Congratulations, Leia! He looks like a very attentive little guy. I hope you can find enough free time to keep us all up to date as he grows.
JoinedPosts by GLTirebiter
Hi Friends! An Update! I'm a mommy now! :)
by Butterflyleia85 ini know i havent been on here forever!
i still am very happy and researching and reading all i can to keep me from going back.. i want what is best for my baby boy, ian.
he is so precious to me!!.
Free anti virus protection
by d indoes anybody know of an free antivirus protection software i can install on my computer..
Avast! is free for non-commercial home use.
What would the world be like if everybody was a Jehovah Witnesses
by TotallyADD inon the news the other day they showed a young man after graduating from high school went out and got drunk and had a bad car accident.
he was paralyze from the waist down.
instead of going into deep depression of what he did to himself he started his life over and went to college and was involved in inventing a exoskeleton for disable people.
[not this thread, that's my answer!]
JWs and the Family Unit - Calling Maze to defend assertions
by Retrovirus inin the thread about the wt in russia, maze made the assertions below.. .
jehovah's witnesses as an organization acts as a protection to the family unit.
andthe lie that jehovah's witnesses ruin families is apostate poison.. to aviod derailing that thread, i ask maze to defend them here.. my experience is that the jw religion destroyed my brothers' marriage.
For the most part, the membership of Christendom's Churches (or Islam or Orthodox Judaism) is traditional while the membership of Jehovah's Organization is (for the most part) the result of a conversion to a new religious movement.
"For the most part": can you document that statement? How many Witnesses presenting themselves for baptism are new converts, compared to how many "born-in" children of Witnesses? Observing the congregation my Ex belongs to, there are several teens baptised each year but very few converts (averaging perhaps one each year). Growth in the congregation has been no higher than would be expected for the population growth in the area--Witnesses moving here from other towns, not converts.
There's only on organization on the planet that puts into practice Jesus' words at Matthew 5:32. This acts as a strengthening aid to the marriage arrangement.
So, since "there's only one organization," are you admitting the Watchtower does not put those words into practice? Catholics certainly do, so if there is "only one organization," it must be them. From the Catechism of the Catholic Church:
1646 By its very nature conjugal love requires the inviolable fidelity of the spouses. This is the consequence of the gift of themselves which they make to each other. Love seeks to be definitive; it cannot be an arrangement "until further notice."
1649 Yet there are some situations in which living together becomes practically impossible for a variety of reasons. In such cases the Church permits the physical separation of the couple and their living apart. the spouses do not cease to be husband and wife before God and so are not free to contract a new union.
1650 Today there are numerous Catholics in many countries who have recourse to civil divorce and contract new civil unions. In fidelity to the words of Jesus Christ - "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another, commits adultery against her; and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery" The Church maintains that a new union cannot be recognized as valid, if the first marriage was.
No one gets disfellowshipped for divorcing on unscriptural grounds. They would have to remarry.
Agreed about "disfellowshipped", but would there be other consequences? A "local needs" talks marking the person the elders consider at fault, perhaps?
New ex-JW memoir coming out...
by brizzzy ini don't post a ton here because i'm kinda shy.
that's the amazon link (which is currently the most affordable, i believe, but it's also available for preorder at b&n, borders, indiebound, and indigo-chapters if you're in canada, if you prefer one of those retailers).. .
Can someone post the name of the publisher and ISBN number?
Brianna Karp, "The Girl's Guide to Homelessness"
[edited first word on the title]
@ Brizzy--
Great job! Reading your story was an intense experience. I couldn't avoid feeling the emotions you poured into those pages. Congratulations on a job well done.
I am Totally Back Now
by TotallyADD intwo weeks ago i let everybody know we made it safe to our new home.
what i did not tell you the move was very hard on me.
i ended up straining my right shoulder so bad i could not even keep my arm up on the key board to type.
The radio is on in the background, playing the song "How sweet it is!"
Congratulations, and take care of that shoulder until it's at 100% again. Perhaps roll a lighter ball for a while, instead of a 16 pounder.
JWs and the Family Unit - Calling Maze to defend assertions
by Retrovirus inin the thread about the wt in russia, maze made the assertions below.. .
jehovah's witnesses as an organization acts as a protection to the family unit.
andthe lie that jehovah's witnesses ruin families is apostate poison.. to aviod derailing that thread, i ask maze to defend them here.. my experience is that the jw religion destroyed my brothers' marriage.
