But this year City Councilors say they want to see more outreach into the community.
Carte blanche to ring every doorbell in the city: just what they always wanted!
city contributes $150,000 to jehovahs witnesses convention .
by ariella montioctober 22, 2012 | posted in: city council, news, the latest | 0 responsesduring a closed session a month ago raleigh city councilors approved a $150,000 contribution to the christian congregation of jehovahs witnesses convention that will be held next year at the pnc arena.. the city has been contributing money toward the event since it first came to raleigh seven years ago.. this is not new, said city manager russell allen.
he said the event has been built into the citys annual budget for awhile.. the approval came during a closed session after the regular sept. 18 city council meeting.
But this year City Councilors say they want to see more outreach into the community.
Carte blanche to ring every doorbell in the city: just what they always wanted!
jehovah's witnesses do not break up families.
members who refuse to become or remain jehovah's witnesses... break up families.. really, you apostates have such a distorted perception of reality.. .
I don't know if the rest of the posters showed up stupid or lost their minds due to prolonged exposure to all the hate-filled rhetoric so abundant around here.
My intent was satiric: a statement of facts by means of sarcasm and ridicule.
i'm flyin' high right about now !
my san francisco giants came back beat cincinnati 3 games to 2 after being down 2-0 and tonight they came back and beat st. louis 4 games to 3 after being down 3-1 !
and we had tornados in northern california in a powerful storm while this was going down tonight !
After that come-back, I'm betting on the Giants. You can't hold those guys down!
jehovah's witnesses do not break up families.
members who refuse to become or remain jehovah's witnesses... break up families.. really, you apostates have such a distorted perception of reality.. .
...but they are pretty clueless about how to hold one together!
why not just let people leave honorably?
what would it hurt?
i don't get it......
Because they follow in the footsteps of a noteworthy Old testament figure: Ramses!
Thus said the LORD God of the Hebrews, Let my people go, that they may serve me.
(Exodus 9:1)
(this is the story of a man who, due to economically hard times, accepted a job as an internet disinformation shill.
after only 6 months, he resigned.
he was no longer was able to look himself in the mirror.
To clarify, what I said refers to the author of the quoted article--not to NoStoneCutters.
(this is the story of a man who, due to economically hard times, accepted a job as an internet disinformation shill.
after only 6 months, he resigned.
he was no longer was able to look himself in the mirror.
An interesting article. The irony is, can you trust a tell-all article written by somebody claiming to be a reformed paid liar? IOW, is the quoted article itself the work of a paid shill trying to score brownie points with the moderators? We have no way to know!
how sad......
i am new to here so please be bear with me.. i have always believed in god, but was never baptised, my parents wanted me to make up my own mind religon wise.. i am thinking of becoming a jw and am just needing some advice on how to do this, bible study and jw beliefs.
also do jw say grace and how.. i am greatful of any help.. thanks.
I am still struggling with my depression and guess im looking for a loving "family" to help me through.
Please recognize that you are in a vulnerable position right now, and avoid making decisions you may regret later. You could be influenced by what is called "love bombing", responding to the attention you receive. By this I don't mean to imply bad faith; it is the combination of new-found attention and your vulnerable emotional state making you react to attention in a ways that do not reflect your true self
When you are hurting inside and need somebody to talk to, it's too easy to deny your doubts just to maintain the relationship with your new companion. Stay aware of what is best for your long-term interest, and strong enough to follow that path.
Good luck to you, Kate, and welcome aboard!
my father passed around 9 this morning.
he'd been in poor health for some time, but it still comes as a shock to have him gone.
we are going to miss him terribly.
Jeff, I am sorry for your loss. Your father made a real difference in the world. All of us are better off becaise of his accomplishments.