Difficult to understand, while much in need of our understanding.
JoinedPosts by GLTirebiter
Jehovah's Witnesses Are----(fill in the blank)
by minimus injehovah's witnesses are what???
this should be fun!.
Thinking of becoming a JW.
by Kate82 inhi,.
i am new to here so please be bear with me.. i have always believed in god, but was never baptised, my parents wanted me to make up my own mind religon wise.. i am thinking of becoming a jw and am just needing some advice on how to do this, bible study and jw beliefs.
also do jw say grace and how.. i am greatful of any help.. thanks.
do JW say grace and how
Some I have known do, some don't. One former brother-in-law did so in the company cafeteria, but silently: you wouldn't know if he was JW, Protestant, Catholic, Muslim or Jewish, only that he was praying silently.
When said aloud, such as at congregation "get-togethers" or big family dinners, I noticed that the prayer before meals was only partly about giving thanks for "our daily bread", and always included a long mention of the congregation, etc. Also, no Witness I have known called it "grace": that's too much like what "worldly" people following "christendom" do. It was "Will brother Smith lead us in prayer", never "Will sister Jones please say grace". The genders in those statements was deliberate; I don't recall a woman witness ever leading a prayer.
BTW, they usually won't say "JW". They refer to themselves "Witnesses", "the brothers", "the sisters", "the friends", "the truth", "the society", etc.: insiders' language.
10 Things You'll Never Hear at a Kingdom Hall
by Scully in(originally posted by armageddon1975 on yahoogroups).
"a donation to a charity.
good idea.".
"Remember: blood represents life, and 'Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.' Please sign up to 'lay down your life' at our congregation blood drive, right here in the Kingdom Hall at 9 o'clock this Saturday!"
In Jehovah's Witnesses- Elders Have Rights- other JW's Don't- 10/15 WT
by flipper inin the 10/15 watchtower study edition on pg.
12 is the article " what kind of spirit do you show ?
" right away this article starts drawing the line of demarcation in the sand between who has the right to make decisions within jehovah's witnesses and who does not have the right to do so.
This could be likened to a patient who loses out on the benefits of a treatment because he does not like something about the doctors
The benefits of intravenous treatment with a unit of O- ?
In Jehovah's Witnesses- Elders Have Rights- other JW's Don't- 10/15 WT
by flipper inin the 10/15 watchtower study edition on pg.
12 is the article " what kind of spirit do you show ?
" right away this article starts drawing the line of demarcation in the sand between who has the right to make decisions within jehovah's witnesses and who does not have the right to do so.
some individuals ... have refused to appear before a committee of elders assigned to help them.
Those who came to Jesus for counseling and forgiveness came of their own volition. He taught, He called to conversion, but He did not compel anybody to appear before Him. Repentance comes from within, not from the demands of a committee.
Outlaw picture caption contest!
by moshe in-outlaw doesn't get too many visitors to his place out on the canadian wilderness, so can you come up with good captions for this visitor to outlaw's playground?
outlaw- send me a pm with the caption you think is the best one-- have fun everyone.
i will repost the winning picture just as soon as outlaw makes his pick.. .
"Such wonderful provisions from Bear-hovah!"
"I thought he wanted spiritual food!"
Outlaw picture caption contest!
by moshe in-outlaw doesn't get too many visitors to his place out on the canadian wilderness, so can you come up with good captions for this visitor to outlaw's playground?
outlaw- send me a pm with the caption you think is the best one-- have fun everyone.
i will repost the winning picture just as soon as outlaw makes his pick.. .
"Get out of my yard!"
"Where's that big strong angel guy?"
10 Things You'll Never Hear at a Kingdom Hall
by Scully in(originally posted by armageddon1975 on yahoogroups).
"a donation to a charity.
good idea.".
"...baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost"
(Matthew 28:19, KJV)
I'm Extremely Sad
by JetSetter ini've never written on this site.
i've been inactive for about 6 years and glad i'm out.. i'm in my late 40's.
so about 2 years ago, i go on facebook and looked up this brother i use to like when i was in my 20's he was a bethelite.
just because someone was a JW in the past doesn't mean they can't loose all the moral decency they use to have
That assumes they ever had moral decency in the first place. Liars and hypocrites are found everywhere; putting on a good act for outward appearances is their game.
You gave him a second chance, and a third, and then some. He blew them all. If you keep doing the same thing, it will not get better.
Solving the riddle of 666!
by wannabe insolving the riddle of 666!.
one is easily thrown off track, if while reading revelation 13:18, he/she begins by believing that this following scripture is talking about every man alive ever since the creation of adam; for such is not the case at all; but is talking about only one single individual.
this man in question, is obviously a marked man according to revelation 13:17!.
Even the Roman Empire is a kind of abstraction and the writer of Revelation zeroes in on a particular man, whom he is reluctant to name--perhaps because if he were to do so, he would be subject to the charge of treason and the punishment of execution. Cautiously he identifies the man in such a way that his more knowledgeable readers will know exactly whom he means and yet the law will not be able to touch him...
Commentators have considered virtually every possible candidate for the beast and the one most frequently mentioned is Nero.
(Asimov's Guide to the Bible, pg 551, Avenel Books, 1981)
Jgnat: Asimov also discussed 666 vs. 616, which he says can be attributed to an alternative spelling.