to Panorama, only gives the lead-in, and that he was not the presenter of the 2002 'Suffer the little children' programme' or even anywhere close. She was shattered speechless, didn't have anything to say after that, and i used the exit door. Although i was in Jehovism a long time, 35 years ~, i didn't recognize her, although with coup d'oeil i gathered that she was a Kelvin 'kingdom hall' attendee. Would it not be difficult to get the 3 or 4 Chinese foreign national woman back into a 'bible study' dynamic after that.? I bloomin hope so. 'Shame this phlebotomizing onto migrants' need for a sense of belonging, or similar. The stuff i've heard from the Persian community.
So the pen was nearly as mighty as 'the sword'.? /laughs/