This doesn't necessarily take into account marriages formed in Jehovah's Organization. A person could have been divorced prior to becoming one of Jehovah's Witnesses
That also applies to marriages outside of the Catholic church, the many Protestant churches, Jewish Synagogues, Mosques, Las Vegas wedding chapels, Rev. Moon's mass weddings, etc. A person also could be divorced, and then leave the Watchtower organization. Indeed, their "scriptural divorce" stance means that a divorced person may be pushed out (DF or DA) for divorcing without so-called scriptural grounds. Applying logic similar to yours, these should count as JW divorces--not as divorces for their new religious affiliation (or lack thereof). Your response is a red herring, a diversion from the point at hand, your assertion that "The lie that Jehovah's Witnesses ruin families is apostate poison."
215 Jehovah’s Witnesses out of 7 million isn't accurpushed ate.
Again I say to you: re-read your Statistics 101 textbook. The mathematics of forming valid sample sets for large populations is well established. Pew showed the details of their sample population, including the relative uncertainty based on the sample size. Disagreement with the results doesn't affect their validity. Acknowledging the facts and working for improvement would be a productive response; criticizing the messenger is not.
JWs and the Family Unit - Calling Maze to defend assertions
by Retrovirus inin the thread about the wt in russia, maze made the assertions below.. .
jehovah's witnesses as an organization acts as a protection to the family unit.
andthe lie that jehovah's witnesses ruin families is apostate poison.. to aviod derailing that thread, i ask maze to defend them here.. my experience is that the jw religion destroyed my brothers' marriage.
There's over 310 million people in the United States. There's 1,178,349 Witnesses in the United States. Interviewing 35,000 random people doesn't amount to a hill of beans. Statistically, it's highly unlikely one of Jehovah's Witnesses was even contacted.
That is not the case, as taught in every introductory class on statistics.
If there are 1.178 million witnesses in a population of 310 million, 0.38% are witnesses and 99.62% are not. A random selection of 35,000 persons including no witnesses, as you suggest, occurs with probability of 0.9962^35000 = 1.35x10^-58, about one chance in 7,430,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. That's a lot of zeros; compared to those odds buying one lottery ticket is a sure thing!
In fact, the Pew survey included 215 Jehovah’s Witnesses. Their survey methodology is sound, and they published that as well as the questions and the results for all the world to see. Their report shows witnesses are nearly average in their marriage and divorce/separation rate, while being much lower than average for "living with a partner" (outside of marriage).
If you're looking for the religion with the best track record for marrying and staying married, the verdict is clear: Hindus. According to Pew, they are the most likely to be married, and the least likely to divorce or live as non marital partners--by considerable margins in every case.
If you had controlling parents
by mrsjones5 inten signs you may have had controlling parents.
if your parents were controlling, click here for helpful resources.
if your parents still try to control you, click here for helpful resources.
It's not just parents. Try replacing the word "parents" with "spouse" (or "ex-spouse", for that matter). The same dynamics often apply.
Those who had controlling parents as children often find themselves attracted to controlling partners as adults, and then the controlling partner inflicts that onto their children--and so another generation is afflicted.
I am thinking about voting
by Bucholz inso, i am thinking about voting for the first time in my life.
even though there is a questions from readers article that basically mentioned it is a conscience matter, we all know what the unwritten rule is.. problem is, even though i'm mentally out, i'm still physically in.
do you think that if i'm seen at the polling station by the witnesses i could suffer any consequences?
We know and they know it's against the Society's rules, but they call it a "conscience matter" for legal reasons. Here's an example of why they do so, from the state of New Jersey:
19:34-29. Obstructing or interfering with voter
No person shall by abduction, duress or any forcible or fraudulent device or contrivance whatever, impede, prevent or otherwise interfere with the free exercise of the elective franchise by any voter; or compel, induce or prevail upon any voter either to vote or refrain from voting at any election, or to vote or refrain from voting for any particular person or persons at any election.As usual their lawyers are on duty, making sure the publications remind you of what your conscience is supposed to tell you to do, without putting the rules in writing. "Plausible deniability".