Whatever card you get, remember this fundamental rule: If you won't still have and still be using something for longer than it takes to pay it off, then don't make time payments on it. You are only digging yourself in deeper that way. Find a way to pay as you go; be honest with yourself about which things you really need and what you can do without.
If you get a gasoline company credit card, pay it off in full every month--no exceptions. If you use a card at the grocery store, same thing. The gas will be burnt and the food eaten long before you finish making those "low monthly payments". If you aren't going to keep a car longer than five years, don't take out a five year loan to buy it--lower your expectations and get something you can afford to pay off in less time, so you don't have more payments to make when the time comes to replace it.
Don't succumb to the temptation to have it all--that only benefits the lenders who want to collect 18% compounded interest on everything you buy.