He is also banned ... from carrying out work at any school or voluntary organisation.
Hmm, would that include "service"?
paul wood, 40, assaulted the girls, aged between 10 and 15, at his home, in a car and at a disused airfield.. wood, of station road, woodville, was found guilty of nine indecent assaults but cleared of a rape allegation made by one of the girls.. the sex offender, who committed his crimes while living in suffolk in the 1990s, claimed his two victims had made up' their evidence.. judge david goodin, sentencing at ipswich crown court, said: "you were a young man but they are most serious offences.".
prosecutors claimed during wood's trial last year he had forced himself on the underage girls in sudbury, suffolk, between 1993 and 1998.. steven dyble, defending, told the court wood was a man of previous good character who had done his best to live an industrious life'.. wood's last offence was committed in 1998. mr dyble said: "during the last 14 years, there has been no suggestion of any inappropriate behaviour.".
He is also banned ... from carrying out work at any school or voluntary organisation.
Hmm, would that include "service"?
this is an interesting quote from the april 15 study edition tower page 17 par 15. .
if satan succeeded in reducing 100-watt.
heartfelt zeal for jehovahs service to.
The Noo Lite is just a CFL?
just curious about what others think about it.
i never set up timeline, as i felt it was too intrusive.
facebook is now telling us they will set up your timeline whether you like it or not- everyone is getting it..
They act as though they own the people who use FB rather than providing a service.
As far as they're concerned, they do own you (at least, everything you do on their site). They provide a product (information about you) to their customers (advertisers). When you remember that, the things that Zuckerberg does to Facebook users makes sense!
my jw boyfriend says this all the time whenever i'm venting about life and some of its disappointments, career aspirations and how hard they are to make happen sometimes, problems with friends/family, or just random stuff that gets to me.
i'm not a negative person or anything; i only get moody occasionally.
i am a woman; it's kind of required.
"You won't find happiness in this world, and you shouldn't look for it."
That's a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you're so convinced that you will be miserable that you don't even try to do something about it, you will indeed find nothing but misery. But when you're seeking the good in a bad situation, just making the effort improves your disposition. On one hand there is despair; on the other hope. Where in the Bible does it say "Doubt, despair and loathing: these three remain"?
i really have nothing much more to say, except to say thank you to all the people who have contributed to me in my threads and all the people whom i battled over the years.
the battles have been most entertaining and enlightening.
i've learned a great deal from them, and i've laughed a great deal from the idiotic attempts of fools to make a coherent argument (think "dubs").. it's been a roller-coaster ride for me over a decade and it has consumed a huge amount of my time.
Reading posts from you and other thinking folks has been more help than you could ever imagine. Thank you, Farkel--live well!
i got all of my credit scores yesterday and it turns out i have a low credit score because i have almost no debt and haven't had a credit card in years.. i need to get a card to build some debt and all that good stuff.
should i go for miles, cashback, something else?.
Whatever card you get, remember this fundamental rule: If you won't still have and still be using something for longer than it takes to pay it off, then don't make time payments on it. You are only digging yourself in deeper that way. Find a way to pay as you go; be honest with yourself about which things you really need and what you can do without.
If you get a gasoline company credit card, pay it off in full every month--no exceptions. If you use a card at the grocery store, same thing. The gas will be burnt and the food eaten long before you finish making those "low monthly payments". If you aren't going to keep a car longer than five years, don't take out a five year loan to buy it--lower your expectations and get something you can afford to pay off in less time, so you don't have more payments to make when the time comes to replace it.
Don't succumb to the temptation to have it all--that only benefits the lenders who want to collect 18% compounded interest on everything you buy.
i note a lot of recent news about sopa and both sides of the story.. i hope this will not turn into a debate about it or its legalities or the constitution, it's about the effect of it itself.. mixed in no doubt is a large amount of speculation from both sides as to how it will or will not work and the 'freedoms' under threat.
i beleive the concept of protecting intelectual property etc is fine, as i want the same protection for my artwork etc, but i gather this bill may go to far as it were.... many feel it will adversely effect the internet in as diverse ways as making sites shut down either by force in in self protection such as etsy, flickr, utube, wikipedia and social networking sites.. is it all being blown out of proportion?.
do we as an online community very used to posting, cut n paste, links etc face the risk of simon having to pull the pin?.
It would have a chilling effect on free speech. The consequences for being accused of a violation and the difficulty of clearing yourself will lead to extensive self-censorship, especially if the use is legal, but causes somebody else discomfort (fair use quotations of WTBTS publications, for example). Even those with the resources and the will to mount a vigorous defense could fall victim to death by a thousand cuts--being hit with so many claims against them that it would be impossible to respond to them all.
i was reading this thread, http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/members/private/220730/1/had-my-jc-today-oh-sugar, and morbidzbaby mentioned their husband confessed to uncleaness because he did not feel he was getting blessed by jehovah.
however, blessings did not increase after the confession.. it made me wonder about the whole idea of confessing so that you do not loose jehovah's blessing.
when i was in bethel i confessed about a couple of menial things.
If the confession is voluntary, there is a good chance for spiritual improvement. That can lead to genuine, personal admission of what you have done, why you did it, and a determination to stop doing it.
When the confession is coerced, not only is such an internal personal conversion unlikely, but also it is likely that the target of the interrogators will become hardened against making any meaningful changes in outlook and behavior (other than "Next time, don't get caught", perhaps). Intimidation breeds contempt; respect leads to cooperation. The WT seems to not understand this.
i hope this is the correct category..... since pets are kinda sorta like "family", anyway..... a friend of mine (who lives about 25 miles away, in the center of the city) recently lost her beloved six-year-old spayed female daschund doggie under very tragic circumstances.. her other dog, an eight-year-old neutered male daschund, has been inconsolable since her loss.
so my friend decided to adopt another small dog - a spayed female daschund - one that was rescued from a breeder..... this poor little dog has lived in a cage for her entire life!!!
all six years of her life - in what was, in effect, a doggie concentration camp.... she is not "socialized" in any way, shape or form.
When the puppy is a bit more comfortable to "Tammy" and their other dog, she should consider a dog socialization class. We've used one the local humane society offers. It's mainly for newly adopted puppies, but older dogs can benefit too. They taught much to both the dog and the owner, and the price was reasonable.
she is taking care of herself and is feeling better.
she said to say that she appreciates everyones well wishes (she drops in frequently) and will post when she is up to it.. .
I'm glad to hear Sylvia is doing better. I hope we'll be hearing from her soon!